Source code for pysurfex.file

"""Surfex file related stuff."""
import abc
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import pyproj

from .datetime_utils import as_datetime, as_datetime_args, as_timedelta
from .fa import Fa
from .geo import IGN, ConfProj, LonLatReg, LonLatVal
from .interpolation import Interpolation
from .util import remove_existing_file

[docs]class SurfexIO(object): """Abstract Surfex IO class. Used for internal surfex file format files. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, geo, extension): """Construct a surfex IO object. Args: filename (str): Name of file geo (surfex.Geometry): Geometry extension (str): File extension """ self.filename = filename self.geo = geo self.extension = extension
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def field(self, var, validtime=None): """Abstract method to read field. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. Raises: NotImplementedError: Must be implemented by child class. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for this class!")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def points(self, var, geo_out, validtime=None, interpolation="bilinear"): """Abstract method to read points. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. geo_out (surfex.Geometry): Surfex geometry to interpolate to. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type.. Defaults to "nearest". Raises: NotImplementedError: Must be implemented by child class. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for this class!")
[docs] @staticmethod def interpolate_field(field, geo_in, geo_out, interpolation="bilinear"): """Interpolate a field to points. Args: field (np.darray): Field to interpolate geo_in (surfex.Geo): Input geometry geo_out (surfex.Geo): Target geometry interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type. Defaults to "bilinear". Returns: tuple: (np.array, surfex.Interpolator) """ interpolator = Interpolation(interpolation, geo_in, geo_out) field = interpolator.interpolate(field) return field, interpolator
[docs]class SurfexSurfIO(object): """Surfex surf file. Class for surfex restart files. """ def __init__( self, surfexfile, csurf_filetype, input_file=None, symlink=True, archive_file=None ): """Construct the surfex surf file. Args: surfexfile (str): Internal file name of surfex file. csurf_filetype (str): File type input_file (str, optional): File name to be used as surfexfile. Defaults to None. symlink (bool, optional): Symlink input_file to surfexfile. Defaults to True. archive_file (str, optional): Location to store the result. Defaults to None. """ self.filename = surfexfile.filename self.csurf_filetype = csurf_filetype self.need_pgd = False logging.debug("Input file: %s", input_file) self.input_file = input_file self.symlink = symlink if self.input_file is not None: if self.symlink: self.symlink_input() else: self.copy_input() self.archive_file = archive_file
[docs] def copy_input(self): """Copy the input file.""" if self.input_file is not None: f_out = os.getcwd() + "/" + self.filename remove_existing_file(self.input_file, f_out) if os.path.abspath(self.input_file) != f_out:"Copy %s -> %s", self.input_file, f_out) shutil.copy2(self.input_file, f_out)
[docs] def archive_output_file(self): """Archive the output file.""" if self.archive_file is not None: dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.archive_file)) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) f_in = os.getcwd() + "/" + self.filename if os.path.abspath(self.archive_file) != f_in:"Move %s to %s", f_in, self.archive_file) if os.path.islink(self.archive_file): os.unlink(self.archive_file) if os.path.isfile(self.archive_file): os.remove(self.archive_file) if os.path.isdir(self.archive_file): shutil.rmtree(self.archive_file) shutil.move(f_in, self.archive_file)
[docs]class PGDFile(SurfexSurfIO): """PGD file.""" def __init__( self, csurf_filetype, cpgdfile, input_file=None, symlink=True, archive_file=None, lfagmap=False, masterodb=False, ): """Construct PGD file object. Args: csurf_filetype (str): File type cpgdfile (str): Name of the PGD file input_file (str, optional): Input file. Defaults to None. symlink (bool, optional): Symlink input_file to surfexfile. Defaults to True. archive_file (str, optional): Location to store the result. Defaults to None. lfagmap (bool, optional): File use LFAGMAP. Defaults to False. masterodb (bool, optional): File produced by masterodb. Defaults to False. """ logging.debug("PGDFile") logging.debug("%s %s %s", cpgdfile, csurf_filetype, masterodb) cpgdfile = get_surfex_io_object( cpgdfile, filetype="surf", fileformat=csurf_filetype, lfagmap=lfagmap, masterodb=masterodb, ) SurfexSurfIO.__init__( self, cpgdfile, csurf_filetype, input_file=input_file, archive_file=archive_file, symlink=symlink, ) self.need_pgd = False
