Source code for pysurfex.binary_input

"""Input data for surfex binaries."""
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class InputDataToSurfexBinaries(ABC): """Abstract input data."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Construct.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def prepare_input(self): """Prepare input.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class OutputDataFromSurfexBinaries(ABC): """Abstract output data."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Construct.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def archive_files(self): """Archive files.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class JsonOutputData(OutputDataFromSurfexBinaries): """Output data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, data): """Output data from dict. Args: data (dict): Output data. """ = data
[docs] def archive_files(self): """Archive files.""" for output_file, target in"%s -> %s", output_file, target) command = "mv" if isinstance(target, dict): for key in target: logging.debug("%s %s %s", output_file, key, target[key]) command = target[key] target = key cmd = command + " " + output_file + " " + target try: subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) # noqaS602 except IOError: logging.error("%s failed", cmd) raise RuntimeError(cmd + " failed") from IOError
[docs]class JsonOutputDataFromFile(JsonOutputData): """JSON output data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file): """Construct from json file.""" with open(file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: data = json.load(file_handler) JsonOutputData.__init__(self, data)
[docs] def archive_files(self): """Archive files.""" JsonOutputData.archive_files(self)
[docs]class JsonInputData(InputDataToSurfexBinaries): """JSON input data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, data): """Construct input data. Args: data (dict): Input data. """ = data
[docs] def prepare_input(self): """Prepare input.""" for target, input_file in"%s -> %s", target, input_file) logging.debug(os.path.realpath(target)) command = None if isinstance(input_file, dict): for key in input_file: logging.debug(key) logging.debug(input_file[key]) command = str(input_file[key]) input_file = str(key) command = command.replace("@INPUT@", input_file) command = command.replace("@TARGET@", target) if os.path.realpath(target) == os.path.realpath(input_file):"Target and input file is the same file") else: if command is None: cmd = "ln -sf " + input_file + " " + target else: cmd = command try: subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) # noqaS602 except IOError: raise (cmd + " failed") from IOError
[docs] def add_data(self, data): """Add data. Args: data (dict): Data to add """ for key in data: value = data[key]{key: value})
[docs]class JsonInputDataFromFile(JsonInputData): """JSON input data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file): """Construct JSON input data. Args: file (str): JSON file name """ with open(file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: data = json.load(file_handler) JsonInputData.__init__(self, data)
[docs] def prepare_input(self): """Prepare input.""" JsonInputData.prepare_input(self)
[docs]class InputDataFromNamelist(JsonInputData): """Binary input data for offline executables."""
[docs] def __init__(self, nml, input_data, program, platform, basetime=None, validtime=None): """Construct InputDataFromNamelist. Args: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist input_data (dict): Input data mapping program (str): Kind of program platform (SystemFilePaths): Platform settings basetime (as_datetime, optional): Baseetime. Defaults to None. validtime (as_datetime, optional): Validtime. Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: Program not defined """ self.nml = nml self.platform = platform self.basetime = basetime self.validtime = validtime try: = input_data[program] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find program {program}") from KeyError data = self.process_data() JsonInputData.