Source code for pysurfex.geo

import json
import logging
import math
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import pyproj

    from osgeo import ogr  # type: ignore
except Exception:
    ogr = None

from .namelist_legacy import BaseNamelist

[docs]class Geo(object): """Geometry."""
[docs] def __init__(self, lons, lats): """Construct geometry. Args: lons (np.ndarray): Longitudes lats (np.ndarray): Latitudes Raises: Exception: _description_ """ can_interpolate = False if not isinstance(lons, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(lats, np.ndarray): raise Exception("Longitudes and latitudes must be numpy nd arrays") ndims = len(lons.shape) self.ndims = ndims if len(lons.shape) != len(lats.shape): raise Exception("Mismatch in lat and lon") if len(lons.shape) > 1 and len(lats.shape) > 1: can_interpolate = True logging.debug("ndims=%s, can_interpolate=%s", ndims, can_interpolate) nlons = lons.shape[0] nlats = lats.shape[0] if ndims > 1: nlats = lats.shape[1] if ndims > 1: npoints = nlons * nlats else: npoints = nlats self.npoints = npoints self.nlons = nlons self.nlats = nlats self.lonrange = [np.min(lons), np.max(lons)] self.latrange = [np.min(lats), np.max(lats)] self.lons = lons self.lonlist = lons.flatten() self.lats = lats self.latlist = lats.flatten() logging.debug("lonlist=%s", self.lonlist) logging.debug("latlist=%s", self.latlist) logging.debug("nlons=%s nlats=%s", nlons, nlats) logging.debug("lons=%s shape=%s", lons, lons.shape) logging.debug("lats=%s shape=%s", lats, lats.shape) self.can_interpolate = can_interpolate
[docs] def identifier(self): """Create identifier.""" f_lon = "" l_lon = "" if self.lonrange is not None: f_lon = str(round(float(self.lonrange[0]), 2)) l_lon = str(round(float(self.lonrange[-1]), 2)) f_lat = "" l_lat = "" if self.latrange is not None: f_lat = str(round(float(self.latrange[0]), 2)) l_lat = str(round(float(self.latrange[-1]), 2)) tag = ( ":" + str(self.npoints) + ":" + str(self.nlons) + ":" + str(self.nlats) + ":" + f_lon + ":" + l_lon + ":" + f_lat + ":" + l_lat + ":" ) tag = tag.replace(" ", "") logging.debug("TAG: %s", tag) return tag
[docs] def is_identical(self, geo_to_check): """Check if geometries are identical. Args: geo_to_check (surfex.Geo): Geo to check. Returns: bool: True if identical. """ if self.identifier() == geo_to_check.identifier(): logging.debug("Geometries are identical") return True else: return False
[docs] def write_proj_info(self): """Write proj info. Returns: None: Do nothing for now. """ return None
[docs]class SurfexGeo(ABC, Geo): """Abstract surfex geometry class. Args: ABC (_type_): _description_ Geo (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, proj, lons, lats): """Construct a surfex geometry. Args: proj (str): Proj string lons (np.ndarray): Lons lats (np.ndarray): Lats """ self.mask = None self.proj = proj Geo.__init__(self, lons, lats)
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_namelist(self, nml): """Update namelist. Args: nml (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def subset(self, geo): """Find subset of geo. Args: geo (surfex.Geo): Geometry to check. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ConfProj(SurfexGeo): """Conf proj."""
