Source code for pysurfex.bufr

"""bufr treatment."""
import logging
from math import exp

import numpy as np

    import eccodes  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    eccodes = None
    logging.warning("ECCODES not found. Needed for bufr reading")
except RuntimeError:
    eccodes = None
    logging.warning("ECCODES not found. Needed for bufr reading")
# Needed in Python 3.5
except Exception:
    logging.warning("Could not load eccodes")
    eccodes = None

from .datetime_utils import as_datetime_args
from .obs import ObservationSet
from .observation import Observation

[docs]class BufrObservationSet(ObservationSet): """Create observation data set from bufr observations.""" def __init__( self, bufrfile, variables, valid_dtg, valid_range, lonrange=None, latrange=None, label="bufr", use_first=False, sigmao=None, ): """Initialize a bufr observation set. Args: bufrfile (str): Full path of the bufr file to read variables(list): Variables to read valid_dtg (datetime.datetime): DTG string with valid time valid_range (datetime.timedelta): The allowed time range lonrange (list): Allowed range of longitudes [min, max] latrange (list): Allowed range of latitides [min, max] label (str): A label for the resulting observations set use_first (bool): Use only the first valid observation for a point if more are found sigmao (float, optional): Observation error relative to normal background error. Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: ECCODES not found. Needed for bufr reading NotImplementedError: Not implemented """ if lonrange is None: lonrange = [-180, 180] if latrange is None: latrange = [-90, 90] if eccodes is None: raise RuntimeError("ECCODES not found. Needed for bufr reading") logging.debug(eccodes.__file__) # open bufr file file_handler = open(bufrfile, mode="rb") number_of_bytes =, 2)"File size: %s", number_of_bytes) # define the keys to be printed keys = [ "latitude", "localLatitude", "longitude", "localLongitude", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "heightOfStationGroundAboveMeanSeaLevel", "heightOfStation", "stationNumber", "blockNumber", ] processed_threshold = 0 nerror = {} ntime = {} nundef = {} ndomain = {} nobs = {} for var in variables: if var == "relativeHumidityAt2M": keys.append("airTemperatureAt2M") keys.append("dewpointTemperatureAt2M") keys.append( "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=2" "/airTemperature" ) keys.append( "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=1.5" "/airTemperature" ) keys.append( "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=2" "/dewpointTemperature" ) keys.append( "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=1.5" "/dewpointTemperature" ) keys.append( "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=2" "/relativeHumidity" ) elif var == "airTemperatureAt2M": keys.append("airTemperatureAt2M") keys.append( "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=2" "/airTemperature" ) keys.append( "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=1.5" "/airTemperature" ) else: keys.append(var) nerror.update({var: 0}) ntime.update({var: 0}) nundef.update({var: 0}) ndomain.update({var: 0}) nobs.update({var: 0})"Reading %s", bufrfile)"Looking for keys: %s", str(keys)) cnt = 0 observations = list() # loop for the messages in the file not_decoded = 0 registry = {} while 1: # get handle for message bufr = eccodes.codes_bufr_new_from_file(file_handler) if bufr is None: break # we need to instruct ecCodes to expand all the descriptors # i.e. unpack the data values try: eccodes.codes_set(bufr, "unpack", 1) decoded = True except eccodes.CodesInternalError as err: not_decoded = not_decoded + 1 logging.error('Error with key="unpack" : %s', err.msg) decoded = False # print the values for the selected keys from the message if decoded: lat = np.nan local_lat = np.nan lon = np.nan local_lon = np.nan value = np.nan elev = np.nan year = -1 month = -1 day = -1 hour = -1 minute = -1 stid = "NA" station_number = -1 block_number = -1 site_name = "NA" t2m = np.nan rh2m = np.nan td2m = np.nan s_d = np.nan temp = np.nan t_d = np.nan c_b = np.nan for key in keys: try: logging.debug("Decode: %s", key) val = eccodes.codes_get(bufr, key) logging.debug("Got: %s=%s", key, val) if ( val == eccodes.CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE or val == eccodes.CODES_MISSING_LONG ): val = np.nan if key == "latitude": lat = val if lat < -90 or lat > 90: lat = np.nan if key == "longitude": lon = val if lon < -180 or lon > 180: lon = np.nan if key == "localLatitude": local_lat = val if local_lat < -90 or local_lat > 90: local_lat = np.nan if key == "localLongitude": local_lon = val if local_lon < -180 or local_lon > 180: local_lon = np.nan if key == "year": year = val if key == "month": month = val if key == "day": day = val if key == "hour": hour = val if key == "minute": minute = val if key == "heightOfStation": if not np.isnan(val): elev = val if key == "heightOfStationGroundAboveMeanSeaLevel": if not np.isnan(val): elev = val if key == "stationNumber": station_number = val if key == "blockNumber": block_number = val if key == "stationOrSiteName": site_name = str(val) if key == "airTemperatureAt2M": t2m = val if ( key == "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=2" "/airTemperature" or key == "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=1.5" "/airTemperature" ): temp = val if ( key == "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=2" "/relativeHumidity" ): rh2m = val if key == "dewpointTemperatureAt2M": td2m = val if ( key == "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=2" "/dewpointTemperature" or