__init__(self, data)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_nml_value2(nml, block, key, indices=None): """Get namelist value. Args: nml (nmlf90.Namelist): Namelist block (str): Namelist block key (str): Namelist key indices (list, optional): Indices to read. Defaults to None. Returns: setting (any): Namelist setting """ logging.debug("Checking block=%s key=%s", block, key) if block in nml: if key in nml[block]: logging.debug(nml[block][key]) if indices is not None: logging.debug("indices=%s", indices) try: if len(indices) == 2: val = nml[block][key][indices[1]][indices[0]] else: val = nml[block][key][indices[0]] logging.debug("Found 1D value %s", val) if isinstance(val, list): return None except IndexError: return None except TypeError: return None else: val = nml[block][key] logging.debug("Found: %s Indices=%s", val, indices) return val return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_nml_value(nml, block, key, indices=None): """Get namelist value. Args: nml (nmlf90.Namelist): Namelist block (str): Namelist block key (str): Namelist key indices (list, optional): Indices to read. Defaults to None. Returns: setting (any): Namelist setting """ logging.debug("Checking block=%s key=%s", block, key) if block in nml: if key in nml[block]: vals = [] val_dict = {} val = nml[block][key] logging.debug("namelist type=%s", type(val)) if indices is not None: logging.debug("indices=%s", indices) if len(indices) == 2: val = nml[block][key][indices[1]][indices[0]] else: val = nml[block][key][indices[0]] logging.debug("Found 1D value %s", val) if isinstance(val, list): return None val_dict.update({"value": val, "indices": None}) vals.append(val_dict) else: if isinstance(val, list): dim_size = len(val) logging.debug("dim_size=%s", dim_size) dims = [] tval = val more_dimensions = True while more_dimensions: logging.debug("tval=%s type(tval)=%s", tval, type(tval)) if isinstance(tval, int): more_dimensions = False else: logging.debug("type(tval)=%s", type(tval)) if not isinstance(tval, list): more_dimensions = False else: if isinstance(tval[0], int): more_dimensions = False else: logging.debug( "len(tval)=%s type(tval)=%s", len(tval), type ) dim_size = len(tval) dims.append(dim_size) tval = tval[0] logging.debug( "New tval=%s dim_size=%s", tval, dim_size ) logging.debug("dims=%s", dims) logging.debug("type(val)=%s", type(val)) if len(dims) == 2: for i in range(0, dims[0]): for j in range(0, dims[1]): val_dict = {} indices = [j, i] lval = val[i][j] val_dict.update({"value": lval, "indices": indices}) logging.debug("value=%s indices=%s", lval, indices) vals.append(val_dict) elif len(dims) == 1: for i in range(0, dims[0]): val_dict = {} indices = [i] logging.debug("i=%s, val[i]=%s", i, val[i]) lval = val[i] val_dict.update({"value": lval, "indices": indices}) logging.debug("value=%s indices=%s", lval, indices) vals.append(val_dict) elif len(dims) == 0: val_dict = {} logging.debug("val=%s", val) val_dict.update({"value": val, "indices": None}) vals.append(val_dict) else: val_dict = {} if isinstance(val, bool): val = str(val) val_dict.update({"value": val, "indices": None}) vals.append(val_dict) logging.debug("Found: value=%s", val_dict["value"]) return vals return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_nml_value_from_string(nml, string, sep="#", indices=None): """Get namelist value from a string. Args: nml (nmlf90.Namelist): Namelist string (str): Namelist identifier sep (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "#". indices (list, optional): Indices to read. Defaults to None. Returns: setting (any): Namelist setting """ nam_section = string.split(sep)[0] nam_key = string.split(sep)[1] return InputDataFromNamelist.get_nml_value( nml, nam_section, nam_key, indices=indices )
[docs] def substitute(self, key, val, macros=None, micro="@", check_parsing=False): """Substitute patterns. Args: key (str): _description_ val (str): _description_ macros (dict, optional): Macros. Defaults to None. micro (str, optional): Micro character. Defaults to "@". check_parsing (bool, optional): Caheck if values were substituted. Returns: dict: Substituted key=value """ logging.debug( "Substitute key=%s and val=%s %s %s", key, val, self.basetime, self.validtime ) pkey = key pval = val for spath_key, spath_val in self.platform.system_file_paths.items(): pkey = pkey.replace(f"{micro}{spath_key}{micro}", spath_val) pval = pval.replace(f"{micro}{spath_key}{micro}", spath_val) if macros is not None: for macro_key, macro_val in macros.items(): pkey = pkey.replace(f"{micro}{macro_key}{micro}", macro_val) pval = pval.replace(f"{micro}{macro_key}{micro}", macro_val) pkey = self.platform.parse_setting( pkey, validtime=self.validtime, basedtg=self.basetime, check_parsing=check_parsing, ) pval = self.platform.parse_setting( pval, validtime=self.validtime, basedtg=self.basetime, check_parsing=check_parsing, ) return pkey, pval
