surfExp documentation¶
This repository is a setup to create and run offline SURFEX experiments.¶
See online documentation in The setup is dependent of pysurfex ( and deode workflow ( /
You need a python3 parser and the following dependencies are needed. Install the non-standard ones e.g. with pip or your system installation system. Requirements can be found in
The recommended installation method is using poetry. First install poetry. This can be done in several ways like a system package or ftom pypi. The recommended way is:
curl -sSL | python3 -
When you have poetry installed make sure you have it in path. It might be installed in ~/.local/bin. To install the script system first clone and install it. To run commands interactively in the poetry environment you need to run either “poetry shell” or “poetry run [cmd]”
mkdir -p projects
cd projects
# Clone the source code
# Install the script system
cd surfExp
poetry install
# Enter the environment
poetry shell
The altering of the configuration must then be done by applying a defined configuration or a configuration file with patches from original configuration. Examples are local configurations, domains etc. In addition you will get some other config files used in the tasks. An example on how to use it inside a poetry environment (“poetry shell”)
# First make sure you are in a poetry environment after executing "poetry shell"
cd ~/projects/surfExp
poetry shell
# Alternative way of setting up a pre-defined SEKF configuration
surfExp my_config.toml SEKF surfexp/data/config data/config/configurations/sekf.toml
# Use AROME Arctic branch on PPI together with MET-Norway LDAS
surfExp my_config.toml LDAS surfexp/data/config/configurations/metno_ldas.toml surfexp/data/config/mods/arome_arctic_offline_ppi.toml
# To start you experiment
deode start suite --config-file my_config.toml
Here is an example with CARRA2 using poetry run.
cd ~/projects/surfExp
# Create experiment in file data/config/CARRA2_MINI.toml
poetry run surfExp CARRA2_MINI.toml CARRA2-MINI surfexp/data/config/configurations/carra2.toml
# Modify times in data/config/CARRA2_MINI.toml
# Run experiment from config file data/config/CARRA2_MINI.toml
poetry run deode start suite --config-file data/config/CARRA2_MINI.toml
Extra environment on PPI-RHEL8 needed to start experiments¶
# ib-dev queue is only in A: ib-dev-a-r8.q
# Get surfExp
git clone --branch feature/deode_offline_surfex surfExp
# conda setup
source /modules/rhel8/user-apps/suv-modules/miniconda3/24.7.1/etc/profile.d/
conda create -n surfExp python==3.10 -y
conda install -c conda-forge -n surfExp poetry gdal -y
conda activate surfExp
# Install
poetry install
# MET-Norway LDAS experiment
mkdir -f exps
surfExp exps/LDAS.toml LDAS $PWD/data/config/configurations/metno_ldas.toml $PWD/data/config/domains/MET_NORDIC_1_0.toml $PWD/data/config/mods/arome_arctic_offline_ppi.toml $PWD/data/config/mods/netcdf_input_pgd.toml $PWD/data/config/scheduler/ecflow_ppi_rhel8-$USER.toml
# If your server is not running you should start it!
module use /modules/MET/rhel8/user-modules/
module load ecflow/5.8.1
export ECF_SSL=1
# Start suite (modify dates)
deode start suite --config-file exps/LDAS.toml
# MET-Norway LDAS single decade
surfExp exps/LDAS_decade.toml LDAS_decade $PWD/data/config/configurations/metno_ldas.toml $PWD/data/config/domains/MET_NORDIC_1_0.toml $PWD/data/config/mods/arome_arctic_offline_ppi.toml $PWD/data/config/mods/netcdf_input_pgd.toml $PWD/data/config/mods/netcdf_input_single_decade.toml $PWD/data/config/mods/metno_ldas_single_decade.toml $PWD/data/config/scheduler/ecflow_ppi_rhel8-$USER.toml
deode start suite --config-file exps/LDAS_decade.toml
Budapest May 2022 (Old version)
Class methods¶
- ref: