Source code for scheduler.submission

"""Job submission setup."""
import shutil
import os
import subprocess
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import logging

[docs]class EcflowSubmitTask(object): """Submit class for ecflow.""" def __init__(self, task, env_submit, server, joboutdir, stream=None, dbfile=None, interpreter="#!/usr/bin/env python3", ensmbr=None, submit_exceptions=None, coldstart=False, env_file=None): """Construct a ecflow submission task. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task env_submit (_type_): _description_ server (scheduler.Server): Server joboutdir (_type_): _description_ stream (int, optional): Stream. Defaults to None. dbfile (str, optional): Data base for monitoring. Defaults to None. interpreter (str, optional): Python interpreter. Defaults to "#!/usr/bin/env python3". ensmbr (str, optional): Ensemble member. Defaults to None. submit_exceptions (dict, optional): Task submission exceptions. Defaults to None. coldstart (bool, optional): Cold start. Defaults to False. env_file (str, optional): Environment file. Defaults to None. """ self.task = task self.env_file = env_file self.ecflow_server = server self.coldstart = coldstart self.ensmbr = ensmbr if self.ensmbr is not None: if ensmbr < 0: self.ensmbr = None self.db_file = dbfile = stream self.complete = False self.debug = True # Parse Env_submit self.task_settings = TaskSettings(self.task, env_submit, joboutdir, interpreter=interpreter, submit_exceptions=submit_exceptions, coldstart=False) self.sub = get_submission_object(self.task, self.task_settings, self.ecflow_server, db_file=self.db_file)
[docs] def write_header(self, file_handler): """Write header to file handler. Args: file_handler (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ file_handler.write(self.task_settings.interpreter + "\n") if self.task_settings.header is not None: file_handler.write("\n# Batch commands\n") # Loop twice, first comments (likely to be batch commands) for setting, value in self.task_settings.header.items(): value = str(value) if value.find("#") >= 0: # print(str(self.header[setting])) file_handler.write(str(self.task_settings.header[setting]) + "\n") # Host environment if self.env_file is not None: file_handler.write("\n# Host specific environment settings in python syntax:\n") with open(self.env_file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fh_env: for line in fh_env.readlines(): file_handler.write(line) fh_env.close() file_handler.write("\n# Task specific settings:\n") for setting, value in self.task_settings.header.items(): value = str(value) if value.find("#") < 0: # print(str(self.header[setting])) file_handler.write(str(value) + "\n") wrapper = "" if self.task_settings.wrapper is not None: wrapper = str(self.task_settings.wrapper) file_handler.write("\n#Python script:\n") return wrapper,
[docs] def write_trailer(self, file_handler): """Write trailer in job file. Args: file_handler (_type_): _description_ """ if self.task_settings.trailer is not None: for value in self.task_settings.trailer.values(): file_handler.write(str(value) + "\n")
[docs] def write_job(self): """Write job file.""""Job file: %s", self.task_settings.ecf_job) ecf_job = self.task_settings.ecf_job fname = ecf_job + ".tmp" shutil.move(ecf_job, fname) with open(ecf_job, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: wrapper, host = self.write_header(file_handler) with open(fname, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as job_fh: for line in job_fh.readlines(): line = line.replace("@WRAPPER_TO_BE_SUBSTITUTED@", wrapper) line = line.replace("@HOST_TO_BE_SUBSTITUTED@", host) file_handler.write(line) self.write_trailer(file_handler) os.system("chmod u+x " + ecf_job)
[docs] def submit(self): """Sumit task.""" try: if "OUTPUT" not in self.task_settings.header: self.task_settings.header.update({"OUTPUT": self.sub.set_output()}) if "NAME" not in self.task_settings.header: self.task_settings.header.update({"NAME": self.sub.set_job_name()}) logging.debug("write") self.write_job() if self.ecflow_server is None: raise Exception("You must set server to submit!") if self.complete: logging.debug("force_complete") self.ecflow_server.force_complete(self.task) else: logging.debug("sub.set_submit_cmd") self.sub.set_submit_cmd() logging.debug("submit_job") self.sub.submit_job() logging.debug("set_jobid") self.sub.set_jobid() logging.debug("job_id") self.task.submission_id = self.sub.job_id logging.debug("update_submission_id") self.ecflow_server.update_submission_id(self.task) except RuntimeError: # Supposed to handle abort self unless killed pass except Exception as error: msg = f"Submission failed {str(error)}" raise SubmitException(msg, self.task, self.task_settings) from error
[docs]class TaskSettings(object): """Set the task specific setttings.""" def __init__(self, task, submission_defs, joboutdirs, submit_exceptions=None, interpreter="#!/usr/bin/env python3", complete=False, coldstart=False): """Construct the task specific settings. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task submission_defs (dict): Submission definitions joboutdirs (_type_): _description_ submit_exceptions (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. interpreter (str, optional): Python interpreter. Defaults to "#!/usr/bin/env python3". complete (bool, optional): Set to complete. Defaults to False. coldstart (bool, optional): Coldstart. Defaults to False. Raises: Exception: _description_ Exception: _description_ Exception: _description_ """ self.task = task self.submission_defs = submission_defs self.header = {} self.trailer = {} self.wrapper = None self.submit_type = "background" self.interpreter = interpreter self.complete = complete self.remote_submit_cmd = None self.remote_status_cmd = None self.remote_kill_cmd = None self.coldstart = coldstart = None self.submit_variables = None if submit_exceptions is not None: self.check_exceptions(submit_exceptions) self.task_settings = self.parse_submission_defs() self.process_settings() if is None: raise Exception("Host number is mandatory!") if "0" in joboutdirs: joboutdir = joboutdirs["0"] else: raise Exception("No joboutdir defined for HOST 0") print("Task HOST is ", print(__file__) if in joboutdirs: joboutdir_at_host = joboutdirs[] else: raise Exception("No joboutdir found for host " + self.joboutdir = joboutdir self.joboutdir_at_host = joboutdir_at_host self.ecf_job = self.task.create_ecf_job(joboutdir) self.ecf_job_at_host = self.task.create_ecf_job(joboutdir_at_host) self.ecf_jobout = self.task.create_ecf_jobout(joboutdir) self.ecf_jobout_at_host = self.task.create_ecf_jobout(joboutdir_at_host)
[docs] def check_exceptions(self, submit_exceptions): """Possibility to create submission exceptions. Args: submit_exceptions (_type_): _description_ """ if submit_exceptions is not None: for state in submit_exceptions: if state == "complete": if "task" in submit_exceptions[state]: for task in submit_exceptions[state]["task"]: if task == self.task.ecf_task: if submit_exceptions[state]["task"][task] == "is_coldstart": if self.coldstart: self.complete = f"Task {task} complete due to cold start" if "family" in submit_exceptions[state]: for family in submit_exceptions[state]["family"]: for ecf_family in self.task.ecf_families: if family == ecf_family: if submit_exceptions[state]["family"][family] == "is_coldstart": if self.coldstart: self.complete = f"Family {family} complete due to " \ "cold start"
[docs] def process_settings(self): """Process the settings.""" for key, value in self.task_settings.items(): # print("key=", key, " value=", value) if key == "TRAILER": self.trailer.update({key: value}) else: if key == "SUBMIT_TYPE": if value != "": self.submit_type = value elif key == "SSH": self.remote_submit_cmd = value self.remote_status_cmd = value self.remote_kill_cmd = value elif key == "INTERPRETER": self.interpreter = value elif key == "SUBMIT_VARIABLES": self.submit_variables = value elif key == "WRAPPER": self.wrapper = value elif key == "HOST": = str(value) if != "0" and != "1": raise Exception("Expected a single or dual-host system. HOST=", else: self.header.update({key: value})
[docs] def parse_submission_defs(self): """Parse the submssion definitions.""" ecf_task = self.task.ecf_task task_settings = {} # print("parse", ecf_task) # print(self.submission_defs) all_defs = self.submission_defs print(all_defs) submit_types = all_defs["submit_types"] default_submit_type = all_defs["default_submit_type"] task_submit_type = None for s_t in submit_types: if s_t in all_defs and "tasks" in all_defs[s_t]: for tname in all_defs[s_t]["tasks"]: if tname == ecf_task: task_submit_type = s_t if task_submit_type is None: task_submit_type = default_submit_type if task_submit_type in all_defs: for setting in all_defs[task_submit_type]: if setting != "tasks": task_settings.update({setting: all_defs[task_submit_type][setting]}) ex = "task_exceptions" if ex in all_defs: for tname in all_defs[ex]: if tname == ecf_task: for setting in all_defs[ex][tname]: task_settings.update({setting: all_defs[ex][tname][setting]}) # print(task_settings) return task_settings
[docs]class SubmitException(Exception): """Submit exception."""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg, task, task_settings): """Construct SubmitException. Args: msg (str): Exception message. task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings. """ Exception().__init__() logfile = task.create_submission_log(task_settings.joboutdir) with open(logfile, mode="a", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: file_handler.write(msg) file_handler.flush() print(msg) exit(0)
[docs]class KillException(Exception): """Kill exception."""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg, task, task_settings): """Construct KillException. Args: msg (str): Exception message. task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings. """ Exception().__init__() logfile = task.create_kill_log(task_settings.joboutdir) with open(logfile, mode="a", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: file_handler.write(msg) file_handler.flush() print(msg) exit(0)
[docs]class StatusException(Exception): """Status exception."""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg, task, task_settings): """Construct status exception. Args: msg (str): Exception message. task (scheduler.EcflowTask): task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings """ Exception().__init__() # joboutdir = task.joboutdir logfile = task.create_status_log(task_settings.joboutdir) with open(logfile, mode="a", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: file_handler.write(msg) file_handler.flush() print(msg) exit(0)
[docs]def get_submission_object(task, task_settings, server, db_file=None): """Get the submission object constructed from a submit type. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings server (scheduler.Server): Server. db_file (str, optional): Data base for monitoring.. Defaults to None. Raises: NotImplementedError: _description_ Returns: SubmissionBaseClass: Return a submission object. """ submit_type = task_settings.submit_type"Submit type: %s", submit_type) if submit_type.lower() == "pbs": sub = PBSSubmission(task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file) elif submit_type.lower() == "slurm": sub = SlurmSubmission(task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file) elif submit_type.lower() == "grid_engine": sub = GridEngineSubmission(task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file) elif submit_type == "background": sub = BackgroundSubmission(task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file) else: raise NotImplementedError return sub
class SubmissionBaseClass(ABC): """An abstract class for submssion to be implemented by all children. Args: ABC (_type_): _description_ """ def __init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=None, remote_submit_cmd=None, remote_kill_cmd=None, remote_status_cmd=None): """Construct the base class. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings. server (scheduler.Server): Server. db_file (str, optional): Data base for monitoring. Defaults to None. remote_submit_cmd (str, optional): Remote submit command. Defaults to None. remote_kill_cmd (str, optional): Remote kill command. Defaults to None. remote_status_cmd (str, optional): Remote status command. Defaults to None. """ self.task = task self.task_settings = task_settings self.server = server self.db_file = db_file self.process = None self.job_id = None if task.submission_id is not None: self.job_id = task.submission_id self.submit_cmd = None self.kill_job_cmd = None self.job_status_cmd = None self.remote_submit_cmd = remote_submit_cmd self.remote_kill_cmd = remote_kill_cmd self.remote_status_cmd = remote_status_cmd def update_db(self, job_id): """Update the data base. Args: job_id (str): Job identifier. """ if self.db_file is not None: with open(self.db_file, mode="a", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: file_handler.write(job_id + "\n") def clear_db(self): """Remove database.""" if self.db_file is not None: if os.path.exists(self.db_file): os.unlink(self.db_file) @abstractmethod def set_submit_cmd(self): """Set submit command. Must be implemented. Raises: NotImplementedError: If not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def set_jobid(self): """Set job id. Must be implemented. Raises: NotImplementedError: If not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def get_logfile(self): """Set logfile. Must be implemented. Raises: NotImplementedError: If not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError def submit_job(self): """Submit job. Raises: RuntimeError: _description_ """"SUBMIT COMMAND: %s", self.submit_cmd) if self.submit_cmd is not None: cmd = self.set_remote_cmd(self.submit_cmd, self.remote_submit_cmd) logfile = self.get_logfile() if logfile is None: subfile = self.task.create_submission_log(self.task_settings.joboutdir) with open(subfile, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as subfile: self.server.update_log("ECF_JOB_CMD: " + cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subfile, stderr=subfile, shell=True) process.wait() ret = process.returncode if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Submit command failed with error code " + str(ret)) else: self.server.update_log("ECF_JOB_CMD: " + cmd) with open(logfile, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as logfile: self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile, shell=True) logging.debug(self.submit_cmd) self.job_id = self.set_jobid() logging.debug(self.job_id) if self.db_file is not None: SubmissionBaseClass.update_db(self, self.job_id) def kill_job(self): """Kill task. Raises: RuntimeError: _description_ """ if self.kill_job_cmd is not None: killfile = self.task.create_kill_log(self.task_settings.joboutdir) # print(self.kill_job_cmd) cmd = self.set_remote_cmd(self.kill_job_cmd, self.remote_kill_cmd) with open(killfile, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as kill_file: kill_file.write(f"Kill job {self.task_settings.ecf_job_at_host} with command:\n") kill_file.write(f"{cmd}\n") kill_file.flush() stdout = open(killfile, mode="a", encoding="utf-8") process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stdout, shell=True) process.wait() ret = process.returncode if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Kill command failed with error code " + str(ret)) logfile = self.task_settings.ecf_jobout if os.path.exists(logfile): mode = "a" else: mode = "w" log_handler = open(logfile, mode=mode, encoding="utf-8") log_handler.write("\n\n*** KILLED BY ECF_kill ****") log_handler.flush() log_handler.close() @abstractmethod def set_job_status(self,): """Set job status. Must be implemented. Raises: NotImplementedError: If not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError def status(self): """General status method. Raises: StatusException: _description_ StatusException: _description_ """ if self.job_id is None: StatusException("No job ID was provided!", self.task, self.task_settings) try: self.set_job_status() except Exception as error: raise StatusException("Setting of status command failed " + repr(error), self.task, self.task_settings) from error if self.job_status_cmd is None: raise StatusException("No status command set for " + self.task_settings.submit_type, self.task, self.task_settings) try: self.job_status() except Exception as error: raise StatusException("Status command failed " + repr(error), self.task, self.task_settings) from error def job_status(self): """General job status method. Raises: RuntimeError: _description_ """ if self.job_status_cmd is not None: statusfile = self.task.create_status_log(self.task_settings.joboutdir) cmd = self.set_remote_cmd(self.job_status_cmd, self.remote_status_cmd) with open(statusfile, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as stdout: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stdout, shell=True) process.wait() ret = process.returncode if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Status command failed with error code " + str(ret)) def kill(self): """General kill method. Raises: KillException: _description_ KillException: _description_ KillException: _description_ KillException: _description_ """ if self.job_id is None: raise KillException("No job ID was provided!", self.task, self.task_settings) try: self.set_kill_cmd() except Exception as error: raise KillException("Setting of kill command failed " + repr(error), self.task, self.task_settings) from error if self.kill_job_cmd is None: raise KillException("No kill command set for " + self.task_settings.submit_type, self.task, self.task_settings) try: self.kill_job() except Exception as error: raise KillException("Kill failed " + repr(error), self.task, self.task_settings) from error @abstractmethod def set_kill_cmd(self): """Set kill command. Must be implemented. Raises: NotImplementedError: If not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def set_remote_cmd(cmd, remote_cmd): """Set remote command. Pre-pending a remote command statement (e.g. ssh) """ if remote_cmd is not None: cmd = remote_cmd + " \"" + str(cmd) + "\"" return cmd @abstractmethod def set_output(self): """Set output. Must be implemented. Raises: NotImplementedError: If not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def set_job_name(self): """Set job name. Must be implemented. Raises: NotImplementedError: If not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BackgroundSubmission(SubmissionBaseClass): """Backgrpund submission. A subprocess on the host system. Args: SubmissionBaseClass (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=None): """Construct BackgroundSubmission. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings. server (scheduler.Server): Server. db_file (str, optional): Data base for monitoring. Defaults to None. """ SubmissionBaseClass.__init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file)
[docs] def set_submit_cmd(self): """Set submit command.""" ecf_job = self.task_settings.ecf_job submit_vars = "" if self.task_settings.submit_variables is not None: for key, val in self.task_settings.submit_variables.items(): submit_vars = f"export {key}={val}; {submit_vars}" ecf_job = f"{submit_vars} {ecf_job}" print(ecf_job) self.submit_cmd = self.set_remote_cmd(ecf_job, self.remote_submit_cmd)
[docs] def set_jobid(self): """Set job id.""" return str(
[docs] def get_logfile(self): """Get the logfile.""" ecf_jobout = self.task_settings.ecf_jobout return ecf_jobout
[docs] def set_kill_cmd(self): """Set the kill command.""" if self.job_id is not None: cmd = "kill -9 " + str(self.job_id) self.kill_job_cmd = self.set_remote_cmd(cmd, self.remote_kill_cmd)
[docs] def set_job_status(self): """Set the job status.""" logging.debug("set_job_status %s cmd: %s", self.job_id, self.job_status_cmd) if self.job_id is not None: self.job_status_cmd = "ps -auxq " + str(self.job_id) print(self.job_status_cmd)
[docs] def set_output(self): """Set output.""" string = "# Background jobs use standard output/error\n" return string
[docs] def set_job_name(self): """Set job name.""" string = "# Background jobs get job name from process name\n" return string
[docs]class BatchSubmission(SubmissionBaseClass): """A general batch system class for a task using a job scheduler system. Args: SubmissionBaseClass (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=None, sub=None, stat=None, kill=None, prefix="#"): """Construct the BatchSubmission object. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings. server (scheduler.Server): Server. db_file (str, optional): Data base for monitoring. Defaults to None. sub (str, optional): Submission command. Defaults to None. stat (str, optional): Status command. Defaults to None. kill (str, optional): Kill command. Defaults to None. prefix (str, optional): Batch prefix. Defaults to "#". """ SubmissionBaseClass.__init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file) name = self.task.ecf_name.split("/") self.batch_sub = sub self.batch_stat = stat self.batch_kill = kill self.batch_prefix = prefix = name[-1]
[docs] def set_submit_cmd(self): """Set submit command. Args: remote_cmd (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. """ submit_vars = "" if self.task_settings.submit_variables is not None: for key, val in self.task_settings.submit_variables.items(): submit_vars = f"-v {key}={val} {submit_vars}" cmd = f"{self.batch_sub} {submit_vars} {self.task_settings.ecf_job_at_host}" cmd = self.set_remote_cmd(cmd, self.task_settings.remote_submit_cmd) self.submit_cmd = cmd
[docs] def set_jobid(self): """Set job id.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_logfile(self): """Get the logfile.""" return None
[docs] def set_kill_cmd(self): """Set kill command.""" if self.job_id is not None: self.kill_job_cmd = self.batch_kill + " " + str(self.job_id)
[docs] def set_job_status(self): """Set job status.""" if self.job_id is not None: self.job_status_cmd = self.batch_stat + " " + str(self.job_id)
[docs] def set_output(self): """Set output.""" logfile = self.task_settings.ecf_jobout_at_host string = self.batch_prefix + " -o " + logfile + "\n" string += self.batch_prefix + " -e " + logfile + "\n" string += self.batch_prefix + " -j oe\n" return string
[docs] def set_job_name(self): """Set job name.""" string = self.batch_prefix + " -N " + + "\n" return string
[docs]class PBSSubmission(BatchSubmission): """Job submission on a PBS job scheduler. Args: BatchSubmission (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, task, task_settings, server, sub="qsub", stat="qstat -j", kill="qdel", prefix="#PBS", db_file=None): """Construct the PBS job submission object. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings. server (scheduler.Server): Server. sub (str, optional): Submission command. Defaults to "qsub". stat (str, optional): Status command. Defaults to "qstat -j". kill (str, optional): Kill command. Defaults to "qdel". prefix (str, optional): PBS prefix. Defaults to "#PBS". db_file (str, optional): Data base for monitoring. Defaults to None. """ BatchSubmission.__init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file, sub=sub, stat=stat, kill=kill, prefix=prefix) =[0:15]
[docs] def set_jobid(self): """Set job id.""" logfile = self.task.create_submission_log(self.task_settings.joboutdir) with open(logfile, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: lines = file_handler.readlines() answer = None for line in lines: answer = line # expected_len = 7 expected_len = 1 answer = answer.replace("\n", "") words = answer.split(" ") if len(words) == expected_len: # Set job id as the second element in answer self.job_id = str(words[0]) # self.job_id = str(words[2]) else: raise Exception("Expected " + str(expected_len) + " in output. Got " + str(len(words)))
[docs] def set_job_name(self): """Set job name.""" string = self.batch_prefix + " -N " + + "\n" return string
[docs]class SlurmSubmission(BatchSubmission): """General slurm submssion class. Args: BatchSubmission (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, task, task_settings, server, sub="sbatch", stat="squeue -j", kill="scancel", prefix="#SBATCH", db_file=None): """Construct SlurmSubmission. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task. task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings. server (scheduler.Server): Server. sub (str, optional): Submission command. Defaults to "sbatch". stat (str, optional): Status command. Defaults to "squeue -j". kill (str, optional): Kill command. Defaults to "scancel". prefix (str, optional): Slurm prefix. Defaults to "#SBATCH". db_file (_type_, optional): Data base for monitoring. Defaults to None. """ BatchSubmission.__init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file, sub=sub, stat=stat, kill=kill, prefix=prefix) name = self.task.ecf_name.split("/") = name[-1]
[docs] def set_output(self): """Set output.""" logfile = self.task_settings.ecf_jobout_at_host string = self.batch_prefix + " -o " + logfile + "\n" string += self.batch_prefix + " -e " + logfile return string
[docs] def set_jobid(self): """Set job id.""" logfile = self.task.create_submission_log(self.task_settings.joboutdir) with open(logfile, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: lines = file_handler.readlines() answer = None for line in lines: answer = line if answer is None: raise Exception("No answer found " + str(lines) + " " + logfile) expected_len = 4 answer = answer.replace("\n", "") words = answer.split(" ") if len(words) == expected_len: # Set job id as the second element in answer self.job_id = str(words[-1]) else: raise Exception("Expected " + str(expected_len) + " in output. Got " + str(len(words)))
def set_submit_cmd(self): """Set submit command.""" submit_vars = "" if self.task_settings.submit_variables is not None: for key, val in self.task_settings.submit_variables.items(): submit_vars = f"--export {key}={val} {submit_vars}" cmd = f"{self.batch_sub} {submit_vars} {self.task_settings.ecf_job_at_host}" cmd = self.set_remote_cmd(cmd, self.task_settings.remote_submit_cmd) self.submit_cmd = cmd
[docs] def set_job_name(self): """Set job name.""" string = self.batch_prefix + " -J " + + "\n" return string
[docs]class GridEngineSubmission(BatchSubmission): """Sun Grid Engine (SGE) job submission. Args: BatchSubmission (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=None, sub="qsub", stat="qstat -j", kill="qdel", prefix="#$"): """Construct the GridEngineSubmission object. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task task_settings (TaskSettings): Task settings server (scheduler.Server): Server. db_file (_type_, optional): Data base for monitoring. Defaults to None. sub (str, optional): Sumission command. Defaults to "qsub". stat (str, optional): Status command. Defaults to "qstat -j". kill (str, optional): Kill command. Defaults to "qdel". prefix (str, optional): SGE prefix. Defaults to "#$". """ BatchSubmission.__init__(self, task, task_settings, server, db_file=db_file, sub=sub, stat=stat, kill=kill, prefix=prefix) name = self.task.ecf_name.split("/") = name[-1]
[docs] def set_output(self): """Set output.""" logfile = self.task_settings.ecf_jobout_at_host string = self.batch_prefix + " -o " + logfile + "\n" string += self.batch_prefix + " -e " + logfile return string
[docs] def set_jobid(self): """Set job id.""" # Your job XXXXXX ("name") has been submitted logfile = self.task.create_submission_log(self.task_settings.joboutdir) with open(logfile, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: lines = file_handler.readlines() answer = None for line in lines: answer = line expected_len = 7 answer = answer.replace("\n", "") words = answer.split(" ") if len(words) == expected_len: # Set job id as the second element in answer self.job_id = str(words[2]) else: raise Exception("Expected " + str(expected_len) + " in output. Got " + str(len(words)))
[docs] def set_job_name(self): """Set job name.""" string = self.batch_prefix + " -N " + + "\n" return string