[docs]class PREPFile(SurfexSurfIO): """PREP file.""" def __init__( self, csurf_filetype, cprepfile, input_file=None, symlink=True, archive_file=None, lfagmap=False, masterodb=False, ): """Construct PREP file object. Args: csurf_filetype (str): File type cprepfile (str): Name of the PREP file input_file (str, optional): Input file. Defaults to None. symlink (bool, optional): Symlink input_file to surfexfile. Defaults to True. archive_file (str, optional): Location to store the result. Defaults to None. lfagmap (bool, optional): File use LFAGMAP. Defaults to False. masterodb (bool, optional): File produced by masterodb. Defaults to False. """ logging.debug("PREPFile %s", input_file) cprepfile = get_surfex_io_object( cprepfile, filetype="surf", fileformat=csurf_filetype, lfagmap=lfagmap, masterodb=masterodb, ) SurfexSurfIO.__init__( self, cprepfile, csurf_filetype, input_file=input_file, archive_file=archive_file, symlink=symlink, ) self.need_pgd = True
[docs]class SURFFile(SurfexSurfIO): """SURFOUT file.""" def __init__( self, csurf_filetype, csurffile, archive_file=None, input_file=None, lfagmap=False, masterodb=False, ): """Construct SURFOUT file object. Result of a surfex binary. Args: csurf_filetype (str): File type csurffile (str): Name of the PREP file input_file (str, optional): Input file. Defaults to None. archive_file (str, optional): Location to store the result. Defaults to None. lfagmap (bool, optional): File use LFAGMAP. Defaults to False. masterodb (bool, optional): File produced by masterodb. Defaults to False. """ logging.debug("SURFFile") csurffile = get_surfex_io_object( csurffile, filetype="surf", fileformat=csurf_filetype, lfagmap=lfagmap, masterodb=masterodb, ) SurfexSurfIO.__init__( self, csurffile, csurf_filetype, input_file=input_file, archive_file=archive_file, ) self.need_pgd = True
[docs]class SurfexFileVariable(object): """Surfex Variable.""" def __init__( self, varname, validtime=None, patches=1, layers=1, basetime=None, interval=None, datatype="float", tiletype="FULL", ): """Construct a surfex file variable. Args: varname (str): Variable name. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. patches (int, optional): Number of patches. Defaults to 1. layers (int, optional): Number of layers. Defaults to 1. basetime (datetime.datetime, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. interval (int, optional): Interval. Defaults to None. datatype (str, optional): Data type for variable. Defaults to "float". tiletype (str, optional): Tiletype """ self.varname = varname self.type = datatype self.patches = patches self.layers = layers self.basetime = basetime self.interval = interval self.validtime = validtime self.datatype = datatype self.tiletype = tiletype
[docs] def print_var(self): """Print variable information.""" return self.varname
def get_surfex_io_object( fname, filetype="surf", fileformat=None, geo=None, lfagmap=False, masterodb=False ): """Get the surfexIO object. Args: fname (str): File name. filetype (str, optional): File type. Defaults to "surf". fileformat (str, optional): File format. Defaults to None. geo (surfex.Geo, optional): Geometry. Defaults to None. lfagmap (bool, optional): File use LFAGMAP. Defaults to False. masterodb (bool, optional): File produced by masterodb. Defaults to False. Raises: RuntimeError: Invalid filetype NotImplementedError: Filetype not implemented RuntimeError: Format needs a geometry Returns: SurfexIO: SurfexIO object. """ logging.debug("get_surfex_io_object") if filetype is not None: if ( filetype.lower() != "surf" and filetype.lower() != "ts" and filetype.lower() != "forcing" ): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid filetype: " + filetype + " Allowed: surf/ts/forcing" ) if fileformat is None: fileformat, filetype = guess_file_format(fname, filetype) if fileformat.lower() == "ascii": if filetype.lower() == "surf": obj = AsciiSurfexFile(fname, geo=geo) elif filetype.lower() == "forcing": raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet") else: raise NotImplementedError elif fileformat.lower() == "nc": if filetype.lower() == "surf": obj = NCSurfexFile(fname, geo=geo) else: raise NotImplementedError elif fileformat.lower() == "netcdf": if filetype.lower() == "ts": if geo is None: raise RuntimeError("Format NetCDF needs a geometry") obj = NetCDFSurfexFile(fname, geo) elif filetype.lower() == "forcing": if geo is None: raise RuntimeError( "Format NetCDF needs a geometry for reading forcing files" ) obj = ForcingFileNetCDF(fname, geo) else: raise NotImplementedError elif fileformat.lower() == "texte": if geo is None: raise RuntimeError("Format TEXTE needs a geometry") obj = TexteSurfexFile(fname, geo) elif fileformat.lower() == "fa": if filetype.lower() == "surf": obj = FaSurfexFile(fname, geo=geo, lfagmap=lfagmap, masterodb=masterodb) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError("Format not implemented: " + fileformat) logging.debug("Returning object: %s", obj) return obj