[docs] def read_macro_setting(self, macro_defs, key, default=None, sep="#"): """Read a macro setting. Args: macro_defs (dict): Macro definition key (str): Macro setting to get. default (str, optional): Default value. Defaults to None. sep (str, optional): Namelist key separator. Defaults to "#". Returns: setting (any) """ try: setting = macro_defs[key] if isinstance(setting, str): if setting.find(sep) > 0: logging.debug("Read macro setting from namelist %s", setting) setting = self.get_nml_value_from_string(self.nml, setting) if isinstance(setting, list): setting = setting[0]["value"] return setting except KeyError: return default
[docs] def extend_macro(self, key, val, macros, sep="#"): """Extend entries from macro. Args: key (_type_): _description_ val (_type_): _description_ macros (dict): Macros sep (str, optional): Namelist key separator. Defaults to "#". Raises: NotImplementedError: _description_ NotImplementedError: _description_ Returns: dict: Key, value dictionary """ logging.debug("extenders=%s", macros) if macros is None: return {key: val} processed_data = {} for macro, macro_types in macros.items(): loop = {} for macro_type, macro_defs in macro_types.items(): logging.debug("macro_defs=%s", macro_defs) if macro_type == "ekfpert": nncvs = self.read_macro_setting(macro_defs, "list", sep=sep) logging.debug("nncvs=%s", nncvs) nncvs = nncvs.copy() duplicate = self.read_macro_setting(macro_defs, "duplicate", sep=sep) if duplicate: nncvs += nncvs loop.update({"0": "0"}) icounter1 = 1 icounter2 = 1 for nncv in nncvs: if nncv == 1: loop.update({str(icounter1): str(icounter2)}) icounter1 += 1 icounter2 += 1 elif macro_type == "dict": values = self.get_nml_value_from_string(self.nml, macro_defs) counter = 0 for key, val in values[0].items(): loop.update({str(key): str(val)}) counter += 1 elif macro_type == "iterator": start = self.read_macro_setting(macro_defs, "start", sep=sep) end = self.read_macro_setting(macro_defs, "end", sep=sep) fmt = self.read_macro_setting( macro_defs, "fmt", sep=sep, default=None ) if fmt is None: fmt = "{:d}" for lval in range(start, end): lval = fmt.format(lval) loop.update({str(lval): str(lval)}) else: raise NotImplementedError # Loop normal macros not being nml arrays unprocessed_data = processed_data.copy() if processed_data: unprocessed_data = processed_data else: unprocessed_data = {key: val} for key, val in unprocessed_data.items(): for vmacro1, vmacro2 in loop.items(): logging.debug( "key=%s val=%s macro=%s vmacro1=%s vmacro2=%s", key, val, macro, vmacro1, vmacro2, ) if key.find("#") > 0: key = self.get_nml_value_from_string(self.nml, key, sep=sep) pkey = key.replace(f"@{macro}@", vmacro1) pval = val.replace(f"@{macro}@", vmacro2) processed_data.update({pkey: pval}) logging.debug("Processed data=%s", processed_data) return processed_data
[docs] def process_macro(self, key, val, macros, sep="#", indices=None): """Process macro. Args: key (str): Key val (str): Value macros (dict): Macros sep (str, optional): Namelist key separator. Defaults to "#". indices (list, optional): Process macro from namelist indices. Raises: NotImplementedError: Only 2 dimensions are implemented Returns: dict: Key, value dictionary """ logging.debug("macros=%s", macros) if macros is None: return key, val logging.debug("indices=%s", indices) if indices is None: return key, val pkey = key pval = val for macro in macros: lindex = None if len(indices) == 2: if macro == "DECADE": lindex = indices[1] else: lindex = indices[0] elif len(indices) == 1: lindex = indices[0] elif len(indices) > 2: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2 dimensions are implemented") vmacro = None if lindex is not None: try: macro_defs = macros[macro] logging.debug("macro_defs=%s", macro_defs) except KeyError: logging.warning( "Macro %s not defined. Use index value %s", macro, lindex ) vmacro = str(lindex + 1) if macro == "VTYPE": vmacro = str(lindex + 1) elif "DECADE" in macros: ntime = self.read_macro_setting(macro_defs, "ntime", sep=sep) dec_days = int(360 / float(ntime)) dec_start = int(dec_days / 2) dec_end = 360 + dec_start dec = 0 for day in range(dec_start, dec_end, dec_days): logging.debug("day=%s, dec=%s lindex=%s", day, dec, lindex) month = int(day / 30) + 1 mday = int(day % 30) if dec == lindex: vmacro = f"{month:02d}{mday:02d}" dec += 1 logging.debug( "Substitute @%s@ with %s pkey=%s pval=%s", macro, vmacro, pkey, pval ) if isinstance(pkey, str): pkey = pkey.replace(f"@{macro}@", vmacro) if isinstance(pval, str): pval = pval.replace(f"@{macro}@", vmacro) logging.debug( "Substitute @%s@ with %s pkey=%s pval=%s", macro, vmacro, pkey, pval ) return pkey, pval