[docs] def __init__(self, from_json): """Construct conf proj geo. Args: from_json (dict): Domain definition Raises: KeyError: Missing keys1 KeyError: Missing keys2 KeyError: Missing keys3 KeyError: Missing keys4 """ self.cgrid = "CONF PROJ" self.json = from_json domain_dict = BaseNamelist.lower_case_namelist_dict(from_json) logging.debug("from_json: %s", from_json) self.ilone = None self.ilate = None self.xtrunc = None if "nam_conf_proj_grid" in domain_dict: if ( "nimax" and "njmax" and "xloncen" and "xlatcen" and "xdx" and "xdy" in domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"] ): self.nimax = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["nimax"] self.njmax = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["njmax"] self.xloncen = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["xloncen"] self.xlatcen = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["xlatcen"] self.xdx = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["xdx"] self.xdy = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["xdy"] if "ilone" in domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]: self.ilone = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["ilone"] if "ilate" in domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]: self.ilate = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["ilate"] if "xtrunc" in domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]: self.xtrunc = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj_grid"]["xtrunc"] else: raise KeyError("Missing keys1") else: raise KeyError("Missing key2") if "nam_conf_proj" in domain_dict: if "xlon0" and "xlat0" in domain_dict["nam_conf_proj"]: self.xlon0 = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj"]["xlon0"] self.xlat0 = domain_dict["nam_conf_proj"]["xlat0"] else: raise KeyError("Missing keys3") else: raise KeyError("Missing key4") earth = 6.37122e6 # Work-around for SP cases where projection info in FA header is wrong self.xlat0 = float("{:.5f}".format(self.xlat0)) self.xlon0 = float("{:.5f}".format(self.xlon0)) if self.xlat0 == 90.0 or self.xlat0 == -90.0: proj_string = ( f"+proj=stere +lat_0={str(self.xlat0)} +lon_0={str(self.xlon0)} " f"+lat_ts={str(self.xlat0)}" ) else: proj_string = ( f"+proj=lcc +lat_0={str(self.xlat0)} +lon_0={str(self.xlon0)} " f"+lat_1={str(self.xlat0)} +lat_2={str(self.xlat0)} " f"+units=m +no_defs +R={str(earth)}" ) logging.debug("Proj string: %s", proj_string) proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj_string) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS.from_string("EPSG:4326") xloncen, xlatcen = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( wgs84, proj, always_xy=True ).transform(self.xloncen, self.xlatcen) x_0 = float(xloncen) - (0.5 * ((float(self.nimax) - 1.0) * self.xdx)) y_0 = float(xlatcen) - (0.5 * ((float(self.njmax) - 1.0) * self.xdy)) self.x_0 = x_0 self.y_0 = y_0 xxx = np.empty([self.nimax]) yyy = np.empty([self.njmax]) # TODO vectorize for i in range(0, self.nimax): xxx[i] = x_0 + (float(i) * self.xdx) for j in range(0, self.njmax): yyy[j] = y_0 + (float(j) * self.xdy) = xxx self.yyy = yyy y_v, x_v = np.meshgrid(yyy, xxx) logging.debug("x_v.shape=%s y_v.shape=%s", x_v.shape, y_v.shape) lons, lats = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(proj, wgs84, always_xy=True).transform( x_v, y_v ) logging.debug("lons.shape=%s lats.shape=%s", lons.shape, lats.shape) logging.debug("lons.shape=%s", lons) logging.debug("lats.shape=%s", lats) SurfexGeo.__init__(self, proj, lons, lats)
[docs] def update_namelist(self, nml): """Update namelist. Args: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. Returns: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. """ nml.update( { "nam_pgd_grid": {"cgrid": self.cgrid}, "nam_conf_proj": { "xlon0": self.xlon0, "xlat0": self.xlat0, "xrpk": math.sin(math.radians(self.xlat0)), "xbeta": 0, }, "nam_conf_proj_grid": { "xlatcen": self.xlatcen, "xloncen": self.xloncen, "nimax": self.nimax, "njmax": self.njmax, "xdx": self.xdx, "xdy": self.xdy, }, } ) if self.ilone is not None: nml["nam_conf_proj_grid"].update({"ilone": self.ilone}) if self.ilate is not None: nml["nam_conf_proj_grid"].update({"ilate": self.ilate}) if self.xtrunc is not None: nml["nam_conf_proj_grid"].update({"xtrunc": self.xtrunc}) return nml
[docs] def subset(self, geo): """Find subset of geo. Args: geo (surfex.Geo): Geometry to check. Returns: (list, list): lons, lats """ lons = [] lats = [] if hasattr(geo, "cgrid") and geo.cgrid == self.cgrid: is_subset = True if self.xlon0 != geo.xlon0 or self.xlat0 != geo.xlat0: is_subset = False if self.xdx != geo.xdx: is_subset = False if self.xdy != geo.xdy: is_subset = False if self.nimax > geo.nimax: is_subset = False if self.njmax > geo.njmax: is_subset = False if is_subset:"Grids have same projection and grid spacing") x_0 = None y_0 = None for i in range(0, geo.nimax): if round(self.x_0, 4) == round([i], 4): x_0 = i break for j in range(0, geo.njmax): if round(self.y_0, 4) == round(geo.yyy[j], 4): y_0 = j break if x_0 is not None and y_0 is not None: "Grid is a subset of input grid %s %s", str(x_0), str(y_0) ) lons = np.arange(x_0, x_0 + self.nimax, 1).tolist() lats = np.arange(y_0, y_0 + self.njmax, 1).tolist() return lons, lats
[docs]class LonLatVal(SurfexGeo): """LonLatVal."""