[docs]def guess_file_format(fname, ftype=None): """Guess the file format. Args: fname (str): Filename ftype (str, optional): Filetype if known/wished. Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: Can not-auto decide filetype for files RuntimeError: Filetype and/or format not set Returns: tuple: fileformat, filetype """ f_n = str(os.path.basename(fname)) ext = str(f_n.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)[-1]) if ftype is None:"Trying to guess the file type") needles = ["PREP", "PGD"] for needle in needles: if, f_n): ftype = "surf" if ext.endswith("nc"): ftype = "surf" needles = [".*PROGNOSTIC.*", ".*DIAGNOSTICS.*", "SURF_ATM.*"] for needle in needles: if, f_n): ftype = "ts" for __ in needles: if ext.endswith("TXT"): ftype = "ts" needles = ["Forc_.*", "FORCING.*"] for needle in needles: if, f_n): ftype = "forcing" if"SURFOUT.*", f_n) and ftype is None: raise RuntimeError( "Can not-auto decide filetype for files called SURFOUT.*.txt. " + "Specify either surf or ts" ) fileformat = None"Trying to guess the file format from extension: %s", ext) if ext.endswith("txt"): fileformat = "ascii" if ext.endswith("TXT"): fileformat = "texte" if ext.endswith("nc"): if ftype == "surf": fileformat = "nc" else: fileformat = "netcdf" if ext.endswith("fa"): fileformat = "fa" if ext.endswith("sfx"): fileformat = "fa" if ftype is None or fileformat is None: raise RuntimeError( "Filetype and/or format not set: " + str(ftype) + " & " + str(fileformat) )"Filetype: %s format: %s", ftype, fileformat) return fileformat, ftype
[docs]class AsciiSurfexFile(SurfexIO): """Input from an ASCII surfex file (.txt)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, geo=None): """Construct the ASCII object. Args: filename (str): Filename geo(surfex.geo.Geo, optional): Geometry, Defaults to None. """ suffix = SurfFileTypeExtension("ASCII").suffix self.filename = filename if geo is None: geo = self.get_geo() if not filename.endswith(suffix): filename = filename + suffix SurfexIO.__init__(self, filename, geo, "txt")
[docs] def get_geo(self): """Get the geometry object. Raises: FileNotFoundError: _description_ RuntimeError: No grid found NotImplementedError: _description_ Returns: surfex.Geometry: Surfex geometry """ if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): raise FileNotFoundError("File does not exist: " + str(self.filename)) grid ="GRID_TYPE", "FULL", "string") if grid is None: raise RuntimeError("No grid found") if grid == "IGN": domain = { "nam_ign": { "clambert":"LAMBERT", "&FULL", "integer"), "npoints":"NPOINTS", "&FULL", "integer"), "xx":"XX", "&FULL", "float"), "xy":"XY", "&FULL", "float"), "xdx":"XDX", "&FULL", "float"), "xdy":"XY", "&FULL", "float"), "xx_llcorner":"XX_LLCORNER", "&FULL", "float"), "xy_llcorner":"XY_LLCORNER", "&FULL", "float"), "xcellsize":"XCELLSIZE", "&FULL", "float"), "ncols":"NCOLS", "&FULL", "integer"), "nrows":"NROWS", "&FULL", "integer"), } } return IGN(domain) elif grid == "LONLATVAL": domain = { "nam_lonlatval": { "xx":"XX", "&FULL", "float"), "xy":"XY", "&FULL", "float"), "xdx":"DX", "&FULL", "float"), "xdy":"DY", "&FULL", "float"), } } return LonLatVal(domain) elif grid == "LONLAT REG": domain = { "nam_lonlat_reg": { "xlonmin":"LONMIN", "&FULL", "float"), "xlatmin":"LATMIN", "&FULL", "float"), "xlonmax":"LONMAX", "&FULL", "float"), "xlatmax":"LATMAX", "&FULL", "float"), "nlon":"NLON", "&FULL", "integer"), "nlat":"NLAT", "&FULL", "integer"), } } return LonLatReg(domain) elif grid == "CONF PROJ": lon0 ="LON0", "&FULL", "float") lat0 ="LAT0", "&FULL", "float") n_x ="IMAX", "&FULL", "integer") n_y ="JMAX", "&FULL", "integer") d_x ="XX", "&FULL", "float") d_y ="XX", "&FULL", "float") if d_x.shape[0] > 1: d_x = d_x[1] - d_x[0] if d_y.shape[0] > 1: d_y = d_y[1] - d_y[0] ll_lon ="LONORI", "&FULL", "float") ll_lat ="LATORI", "&FULL", "float") "lon0=%s lat0=%s n_x=%s, n_y=%s d_x=%s dy=%s, ll_lon=%s, ll_lat=%s", lon0, lat0, n_x, n_y, d_x, d_y, ll_lon, ll_lat, ) earth = 6.37122e6 proj_string = ( f"+proj=lcc +lat_0={str(lat0)} +lon_0={str(lon0)} +lat_1={str(lat0)} " f"+lat_2={str(lat0)} +units=m +no_defs +R={str(earth)}" ) proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj_string) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS.from_string("EPSG:4326") x_0, y_0 = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, proj, always_xy=True).transform( ll_lon, ll_lat ) x_c = x_0 + 0.5 * (n_x - 1) * d_x y_c = y_0 + 0.5 * (n_y - 1) * d_y lonc, latc = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( proj, wgs84, always_xy=True ).transform(x_c, y_c) domain = { "nam_conf_proj": {"xlon0": lon0, "xlat0": lat0}, "nam_conf_proj_grid": { "xloncen": lonc, "xlatcen": latc, "nimax": n_x, "njmax": n_y, "xdx": d_x, "xdy": d_x, "ilone": 0, "ilate": 0, }, } return ConfProj(domain) else: raise NotImplementedError("Grid " + str(grid[0]) + " not implemented!")