[docs] def matching_value(self, data, val, sep="#", indices=None): """Match the value. Possibly also read namelist value. Args: data (dict): Data to check keys for val (str): Key to find sep (str, optional): Namelist separator. Defaults to "#". indices(list, optional): Indices in namelist Raises: RuntimeError: "Malformed input data" Returns: dict: Matching entry in data. """ if val == "macro" or val == "extenders": return None logging.debug("type(data)=%s", type(data)) logging.debug("type(val)=%s", type(val)) logging.debug("indices=%s", indices) if isinstance(data, dict): mdata = data.keys() else: mdata = [data] val = str(val) logging.debug("Check if val=%s matches mdata=%s", val, mdata) sval = None for mval in mdata: if val.find(sep) > 0: logging.debug("val=%s is a namelist variable", val) sval = self.get_nml_value_from_string(self.nml, val, indices=indices) logging.debug("Got sval=%s", sval) if sval is None: return None indices = sval[0]["indices"] sval = sval[0]["value"] if mval == val: logging.debug("Found matching data. val=%s data=%s", val, data) try: rval = data[val] except TypeError: raise RuntimeError("Malformed input data") from TypeError if sval is not None: rval = {sval: rval} logging.debug("Return data rval=%s", rval) return rval logging.warning("Value=%s not found in data", val) return None
[docs] def process_data(self, sep="#"): """Process input definitions on files to map. Args: sep (str, optional): Namelist separator. Defaults to "#". Returns: mapped_data (dict): A dict with mapped local names and target files. """ logging.debug("Process data: %s", def _process_data(mapped_data, data, indices=None, macros=None, extenders=None): for key, value in data.items(): logging.debug(".................. key=%s", key) # Required namelist variable if key.find(sep) > 0: vals = self.get_nml_value_from_string(self.nml, key, indices=indices) else: vals = [{"value": value, "indices": None}] if isinstance(vals, list): for val_dict in vals: logging.debug("=========== val_dict=%s", val_dict) val = val_dict["value"] indices = val_dict["indices"] setting = self.matching_value( value, val, sep=sep, indices=indices ) logging.debug("Setting=%s", setting) if setting is not None: if "macros" in setting: macros = setting.copy() macros = macros["macros"] if "extenders" in setting: extenders = setting.copy() extenders = extenders["extenders"] last_dict = True if isinstance(setting, dict): for __, tval in setting.items(): if isinstance(tval, dict): last_dict = False else: print(setting) if not last_dict: logging.debug( "------ Call next loop. setting=%s", setting ) _process_data( mapped_data, setting, indices=indices, macros=macros, extenders=extenders, ) else: for key2, value2 in setting.items(): logging.debug( "Setting1 key=%s value=%s indices=%s", key2, value2, indices, ) if key2.find(sep) > 0: keys = self.get_nml_value_from_string( self.nml, key2, indices=indices ) key2 = keys[0]["value"] processed = False logging.debug( "Setting2 key=%s value=%s indices=%s", key2, value2, indices, ) if macros is not None: processed = True key3, value3 = self.process_macro( key2, value2, macros, indices=indices ) if value3.endswith(".dir"): dir_key = key3 + ".dir" dir_val = value3 hdr_key = key3 + ".hdr" hdr_val = value3.replace(".dir", ".hdr") hdr_key, hdr_val = self.substitute( hdr_key, hdr_val ) dir_key, dir_val = self.substitute( dir_key, dir_val ) mapped_data.update({hdr_key: hdr_val}) mapped_data.update({dir_key: dir_val}) elif value3.endswith(".nc"): my_key, my_val = self.substitute(key3, value3) logging.debug( "my_key=%s, my_val=%s", my_key, my_val ) if not my_key.endswith(".nc"): my_key = my_key + ".nc" mapped_data.update({my_key: my_val}) else: my_key, my_val = self.substitute(key3, value3) mapped_data.update({my_key: my_val}) if extenders is not None: processed = True processed_values = self.extend_macro( key2, value2, extenders ) for pkey3, pval3 in processed_values.items(): logging.debug( "pkey3=%s pval3=%s", pkey3, pval3 ) pkey3, pval3 = self.substitute(pkey3, pval3) logging.debug( "pkey3=%s pval3=%s", pkey3, pval3 ) mapped_data.update({pkey3: pval3}) if not processed: pkey3 = key2 pval3 = value2 logging.debug("pkey3=%s pval3=%s", pkey3, pval3) if pval3.endswith(".nc"): if not pkey3.endswith(".nc"): pkey3 = pkey3 + ".nc" pkey3, pval3 = self.substitute(pkey3, pval3) mapped_data.update({pkey3: pval3}) indices = None else: if key not in ["macros", "extenders"]: logging.warning( "Could not match key=%s value=%s", key, val ) else: logging.warning("Could not find namelist key=%s", key) indices = None mapped_data = {} _process_data(mapped_data, logging.debug("Mapped data=%s", mapped_data) return mapped_data