key == "/heightOfSensorAboveLocalGroundOrDeckOfMarinePlatform=1.5" "/dewpointTemperature" ): t_d = val if key == "totalSnowDepth": s_d = val if key == "heightOfBaseOfCloud": c_b = val except eccodes.CodesInternalError: logging.debug('Report does not contain key="%s"', key) got_pos = True if np.isnan(lat): if np.isnan(local_lat): got_pos = False else: lat = local_lat if np.isnan(lon): if np.isnan(local_lon): got_pos = False else: lon = local_lon if got_pos: # Assign value to var pos = f"{lon:.5f}:{lat:.5f}" for var in variables: exists = False if use_first: if pos in registry: if var in registry[pos]: exists = registry[pos][var] else: registry.update({pos: {}}) if not exists: logging.debug("Pos does not exist %s %s", pos, var) if var == "relativeHumidityAt2M": if ( not np.isnan(t2m) and not np.isnan(td2m) and np.isnan(rh2m) ): try: value = self.td2rh(td2m, t2m) value = value * 0.01 except Exception: logging.debug("Got exception for %s:", var) value = np.nan elif ( not np.isnan(temp) and not np.isnan(t_d) and np.isnan(rh2m) ): try: value = self.td2rh(t_d, temp) value = value * 0.01 except Exception: logging.debug( "Got exception for %s", var, ) value = np.nan else: value = np.nan if np.isnan(value) and not np.isnan(rh2m): value = 0.01 * rh2m elif var == "airTemperatureAt2M": if np.isnan(t2m): if not np.isnan(temp): value = temp else: value = t2m elif var == "totalSnowDepth": value = s_d elif var == "heightOfBaseOfCloud": value = c_b elif var == "stationOrSiteName": site_name = site_name else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Var {var} is not coded! Please do it!" ) else: logging.debug("Pos already exists %s %s", pos, var) all_found = True if np.isnan(lat): all_found = False if np.isnan(lon): all_found = False if year == -1: all_found = False if month == -1: all_found = False if day == -1: all_found = False if hour == -1: all_found = False if minute == -1: all_found = False if np.isnan(elev): all_found = False if np.isnan(value): all_found = False if not all_found: nerror.update({var: nerror[var] + 1}) logging.debug( "Check on position in space and time %s %s %s %s %s %s", lon, lonrange[0], lonrange[1], lat, latrange[0], latrange[1], ) if ( latrange[0] <= lat <= latrange[1] and lonrange[0] <= lon <= lonrange[1] ): obs_dtg = None try: obs_dtg = as_datetime_args( year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, ) except ValueError: logging.warning( "Bad observations time: year=%s month=%s day=%s hour=%s minute=%s Position is lon=%s, lat=%s", year, month, day, hour, minute, lon, lat, ) obs_dtg = None if not np.isnan(value) and obs_dtg is not None: if self.inside_window(obs_dtg, valid_dtg, valid_range): logging.debug( "Valid DTG for station %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", obs_dtg, valid_dtg, valid_range, lon, lat, value, elev, stid, ) if station_number > 0 and block_number > 0: stid = str((block_number * 1000) + station_number) if ( stid == "NA" and site_name != "NA" and site_name.isnumeric() ): stid = site_name observations.append( Observation( obs_dtg, lon, lat, value, elev=elev, stid=stid, varname=var, ) ) if use_first: registry[pos].update({var: True}) nobs.update({var: nobs[var] + 1}) else: ntime.update({var: ntime[var] + 1}) else: nundef.update({var: nundef[var] + 1}) else: ndomain.update({var: ndomain[var] + 1}) cnt += 1 try: nbytes = file_handler.tell() except ValueError: nbytes = number_of_bytes processed = int(round(float(nbytes) * 100.0 / float(number_of_bytes))) if processed > processed_threshold and processed % 5 == 0: processed_threshold = processed"Read: %s%%", processed) # delete handle eccodes.codes_release(bufr)"Found %s/%s", str(len(observations)), str(cnt))"Not decoded: %s", str(not_decoded)) for var in variables:"Observations for var=%s: %s", var, str(nobs[var])) "Observations removed because of domain check: %s", str(ndomain[var]) ) "Observations removed because of not being defined/found: %s", str(nundef[var]), ) "Observations removed because of time window: %s", str(ntime[var]) ) "Messages not containing information on all keys: %s", str(nerror[var]) ) # close the file file_handler.close() ObservationSet.__init__(self, observations, label=label, sigmao=sigmao)
[docs] @staticmethod def td2rh(t_d, temp, kelvin=True): """Convert dew point to temperature. Args: t_d (float): Dew point temperature temp (float): Temperature kelvin (bool, optional): Kelvin. Defaults to True. Raises: RuntimeError: Dew point temperature is probably not Kelvin RuntimeError: Temperature is probably not Kelvin Returns: float: Relative humidity (percent) """ if kelvin: if t_d < 100: raise RuntimeError("Dew point temperature is probably not Kelvin") if temp < 100: raise RuntimeError("Temperature is probably not Kelvin") t_d = t_d - 273.15 temp = temp - 273.15 r_h = 100 * ( exp((17.625 * t_d) / (243.04 + t_d)) / exp((17.625 * temp) / (243.04 + temp)) ) if r_h > 110 or r_h < 1: logging.warning( "\nWARNING: Calculated rh to %s from %s and %s. Set it to missing", str(r_h), str(t_d), str(temp), ) r_h = np.nan elif r_h > 100: logging.warning( "\nWARNING: Calculated rh to %s from %s and %s.", str(r_h), str(t_d), str(temp) + " Truncate to 100%", ) r_h = 100 return r_h
[docs] @staticmethod def inside_window(obs_dtg, valid_dtg, valid_range): """Check if inside window. Args: obs_dtg (as_datetime): Observation datetime valid_dtg (as_datetime): Valid datetime valid_range (as_timedelta): Window Returns: bool: True if inside window """ if valid_dtg is None: return True else: if (valid_dtg - valid_range) <= obs_dtg <= (valid_dtg + valid_range): return True else: return False