[docs] def read(self, read_par, read_tile, datatype): """Read the file. Args: read_par (str): Parameter to read read_tile (str): Tile to read datatype (str): Datatype Raises: NotImplementedError: Datatype not implemented RuntimeError: Could not read datatype Returns: numpy.array: Values read """ # Add & if not given if read_tile.find("&") < 0: read_tile = "&" + read_tile file = open(self.filename, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") read_desc = False read_value = False values = [] for line in file: words = line.split() print(read_value, read_desc) print(words) if len(words) > 0: if read_value and not read_desc: if words[0].find("&") < 0: try: if datatype.lower() == "float": for word in words: val = float(word.replace("D", "E")) if val == 1e20: val = np.nan values.append(val) elif datatype.lower() == "string": str_words = [] for word in words: str_words.append(word) values = " ".join(str_words) elif ( datatype.lower() == "integer" or datatype.lower() == "int" ): for word in words: values.append(int(word)) elif ( datatype.lower() == "logical" or datatype.lower() == "bool" ): for word in words: if word.lower().strip()[0] == "t": values = True else: values = False else: raise NotImplementedError( "Type not implemented " + str(datatype) ) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError( f"Conversion from {str(words)} to {str(datatype)} " "does not work! Try a different datatype!" ) from ValueError if read_desc: read_desc = False read_value = True if words[0].find("&") >= 0: tile = words[0] par = words[1] read_value = False if ( tile.strip().lower() == read_tile.lower() and par.lower() == read_par.lower() ): read_desc = True read_value = False"Found: %s %s", str(tile), str(par)) # Description could be empty else: if read_desc: read_desc = False read_value = True if isinstance(values, list): if len(values) == 0:"No values found for %s", read_par) return None if len(values) > 1: values = np.asarray(values) else: values = values[0]"Returning values: %s", values) return values
[docs] def field(self, var, validtime=None): """Read a field in file. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. Returns: np.darray: Field, surfex.Geo in read file """ read_par = var.varname read_tile = var.tiletype datatype = var.datatype field =, read_tile, datatype) geo_in = self.get_geo() field = np.reshape(field, [geo_in.nlons, geo_in.nlats], order="F") return field, geo_in
[docs] def points(self, var, geo_out, validtime=None, interpolation="nearest"): """Read points. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. geo_out (surfex.Geo): Surfex geometry for points. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type. Defaults to "nearest". Returns: np.darray: Interpolated points """ field, geo_in = self.field(var, validtime=validtime) points, interpolator = SurfexIO.interpolate_field( field, geo_in, geo_out, interpolation=interpolation ) return points, interpolator
[docs]class NCSurfexFile(SurfexIO): """NetCDF surfex file (restart type)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, geo=None): """Construct NC file object. Args: filename (str): File name geo (surfex.Geo, optional): Surfex geometry. Defaults to None. """ suffix = SurfFileTypeExtension("NC").suffix if not filename.endswith(suffix): filename = filename + suffix self.filename = filename if geo is None: geo = self.get_geo() SurfexIO.__init__(self, filename, geo, "nc")
[docs] def get_geo(self): """Get geometry in file. Raises: NotImplementedError: Grid not implemented Returns: surfex.Geometry: Surfex geometry in file """ try: f_h = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, "r") except OSError: logging.debug("Geo not open %s as a netCDF file", self.filename) return None cgrid = str(netCDF4.chartostring(f_h["GRID_TYPE"][:])).strip() if cgrid == "CONF PROJ": lon0 = float(f_h["LON0"][0]) lat0 = float(f_h["LAT0"][0]) n_x = int(f_h["IMAX"][0]) n_y = int(f_h["JMAX"][0]) d_x = float(f_h["DX"][0][0]) d_y = float(f_h["DY"][0][0]) ll_lon = float(f_h["LONORI"][0]) ll_lat = float(f_h["LATORI"][0]) earth = 6.37122e6 proj_string = ( f"+proj=lcc +lat_0={str(lat0)} +lon_0={str(lon0)} +lat_1={str(lat0)} " f"+lat_2={str(lat0)} +units=m +no_defs +R={str(earth)}" ) proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj_string) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS.from_string("EPSG:4326") x_0, y_0 = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, proj, always_xy=True).transform( ll_lon, ll_lat ) x_c = x_0 + 0.5 * (n_x + 1) * d_x y_c = y_0 + 0.5 * (n_y + 1) * d_y lonc, latc = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( proj, wgs84, always_xy=True ).transform(x_c, y_c) domain = { "nam_conf_proj": {"xlon0": lon0, "xlat0": lat0}, "nam_conf_proj_grid": { "xloncen": lonc, "xlatcen": latc, "nimax": n_x, "njmax": n_y, "xdx": d_x, "xdy": d_y, "ilone": 0, "ilate": 0, }, } return ConfProj(domain) elif cgrid == "IGN": domain = { "nam_ign": { "clambert": f_h["CLAMBERT"][0], "xx": f_h["XX"][:], "xy": f_h["XY"][:], "xdx": f_h["DX"][:], "xdy": f_h["DY"][:], } } return IGN(domain) elif cgrid == "LONLATVAL": domain = { "nam_lonlatval": { "xx": f_h["XX"][:], "xy": f_h["XY"][:], "xdx": f_h["DX"][:], "xdy": f_h["DY"][:], } } return LonLatVal(domain) elif cgrid == "LONLAT REG": domain = { "nam_lonlatval_reg": { "lonmin": f_h["LONMIN"][0], "latmin": f_h["LATMIN"][0], "lonmax": f_h["LONMAX"][0], "latmax": f_h["LATMAX"][0], "nlon": f_h["NLON"][0], "nlat": f_h["NLAT"][0], "reg_lon": f_h["REG_LON"][0], "reg_lat": f_h["REG_LAT"][0], } } return LonLatReg(domain) else: raise NotImplementedError(cgrid + " is not implemented")
