O prezentare generală a rezultatelor proiectului.
Czibula, G., Andrei, M., Mihuleț, E., NowDeepN: An ensemble of deep learning models for weather nowcasting based on radar products' values prediction, Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(1), 125; https://doi.org/10.3390/app11010125. (2021 IF=2.838, Q2).
Czibula G., Mihai, A., Albu, A.-I., Czibula, I.G., Burcea, S. Mezghani, A., AutoNowP: An approach using deep autoencoders for precipitation nowcasting based on weather radar reflectivity prediction, Mathematics, 9(14):1653. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9141653 Special Issue on Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning. 2021 (2021 IF=2.592, Q1).
Vlad-Sebastian Ionescu, Gabriela Czibula, Eugen Mihuleț, DeePSat: A deep learning model for prediction of satellite images for nowcasting purposes, 25thInternational Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2021), Procedia Computer Science Volume 192, 2021, Pages 622-631, (B-ranked according to CORE classification, indexed WoS).
Albu, Alexandra-Ioana: Towards learning transferable embeddings for protein conformations using Variational Autoencoders, 25th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2021), Procedia Computer Science Volume 192, 2021, Pages 10-19 (B-ranked according to CORE classification, indexed WoS).
Gabriela Czibula, Alexandra Albu, Maria Iuliana Bocicor, Camelia Chira, AutoPPI: An ensemble of deep autoencoders for protein-protein interaction prediction, Entropy, Special issue on Computational Methods and Algorithms for Bioinformatics, 23(6), 643, 2021, (2021 IF=2.738, Q2).
Bratu A., Czibula G., DAuGAN: An approach for augmenting time series imbalanced datasets via latent space sampling using adversarial techniques, Scientific Programming, Special Issue on Theory, Algorithms, and Applications for the Multiclass Classification Problem, Vol. 2021, Article ID 7877590, (2021 IF=1.672, Q3).
Nistor, S.C., Czibula, G., IntelliSwAS: Optimizing Deep Neural Network Architectures using a Particle Swarm-based Approach, Expert systems with Applications, Volume 187, ID 11594 January 2022. Disponibil online: 23 septembrie 2021 (2021 IF=8.665, Q1).
Cristian-Lucian Grecu, Sateliții Meteorologici, TODAY SOFTWARE MAGAZINE, Nr. 116, Februarie 2022, pp. 32-36. Abstract
Cristian-Lucian Grecu, Sateliții Meteorologici (II) - Produsele satelitare RGB, TODAY SOFTWARE MAGAZINE, Nr. 117, Martie 2022, pp. 18-21. Abstract
Udo Reckerth, Introducere în Meteorologia RADAR, TODAY SOFTWARE MAGAZINE, Nr. 118, Aprilie 2022, pp. 28-31. Abstract
Albu, Alexandra-Ioana, An Approach for Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions using Supervised Autoencoders, 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2022), Volume 207, 2022, Pages 2023-2032 (B-ranked according to CORE classification, indexed WoS)
Meda Andrei, Prognoza Vremii și Modelele Numerice, TODAY SOFTWARE MAGAZINE, Nr. 119, Mai 2022, pp. 27-30. Abstract
Albu, A.-I., Czibula G., Mihai, A., Czibula, I.G., Burcea, S. Mezghani, A., NeXtNow: A Convolutional Deep Learning Model for the Prediction of Weather Radar Data for Nowcasting Purposes, Remote Sensing, Special Issue "Artificial Intelligence-Based Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing", 2022, 14(16), 3890 (2021 IF=5.349, Q1)
Narcisa Milian, Cristina Blaga, Avertizările Meteorologice de tipul nowcasting, TODAY SOFTWARE MAGAZINE, Nr. 121, Iunie 2022, pp. 25-29. Abstract
Gabriela-Victoria Harpa și Adela-Mariana Mitea, Date, măsurători și rețeaua meteorologică, TODAY SOFTWARE MAGAZINE, Nr. 122, Iulie 2022, pp. 22-27. Abstract
Ciubotariu, G., Czibula, G., MBMT-Net: A multitask learning based convolutional neural network architecture for dense tasks performance improvement, IEEE Access, 2022, Volume 10, pages 125600 - 125615 (2021 IF=3.476, Q2)
Alexandra-Ioana Albu, Maria-Iuliana Bocicor, Gabriela Czibula, MM-PPI: A New Deep Multimodal Approach for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction, Computers in Biology and Medicine,Vol. 153, 106526, 2023 (2021 IF=6.698, Q1)
Mihuleţ, Eugen, Sorin Burcea, Andrei Mihai, and Gabriela Czibula, Enhancing the Performance of Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using Ensemble of Machine Learning Models Applied on Weather Radar Data, Atmosphere 14, no. 1: 182, 2023 (2021 IF=3.110, Q2)
Adelin Mihoc, Vlad-Sebastian Ionescu, Ioan-Gabriel Mircea, Gabriela Czibula, Eugen Mihuleț, Trygve Aspenes, ConvSNow: A tailored Conv-LSTM architecture for weather nowcasting based on satellite imagery, 27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2023), 2023, to be published (B-ranked according to CORE classification, indexed WoS)
Alexandra-Ioana Albu, Improving radar echo extrapolation models using autoencoder-based perceptual losses, 27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2023), 2023, to be published (B-ranked according to CORE classification, indexed WoS)
Andrei Mihai, XNow: un model de învățare profundă pentru prezicerea datelor radar în meteorologie, TODAY SOFTWARE MAGAZINE, Nr. 134, pp. 15-18.
