Source code for scheduler.suites

"""Ecflow suites."""
import os
import logging
    import ecflow
except ImportError:
    ecflow = None

[docs]class SuiteDefinition(object): """The definition of the suite. Args: object (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, suite_name, joboutdir, ecf_files, env_submit, ecf_home=None, ecf_include=None, ecf_out=None, ecf_jobout=None, ecf_job_cmd=None, ecf_status_cmd=None, ecf_kill_cmd=None, pythonpath="", path=""): """Construct the definition. Args: suite_name (_type_): _description_ joboutdir (_type_): _description_ ecf_files (_type_): _description_ env_submit (_type_): _description_ ecf_home (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_include (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_out (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_jobout (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_job_cmd (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_status_cmd (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_kill_cmd (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. pythonpath (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "". path (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "". Raises: Exception: _description_ """ if ecflow is None: raise Exception("Ecflow not loaded properly") name = suite_name self.joboutdir = joboutdir if ecf_include is None: ecf_include = ecf_files self.ecf_include = ecf_include self.ecf_files = ecf_files if ecf_home is None: ecf_home = joboutdir self.ecf_home = ecf_home if ecf_out is None: ecf_out = joboutdir self.ecf_out = ecf_out if ecf_jobout is None: ecf_jobout = joboutdir + "/%ECF_NAME%.%ECF_TRYNO%" self.ecf_jobout = ecf_jobout self.env_submit = env_submit # self.server_config = server_config # self.server_log = server_log if pythonpath != "": pythonpath = pythonpath + "; " if path != "": path = path + "/" if ecf_job_cmd is None: ecf_job_cmd = pythonpath + path + "ECF_submit " \ "-sub %ENV_SUBMIT% " \ "-dir %ECF_OUT% " \ "-server %SERVER_CONFIG% " \ "--log %LOGFILE% " \ "-ecf_name %ECF_NAME% " \ "-ecf_tryno %ECF_TRYNO% " \ "-ecf_pass %ECF_PASS% " \ "-ecf_rid %ECF_RID% " self.ecf_job_cmd = ecf_job_cmd if ecf_status_cmd is None: ecf_status_cmd = pythonpath + path + "ECF_status " \ "-dir %ECF_OUT% " \ "-ecf_name %ECF_NAME% " \ "-ecf_tryno %ECF_TRYNO% " \ "-ecf_pass %ECF_PASS% " \ "-ecf_rid %ECF_RID% " \ "-submission_id %SUBMISSION_ID%" self.ecf_status_cmd = ecf_status_cmd if ecf_kill_cmd is None: ecf_kill_cmd = pythonpath + path + "ECF_kill " \ "-sub %ENV_SUBMIT% " \ "-dir %ECF_OUT% " \ "-server %SERVER_CONFIG% " \ "--log %LOGFILE% " \ "-ecf_name %ECF_NAME% " \ "-ecf_tryno %ECF_TRYNO% " \ "-ecf_pass %ECF_PASS% " \ "-ecf_rid %ECF_RID% " \ "-submission_id %SUBMISSION_ID%" self.ecf_kill_cmd = ecf_kill_cmd variables = [ EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_EXTN", ".py"), EcflowSuiteVariable("STREAM", ""), EcflowSuiteVariable("ENSMBR", ""), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_FILES", self.ecf_files), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_INCLUDE", self.ecf_include), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_TRIES", 1), EcflowSuiteVariable("SUBMISSION_ID", ""), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_HOME", self.ecf_home), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_KILL_CMD", self.ecf_kill_cmd), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_JOB_CMD", self.ecf_job_cmd), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_STATUS_CMD", self.ecf_status_cmd), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_OUT", self.ecf_out), EcflowSuiteVariable("ECF_JOBOUT", self.ecf_jobout), EcflowSuiteVariable("ENV_SUBMIT", self.env_submit), # EcflowSuiteVariable("SERVER_CONFIG", self.server_config), # EcflowSuiteVariable("LOGFILE", self.server_log) ] self.suite = EcflowSuite(name, variables=variables)
[docs] def save_as_defs(self, def_file): """Save definition file. Args: def_file (str): Name of definition file """ self.suite.save_as_defs(def_file)
class EcflowNode(): """A Node class is the abstract base class for Suite, Family and Task. Every Node instance has a name, and a path relative to a suite """ def __init__(self, name, node_type, parent, **kwargs): """Construct the EcflowNode. Args: name (_type_): _description_ node_type (_type_): _description_ parent (_type_): _description_ Raises: NotImplementedError: _description_ Exception: _description_ Exception: _description_ """ = name self.node_type = node_type if self.node_type == "family": self.ecf_node = parent.ecf_node.add_family( elif self.node_type == "task": self.ecf_node = parent.ecf_node.add_task( elif self.node_type == "suite": self.ecf_node = parent.add_suite( else: raise NotImplementedError self.path = self.ecf_node.get_abs_node_path() triggers = None if "triggers" in kwargs: triggers = kwargs["triggers"] if "variables" in kwargs: variables = kwargs["variables"] if not isinstance(variables, list): variables = [variables] if variables is None: variables = [] else: variables = [] for var in variables: self.ecf_node.add_variable(, var.value) if triggers is not None: if isinstance(triggers, EcflowSuiteTriggers): if triggers.trigger_string