[docs] def field(self, var, validtime=None): """Read field. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. validtime (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: Mismatch in times in file and the wanted time Returns: np.darray: Field, surfex.Geo in read file """ f_h = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, "r") if validtime is None: pass else: time_in_file = None try: year = f_h["DTCUR-YEAR"][0] month = f_h["DTCUR-MONTH"][0] day = f_h["DTCUR-DAY"][0] time = int(f_h["DTCUR-TIME"][0]) hour = int(time / 3600) # TODO minutes time_in_file = as_datetime_args( year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour ) except IndexError: logging.warning("Could not checking time") if time_in_file is not None: if validtime != time_in_file: logging.error( "time_in_file=%s validtime=%s %s %s", time_in_file, validtime, type(time_in_file), type(validtime), ) raise RuntimeError("Mismatch in times in file and the wanted time") geo_in = self.get_geo() field = f_h[var.varname][:] fillvalue = f_h[var.varname].getncattr("_FillValue")"Set %s to nan", fillvalue) field = field.filled(np.nan) # Reshape to fortran 2D style field = np.transpose(field) return field, geo_in
[docs] def points(self, var, geo_out, validtime=None, interpolation="nearest"): """Read points. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. geo_out (surfex.Geo): Surfex geometry for points. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type. Defaults to "nearest". Returns: np.darray: Interpolated points """ field, geo_in = self.field(var, validtime=validtime) points, interpolator = SurfexIO.interpolate_field( field, geo_in, geo_out, interpolation=interpolation ) return points, interpolator
[docs]class FaSurfexFile(SurfexIO): """FA surfex file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, geo=None, masterodb=False, lfagmap=True): """Construct the surfex FA file. Args: filename (str): File name. geo (surfex.Geo, optional): Surfex geometry. Defaults to None. masterodb (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. lfagmap (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True. """ extension = SurfFileTypeExtension("FA", masterodb=masterodb, lfagmap=lfagmap) extension_suffix = extension.suffix # Surfex binaries use .fa suffix for all input files no matter if they are lfagmap files if not filename.endswith(extension_suffix): filename = filename + extension_suffix SurfexIO.__init__(self, filename, geo, extension) self.lfagmap = lfagmap
[docs] def field(self, var, validtime=None): """Read field from FA file. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. Returns: np.darray: Field, surfex.Geo in read file """ file_handler = Fa(self.filename) field, geo_in = file_handler.field(var.varname, validtime) # Reshape to fortran 2D style logging.debug("field=%s, field.shape=%s", field, field.shape) field = np.reshape(field, [geo_in.nlons, geo_in.nlats], order="F") return field, geo_in
[docs] def points(self, var, geo_out, validtime=None, interpolation="nearest"): """Read points. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. geo_out (surfex.Geo): Surfex geometry for points. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type. Defaults to "nearest". Returns: tuple: Interpolated points, surfex.Interpolator """ field, geo_in = self.field(var, validtime=validtime) points, interpolator = SurfexIO.interpolate_field( field, geo_in, geo_out, interpolation=interpolation ) return points, interpolator
[docs]class SurfFileTypeExtension(object): """Extension of a surfex file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, csurf_filetype, masterodb=False, lfagmap=True): """Construct an extension object. Args: csurf_filetype (str): Surfex file type. masterodb (bool, optional): File created with masterodb. Defaults to False. lfagmap (bool, optional): File created with lfagmap=True. Defaults to True. """ suffix = None extension = "" if csurf_filetype.lower() == "nc": extension = "nc" elif csurf_filetype.lower() == "ascii": extension = "txt" elif csurf_filetype.lower() == "fa": if lfagmap: extension = "sfx" if not masterodb: suffix = ".fa" else: extension = "fa" if suffix is None: suffix = "." + extension self.type = extension self.suffix = suffix
[docs]class NetCDFSurfexFile(SurfexIO): """Reading surfex NetCDF time series output."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, geo): """Construct a NetCDF surfex time series file. Args: filename (str): Name of file. geo (surfex.Geometry): Surfex geometry for time series. """ self.file_handler = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, "r") SurfexIO.__init__(self, filename, geo, "nc")