Czibula, G., Mihai, A., Mihuleț, E., Teodorovici, D., Using self-organizing maps for unsupervised analysis of radar data for nowcasting purposes, 23nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2019), Procedia Computer Science Vol 159, (2019) pp. 48-57
Mihai, A., Czibula, G., Mihuleț, E., Analyzing Meteorological Data Using Unsupervised Learning Techniques, ICCP 2019: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 529 – 536
Socaci, I. A., Czibula, G., Ionescu, V. S., Mihai, A., XNow: A deep learning technique for nowcasting based on radar products’ values prediction, IEEE 14th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2020, Timișoara, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 117-122 -
Czibula, G., Mihai, A., Czibula, I.G., RadRAR: A relational association rule mining approach for nowcasting based on predicting radar products' values, 24nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2020), Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 176, pp. 300-309
2021, Andrei Mihai (UBB), Modele de învățare automată pentru prognoza pe termen scurt a vremii
2023, Alexandra-Ioana Albu (BBU): Unsupervised representation learning and feature fusion in supervised tasks. Applications in natural sciences
2023, Mariana-Ioana Maier (BBU): Mining students' behavioural features in multiple learning environments
24 mai 2021, Primul workshop de Applied Deep Learning a fost organizat de echipa de cercetare în Machine Learning de la Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică a Universității „Babeș-Bolyai”, împreună cu Administrația Națională de Meteorologie și Institutul Meteorologic Norvegian.
3 iunie 2022, Al doilea workshop de Applied Deep Learning a fost organizat de echipa de cercetare în Machine Learning de la Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică a Universității „Babeș-Bolyai”, împreună cu Administrația Națională de Meteorologie și Institutul Meteorologic Norvegian.
19 - 22 septembrie 2022, workshop-ul Science2Service, organizat de Institutul Meteorologic Norvegian.
2021, workshop WeADL, Eugen Mihuleț (ANM): Technology in weather forecasting
2021, workshop WeADL, Sorin Burcea (ANM): Weather radars basic principles and application in nowcasting in Romania
2021, workshop WeADL, Ivar Seierstad & Thomas Nipen (MET): Nowcasting on Yr - opportunities and challenges
2021, workshop WeADL, Arild Burud (MET): A brief introduction to the netCDF format and THREDDS data server
2021, workshop WeADL, Istvan Czibula (UBB): Computational models for nowcasting
2021, workshop WeADL, Andrei Mihai (UBB): Supervised and unsupervised machine learning for nowcasting, applied on radar data from central Transylvania region
2021, workshop WeADL, Alexandra Albu (UBB): Deep learning models for composite reflectivity prediction
2021, workshop WeADL, Vlad Ionescu (UBB): Deep neural network models for nowcasting using satellite data
2021, workshop WeADL, George Ciubotariu (UBB): Enhancing the performance of indoor-outdoor image classifications using features extracted from depth-maps
2021, workshop WeADL, Alexandru-Marian Adăscăliței (UBB): Review and analysis of grayscale photography colorization using CNNs
2021, workshop WeADL, Maria-Mădălina Mircea (UBB): A machine learning approach for data protection in VR therapy applications
2021, workshop WeADL, Andrei Bratu (UBB): Augmenting time series datasets via latent space sampling with applications in algorithmic trading
2021, workshop WeADL, Iulia-Monica Szuhai (UBB): DNA classification using supervised deep learning
2021, workshop intern ANM, Sorin Burcea (ANM): Proiect WeaMyL
2021, Cluj IT Days, Andrei Mihai (UBB): Enhancing the performance of weather nowcasting by use of machine learning techniques
10-12 Noiembrie 2021, Sesiunea științifică anuală a Administrației Naționale de Meteorologie, Eugen Mihuleț (ANM): Analiza performanței modelului NowDeepN pentru predicția valorilor produselor radarului meteorologic WSR-98D Bobohalma
18 Ianuarie 2022, workshop intern MET, Oslo, Norvegia: Overview of machine learning activities at MET Norway
18 Martie 2022, conferința internațională Air and Water – Components of the Environment, Eugen Mihuleț (ANM), Analysis of Applying a Deep Learning Model for Prediction of WSR-98D Weather Radar Product Values
2022, WeADL workshop, Sorin Cheval (ANM) A country scale assessment of the heat hazard-risk in urban areas
2022, WeADL workshop, Mihaela Caian (ANM) Variability of precipitation in Romania: recent trends and projected changes in climate scenarios
2022, WeADL workshop, Magnus Haukeland (MET) How nowcasting is used in today’s danger warnings
2022, WeADL workshop, Christoffer Artturi Elo (MET) Processing and filtering of radar end-product composite reflectivity
2022, WeADL workshop, Mihai Andrei (BBU) Using convolutional autoencoders for precipitation nowcasting based on radar data