is not None: self.ecf_node.add_trigger(triggers.trigger_string) else: print("WARNING: Empty trigger") else: raise Exception("Triggers must be a Triggers object") self.triggers = triggers if "def_status" in kwargs: def_status = kwargs["def_status"] if isinstance(def_status, str): self.ecf_node.add_defstatus(ecflow.Defstatus(def_status)) elif isinstance(def_status, ecflow.Defstatus): self.ecf_node.add_defstatus(def_status) else: raise Exception("Unknown defstatus") def add_part_trigger(self, triggers, mode=True): """Add a part trigger. Args: triggers (_type_): _description_ mode (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True. Raises: Exception: _description_ """ if isinstance(triggers, EcflowSuiteTriggers): if triggers.trigger_string is not None: self.ecf_node.add_part_trigger(triggers.trigger_string, mode) else: print("WARNING: Empty trigger") else: raise Exception("Triggers must be a Triggers object") class EcflowNodeContainer(EcflowNode): """Ecflow node container. Args: EcflowNode (EcflowNode): Parent class. """ def __init__(self, name, node_type, parent, **kwargs): """Construct EcflowNodeContainer. Args: name (str): Name of the node container. node_type (str): What kind of node. parent (EcflowNode): Parent to this node. """ EcflowNode.__init__(self, name, node_type, parent, **kwargs)
[docs]class EcflowSuite(EcflowNodeContainer): """EcflowSuite. Args: EcflowNodeContainer (EcflowNodeContainer): A child of the EcflowNodeContainer class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): """Construct the Ecflow suite. Args: name (_type_): _description_ """ self.defs = ecflow.Defs({}) EcflowNodeContainer.__init__(self, name, "suite", self.defs, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_as_defs(self, def_file): """Save defintion file. Args: def_file (str): Name of the definition file. """ self.defs.save_as_defs(def_file)"def file saved to %s", def_file)
[docs]class EcflowSuiteTriggers(): """Triggers to an ecflow suite."""
[docs] def __init__(self, triggers, **kwargs): """Construct EcflowSuiteTriggers. Args: triggers (list): List of EcflowSuiteTrigger objects. """ mode = kwargs.get("mode") if mode is None: mode = "AND" trigger_string = self.create_string(triggers, mode) self.trigger_string = trigger_string
[docs] @staticmethod def create_string(triggers, mode): """Create the trigger string. Args: triggers (list): List of trigger objects mode (str): Concatenation type. Raises: Exception: _description_ Exception: _description_ Returns: str: The trigger string based on trigger objects. """ if not isinstance(triggers, list): triggers = [triggers] if len(triggers) == 0: raise Exception trigger_string = "(" first = True for trigger in triggers: if trigger is not None: cat = "" if not first: cat = " " + mode + " " if isinstance(trigger, EcflowSuiteTriggers): trigger_string = trigger_string + cat + trigger.trigger_string else: if isinstance(trigger, EcflowSuiteTrigger): trigger_string = trigger_string + cat + trigger.node.path + " == " +\ trigger.mode else: raise Exception("Trigger must be a Trigger object") first = False trigger_string = trigger_string + ")" # If no triggers were found/set if first: trigger_string = None return trigger_string
[docs] def add_triggers(self, triggers, mode="AND"): """Add triggers. Args: triggers (EcflowSuiteTriggers): The triggers mode (str, optional): Cat mode. Defaults to "AND". """ cat_string = " " + mode + " " trigger_string = self.create_string(triggers, mode) if trigger_string is not None: self.trigger_string = self.trigger_string + cat_string + trigger_string
[docs]class EcflowSuiteTrigger(): """EcFlow Trigger in a suite."""
[docs] def __init__(self, node, mode="complete"): """Create a EcFlow trigger object. Args: node (scheduler.EcflowNode): The node to trigger on mode (str): """ self.node = node self.mode = mode
[docs]class EcflowSuiteVariable(): """A variable in an ecflow suite."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, value): """Constuct the EcflowSuiteVariable. Args: name (str): Name value (str): Value """ = name self.value = value
[docs]class EcflowSuiteFamily(EcflowNodeContainer): """A family in ecflow. Args: EcflowNodeContainer (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, parent, **kwargs): """Construct the family. Args: name (str): Name of the family. parent (EcflowNodeContainer): Parent node. """ EcflowNodeContainer.__init__(self, name, "family", parent, **kwargs)
[docs]class EcflowSuiteTask(EcflowNode): """A task in an ecflow suite/family. Args: EcflowNode (EcflowNodeContainer): The node container. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, parent, **kwargs): """Constuct the EcflowSuiteTask. Args: name (str): Name of task parent (EcflowNode): Parent node. Raises: Exception: _description_ """ EcflowNode.__init__(self, name, "task", parent, **kwargs) ecf_files = kwargs.get("ecf_files") if ecf_files is not None: if name == "default": raise Exception("Job should not be called default") else: default_job = ecf_files + "/" task_job = ecf_files + "/" + name + ".py" if not os.path.exists(task_job) and not os.path.islink(task_job): print(default_job + " - > " + task_job) os.symlink(default_job, task_job)