[docs] def read(self, var, times): """Read a field, return a 2D array. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. times (list): List of datetime.datetime objects Raises: ValueError: times must be list or tuple ValueError: patches must be list or tuple ValueError: patches must be list or tuple RuntimeError: Variable not found! NotImplementedError: Dimension not implemented RuntimeError: Mismatch in points Returns: (tuple): (np.array. surfex.Geometry) """ layers = var.layers patches = var.patches if not isinstance(times, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("times must be list or tuple") if not isinstance(layers, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("patches must be list or tuple") if not isinstance(patches, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("patches must be list or tuple") values = np.array([]) times_read = [] ndims = 0 dim_indices = [] mapping = {} npatch = 1 if self.file_handler.variables[var.varname].shape[0] > 0: for dim in self.file_handler.variables[var.varname].dimensions: dimlen = self.file_handler.variables[var.varname].shape[ndims] this_dim = [] if dim == "time": mapping[0] = ndims times_for_var = self.file_handler.variables["time"] units = times_for_var.units try: t_cal = times_for_var.calendar except AttributeError: # Attribute doesn't exist t_cal = "gregorian" # or standard indices = list(range(0, dimlen)) times_for_var = netCDF4.num2date( times_for_var[indices], units=units, calendar=t_cal ) if len(times) > 0: for t_to_find, t_to_find_val in enumerate(times): for tstep in range(0, len(indices)): if times_for_var[tstep] == t_to_find_val: this_dim.append(tstep) times_read.append(times[t_to_find]) else: times_read = times_for_var this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) elif dim == "Number_of_points": mapping[1] = ndims this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) elif dim == "xx": mapping[1] = ndims this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) elif dim == "yy": mapping[2] = ndims this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) elif dim == "Number_of_Patches": mapping[3] = ndims npatch = dimlen if len(patches) > 0: npatch = len(patches) this_dim = patches else: this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) elif dim == "Number_of_Layers": mapping[4] = ndims npatch = dimlen if len(layers) > 0: this_dim = layers else: this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) elif dim == "lon": mapping[1] = ndims this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) elif dim == "lat": mapping[2] = ndims this_dim = list(range(0, dimlen)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for: " + dim) dim_indices.append(this_dim) ndims = ndims + 1 print(dim_indices) field = self.file_handler.variables[var.varname][dim_indices] # Add extra dimensions i = 0 reverse_mapping = [] for dim in range(0, 5): if dim not in mapping: logging.debug("Adding dimension %s", dim) field = np.expand_dims(field, len(dim_indices) + i) reverse_mapping.append(len(dim_indices) + i) i = i + 1 else: reverse_mapping.append(mapping[dim]) # Transpose to 5D array field = np.transpose(field, reverse_mapping) npoints = self.geo.npoints * npatch # Create 2-D array with times and points as for the other formats for tstep in range(0, field.shape[0]): field2d = np.empty(npoints) i = 0 for (patch,) in range(0, npatch): if self.geo.mask is not None: iii = 0 j = 0 # For some reason the NetCDF files have one less dimension in all # dimensions than the PGD dimension and mask needs x first. for xxx in range(-1, field.shape[1] + 1): for yyy in range(-1, field.shape[2] + 1): if xxx in range(0, field.shape[1]) and yyy in range( 0, field.shape[2] ): if self.geo.mask[j] == iii: field2d[i] = np.nan if field[tstep, xxx, yyy, patch] != np.nan: field2d[i] = field[tstep, xxx, yyy, patch] i = i + 1 j = j + 1 iii = iii + 1 else: for yyy in range(0, field.shape[2]): for xxx in range(0, field.shape[1]): field2d[i] = np.nan if field[tstep, xxx, yyy, patch] != np.nan: field2d[i] = field[tstep, xxx, yyy, patch] i = i + 1 if i != npoints: raise RuntimeError( "Mismatch in points " + str(i) + "!=" + str(npoints) ) values = np.append(values, field2d) # Re-shape to proper format values = np.reshape(values, [field.shape[0], npoints]) else: raise RuntimeError("Variable " + var.varname + " not found!") return values, self.geo
[docs] def field(self, var, validtime=None): """Read field. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: (np.array, surfex.Geometry) """ if validtime is None: validtime = [] else: validtime = [validtime] field, geo_in =, validtime) # Reshape to fortran 2D style field = np.reshape(field, [geo_in.nlons, geo_in.nlats], order="F") return field, geo_in
[docs] def points(self, var, geo_out, validtime=None, interpolation="nearest"): """Read points. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. geo_out (surfex.Geometry): Surfex geometry to interpolate to. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type.. Defaults to "nearest". Returns: tuple: points, surfex.Interpolator """ field, geo_in = self.field(var, validtime=validtime) points, interpolator = SurfexIO.interpolate_field( field, geo_in, geo_out, interpolation=interpolation ) return points, interpolator