2022, WeADL workshop, Gabriel-Ioan Mircea (UBB) ConvLSTM architectures for meteorological nowcasting based on satellite imagery
2022, WeADL workshop, Abdelkader Mezghani (MET) How to use the WeaMyL machine learning forecasting platform
2022, WeADL workshop, Arild Burud (MET) A brief introduction on the netCDF file format, the OPeNDAP protocol and THREDDS Data server
2022, WeADL workshop, George Ciubotariu (UBB) MBMT-Net: A Multi-Backbone, Multi-Task Deep Convolutional Neural Network
2022, WeADL workshop, Radu Galan (UBB) Generation and Simulation of Artificial Human Societies using Anthropologically modelled Learning Agents
2022, WeADL workshop, Raluca Hațegan (UBB) Application of Machine Learning algorithms for the botanical origin assessment of honey using isotope and elemental profiles
2022, WeADL workshop, Alexandra Albu (UBB) Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction using a Deep Learning Approach based on Autoencoders
2022, Cluj IT Days, Andrei Mihai (UBB): An innovative machine learning model for short term weather prediction based on radar data
31 Ianuarie 2023, Artificial Intelligence 4.0@UBB, Eugen Mihuleț (ANM), AI for Environment
2021, workshop WeADL, Eugen Mihuleț (NMA): Technology in weather forecasting
2021, workshop WeADL, Sorin Burcea (NMA): Weather radars - basic principles and application in nowcasting in Romania
2021, workshop WeADL, Thomas Nipen (MET): Nowcasting on Yr - opportunities and challenges
2021, workshop WeADL, Arild Burud (MET): A brief introduction to the netCDF format and THREDDS data server
2021, workshop WeADL, Istvan Czibula (UBB): Computational models for nowcasting
2021, workshop WeADL, Andrei Mihai (UBB): Supervised and unsupervised machine learning for nowcasting, applied on radar data from central Transylvania region
2021, workshop WeADL, Vlad Ionescu (UBB): Deep neural network models for nowcasting using satellite data
2021, workshop WeADL, Alexandra Albu (UBB): Deep learning models for composite reflectivity prediction
2021, workshop WeADL, George Ciubotariu (UBB): Enhancing the performance of indoor-outdoor image classifications using depth-map features
2021, workshop WeADL, Alexandru-Marian Adăscăliței (UBB): Review and analysis of grayscale photography colorization using CNNs
2021, workshop WeADL, Maria-Mădălina Mircea (UBB): A machine learning approach for data protection in VR therapy applications
2021, workshop WeADL, Andrei Bratu (UBB): Training data augmentation for RL based trading algorithms using adversarial techniques
2021, workshop WeADL, Iulia-Monica Szuhai (UBB): DNA classification using supervised deep learning
2021, conferința KES, Vlad-Sebastian Ionescu (UBB), Gabriela Czibula (UBB), Eugen Mihuleț (ANM): DeePSat: A deep learning model for prediction of satellite images for nowcasting purposes
2021, Cluj IT Days, Andrei Mihai (UBB): Enhancing the performance of weather nowcasting by use of machine learning techniques
2022, Abdelkader Mezghani (MET): WeaMyL. Demo on how to access and visualise the output from the machine learning platform
2022, WeADL workshop, Sorin Cheval (ANM) A country scale assessment of the heat hazard-risk in urban areas
2022, WeADL workshop, Mihaela Caian (ANM) Variability of precipitation in Romania: recent trends and projected changes in climate scenarios
2022, WeADL workshop, Magnus Haukeland (MET) How nowcasting is used in today’s danger warnings
2022, WeADL workshop, Christoffer Artturi Elo (MET) Processing and filtering of radar end-product composite reflectivity
2022, WeADL workshop, Mihai Andrei (BBU) Using convolutional autoencoders for precipitation nowcasting based on radar data
2022, WeADL workshop, Gabriel-Ioan Mircea (UBB) ConvLSTM architectures for meteorological nowcasting based on satellite imagery
2022, WeADL workshop, Abdelkader Mezghani (MET) How to use the WeaMyL machine learning forecasting platform
2022, WeADL workshop, Arild Burud (MET) A brief introduction on the netCDF file format, the OPeNDAP protocol and THREDDS Data server
2022, WeADL workshop, George Ciubotariu (UBB) MBMT-Net: A Multi-Backbone, Multi-Task Deep Convolutional Neural Network
2022, WeADL workshop, Radu Galan (UBB) Generation and Simulation of Artificial Human Societies using Anthropologically modelled Learning Agents
2022, WeADL workshop, Alexandra Albu (UBB) Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction using a Deep Learning Approach based on Autoencoders
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Discursul rectorului la ceremonia de deschidere, workshop WeADL, 2021 |
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Discurs la ceremonia de deschidere, workshop WeADL, 2022 |
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Gabriel Mircea (UBB) |
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Cristian Grecu (ANM) |