[docs]class TexteSurfexFile(SurfexIO): """Reading surfex TEXTE output."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, geo): """Construct the Texte file. Args: filename (str): Filename geo (surfex.Geometry): Geometry """ self.file = None SurfexIO.__init__(self, filename, geo, "TXT")
[docs] def read(self, variable, times): """Read file. Args: variable (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. times (list): List of datetime.datetime to read. Raises: RuntimeError: Basetime must be set for TEXTE RuntimeError: Interval must be set for TEXTE RuntimeError: times must be list or tuple RuntimeError: Dimension of domain does not match end of line Returns: tuple: (np.array, surfex.Geometry) """ self.file = open(self.filename, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") base_time = variable.basetime interval = variable.interval npatch = variable.patches if base_time is None: raise RuntimeError("Basetime must be set for TEXTE") if interval is None: raise RuntimeError("Interval must be set for TEXTE") if not isinstance(times, (list, tuple)): raise RuntimeError("times must be list or tuple") values = np.array([]) times_read = np.array([]) end_of_line = self.geo.npoints * npatch this_time = np.empty(self.geo.npoints * npatch) tstep = 0 col = 0 for line in words = line.split() if len(words) > 0: for i, word in enumerate(words): val = float(word.replace("D", "E")) if val == 1e20: val = np.nan this_time[col] = val col = col + 1 if col == end_of_line: if ( times is None or (base_time + as_timedelta(seconds=(tstep * interval))) in times ): values = np.append(values, this_time) times_read = np.append( times_read, base_time + as_timedelta(seconds=(tstep * interval)), ) tstep = tstep + 1 col = 0 this_time[:] = np.nan if i != len(words) - 1: raise RuntimeError( "Dimension of domain does not match end of line! " + str(i) + " != " + str(len(words) - 1) ) if times_read.shape[0] > 0: values = np.asarray(values) values = np.reshape(values, [times_read.shape[0], this_time.shape[0]]) else:"No data found!") self.file.close() return values, self.geo
[docs] def field(self, var, validtime=None): """Read field. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: (np.array, surfex.Geometry) """ if validtime is not None: validtime = [validtime] field, geo_in =, validtime) # Reshape to fortran 2D style field = np.reshape(field, [geo_in.nlons, geo_in.nlats], order="F") return field, geo_in
[docs] def points(self, var, geo_out, validtime=None, interpolation="nearest"): """Read points. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. geo_out (surfex.Geometry): Geometry in file. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type. Defaults to "nearest". Returns: tuple: (np.array, surfex.Interpolator) """ field, geo_in = self.field(var, validtime=validtime) points, interpolator = SurfexIO.interpolate_field( field, geo_in, geo_out, interpolation=interpolation ) return points, interpolator
[docs]class ForcingFileNetCDF(SurfexIO): """Forcing netCDF file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fname, geo): """Construct forcing netcdf file. Args: fname (str): File name. geo (surfex.Geo): Surfex input geometry. """ self.fname = fname self.file_handler = netCDF4.Dataset(fname, "r") self.lons = self.file_handler.variables["LON"] self.lats = self.file_handler.variables["LAT"] SurfexIO.__init__(self, fname, geo, "nc")
[docs] def read_field(self, variable, times): """Read file. Args: variable (_type_): _description_ times (_type_): _description_ Raises: RuntimeError: You must set time! RuntimeError: No points found RuntimeError: Valid time not found in file! Returns: tuple: field, geo """ var = variable.varname field = None if var in self.file_handler.variables: if self.file_handler.variables[var].shape[0] > 0: if len(self.file_handler.variables[var].dimensions) == 1: dimlen = self.file_handler.variables[var].shape[0] field = self.file_handler.variables[var][0:dimlen] else: if len(times) == 0: raise RuntimeError("You must set time!") times_read = [] ndims = 0 npoints = 0 for dim in self.file_handler.variables[var].dimensions: dimlen = self.file_handler.variables[var].shape[ndims] if dim == "time": times_for_var = self.file_handler.variables["time"] units = times_for_var.units try: t_cal = times_for_var.calendar except AttributeError: # Attribute doesn't exist t_cal = "gregorian" # or standard indices = list(range(0, dimlen)) times_for_var = netCDF4.num2date( times_for_var[indices], units=units, calendar=t_cal ) for times_to_read_val in times: for tstep, times_for_var_val in enumerate(times_for_var): test_time = times_for_var_val.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") test_time = as_datetime(test_time) if test_time == times_to_read_val: times_read.append(tstep) logging.debug("%s %s", tstep, times_to_read_val) else: npoints = dimlen ndims = ndims + 1 if npoints == 0: raise RuntimeError("No points found") if len(times_read) == 0 and len(times) > 0: logging.error("%s", times) raise RuntimeError("Valid time not found in file!") field = self.file_handler.variables[var][times_read, 0:npoints] else: logging.warning("Variable %s not found!", var) return field, self.geo
[docs] def field(self, var, validtime=None): """Read field. Args: var (_type_): _description_ validtime (list, optional): Validtime. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: field, geo """ if validtime is None: validtime = [] else: validtime = [validtime] field, geo_in = self.read_field(var, validtime) # Reshape to fortran 2D style if field is not None: field = np.reshape(field, [geo_in.nlons, geo_in.nlats], order="F") return field, geo_in
[docs] def points(self, var, geo_out, validtime=None, interpolation=None): """Read points. Args: var (SurfexFileVariable): Variable in surfex file. geo_out (surfex.Geo): Surfex geometry for points. validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation type. Defaults to "nearest". Returns: tuple: Interpolated points, surfex.Interpolator """ field, geo_in = self.field(var, validtime=validtime) points, interpolator = SurfexIO.interpolate_field( field, geo_in, geo_out, interpolation=interpolation ) return points, interpolator
def read_surfex_field( varname, filename, validtime=None, basetime=None, patches=-1, layers=-1, fileformat=None, filetype=None, geo=None, datatype=None, interval=None, tiletype="FULL", ): """Read surfex field. Args: varname (_type_): _description_ filename (_type_): _description_ validtime (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. basetime (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. patches (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to -1. layers (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to -1. fileformat (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. filetype (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. geo (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. datatype (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. interval (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. tiletype(str, optional): Tiletype. Defaults to "FULL". Raises: RuntimeError: Not implemented and geo is None RuntimeError: You need to provide a geo object. Returns: field (np.ndarray): Field """ if fileformat is None: fileformat, filetype = guess_file_format(filename, filetype) if filetype == "surf": if fileformat.lower() == "ascii": geo = AsciiSurfexFile(filename).geo elif fileformat.lower() == "nc": geo = NCSurfexFile(filename).geo else: if geo is None: raise RuntimeError("Not implemented and geo is None") elif geo is None: raise RuntimeError( "You need to provide a geo object. Filetype is: " + str(filetype) ) sfx_io = get_surfex_io_object( filename, filetype=filetype, fileformat=fileformat, geo=geo ) var = SurfexFileVariable( varname, validtime=validtime, patches=patches, layers=layers, basetime=basetime, interval=interval, datatype=datatype, tiletype=tiletype, ) field, __ = sfx_io.field(var, validtime=validtime) return field def read_surfex_points( varname, filename, geo_out, validtime=None, basetime=None, patches=-1, layers=-1, fileformat=None, filetype=None, geo=None, datatype=None, interval=None, interpolation="nearest", tiletype="FULL", ): """Read surfex points. Args: varname (str): Variable name. filename (str): File name. geo_out (surfex.Geo): Surfex geometry validtime (datetime.datetime, optional): Valid time. Defaults to None. basetime (datetime.datetime, optional): Base time. Defaults to None. patches (int, optional): Number of patches. Defaults to -1. layers (int, optional): Numbers of layers. Defaults to -1. fileformat (str, optional): File format. Defaults to None. filetype (str, optional): File type. Defaults to None. geo (surfex.Geo, optional): Input geometry if needed. Defaults to None. datatype (str, optional): Data type. Defaults to None. interval (int, optional): Interval between times. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation method. Defaults to "nearest". tiletype(str, optional): Tiletype. Defaults to "FULL". Raises: NotImplementedError: _description_ RuntimeError: _description_ Returns: np.darray: Field """ if fileformat is None: fileformat, filetype = guess_file_format(filename, filetype) if filetype == "surf": if fileformat.lower() == "ascii": geo = AsciiSurfexFile(filename).geo elif fileformat.lower() == "nc": geo = NCSurfexFile(filename).geo else: if geo is None: raise NotImplementedError( f"{fileformat} is not implemented and geo is None" ) elif geo is None: raise RuntimeError( "You need to provide a geo object. Filetype is: " + str(filetype) ) sfx_io = get_surfex_io_object( filename, filetype=filetype, fileformat=fileformat, geo=geo ) var = SurfexFileVariable( varname, validtime=validtime, patches=patches, layers=layers, basetime=basetime, interval=interval, datatype=datatype, tiletype=tiletype, ) field, geo_out = sfx_io.points( var, geo_out, validtime=validtime, interpolation=interpolation ) return field