[docs] def __init__(self, from_json): """Construct a LonLatVal geometry. Used also for points/observations. Args: from_json (dict): Domain description, Raises: KeyError: Missing key KeyError: Missing keys """ self.cgrid = "LONLATVAL" self.json = from_json domain_dict = BaseNamelist.lower_case_namelist_dict(from_json) if "nam_lonlatval" in domain_dict: if "xx" and "xy" and "xdx" and "xdy" in domain_dict["nam_lonlatval"]: self.x_x = domain_dict["nam_lonlatval"]["xx"] self.x_y = domain_dict["nam_lonlatval"]["xy"] self.xdx = domain_dict["nam_lonlatval"]["xdx"] self.xdy = domain_dict["nam_lonlatval"]["xdy"] proj4 = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84" proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj4) SurfexGeo.__init__(self, proj, np.asarray(self.x_x), np.asarray(self.x_y)) self.can_interpolate = False else: raise KeyError("Missing keys") else: raise KeyError("Missing key")
[docs] def update_namelist(self, nml): """Update namelist. Args: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. Returns: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. """ nml.update( { "nam_pgd_grid": {"cgrid": self.cgrid}, "nam_lonlatval": { "xx": self.x_x, "xy": self.x_y, "xdx": self.xdx, "xdy": self.xdy, }, } ) return nml
[docs] def subset(self, geo): """Find subset of geo. Args: geo (surfex.Geo): Geometry to check. Returns: tuple: lons, lats """"Subset not implemented") lons = [] lats = [] return lons, lats
[docs]class Cartesian(SurfexGeo): """Cartesian."""
[docs] def __init__(self, from_json): """Construct Cartesian geometry. Args: from_json (_type_): _description_ Raises: KeyError: Missing key KeyError: Missing keys """ self.cgrid = "CARTESIAN" self.json = from_json domain_dict = BaseNamelist.lower_case_namelist_dict(from_json) if "nam_cartesian" in domain_dict: if ( "xlat0" and "xlon0" and "nimax" and "njmax" and "xdx" and "xdy" in domain_dict["nam_cartesian"] ): self.xlat0 = domain_dict["nam_cartesian"]["xlat0"] self.xlon0 = domain_dict["nam_cartesian"]["xlon0"] self.nimax = domain_dict["nam_cartesian"]["nimax"] self.njmax = domain_dict["nam_cartesian"]["njmax"] self.xdx = domain_dict["nam_cartesian"]["xdx"] self.xdy = domain_dict["nam_cartesian"]["xdy"] proj = None lons = [] lats = [] for i in range(0, self.nimax): lons.append(self.xlon0 + i * self.xdx) for j in range(0, self.njmax): lats.append(self.xlat0 + j * self.xdy) SurfexGeo.__init__(self, proj, np.asarray(lons), np.asarray(lats)) else: raise KeyError("Missing keys") else: raise KeyError("Missing key")
[docs] def update_namelist(self, nml): """Update namelist. Args: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. Returns: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. """ print(nml) nml.update( { "nam_pgd_grid": {"cgrid": self.cgrid}, "nam_cartesian": { "xlat0": self.xlat0, "xlon0": self.xlon0, "nimax": self.nimax, "njmax": self.njmax, "xdx": self.xdx, "xdy": self.xdy, }, } ) return nml
[docs] def subset(self, geo): """Find subset of geo. Args: geo (surfex.Geo): Geometry to check. Returns: tuple: lons, lats """"Subset not implemented") lons = [] lats = [] return lons, lats
[docs]class LonLatReg(SurfexGeo): """LonLatReg."""
[docs] def __init__(self, from_json): """Construct the LonLatReg geometry. Args: from_json (dict): Domain definition. Raises: KeyError: Missing key KeyError: Missing keys ZeroDivisionError: nlon and/or nlat is 0 """ self.cgrid = "LONLAT REG" self.json = from_json domain_dict = BaseNamelist.lower_case_namelist_dict(from_json) if "nam_lonlat_reg" in domain_dict: if ( "xlonmin" and "xlonmax" and "xlatmin" and "xlatmax" and "nlon" and "nlat" in domain_dict["nam_lonlat_reg"] ): self.xlonmin = domain_dict["nam_lonlat_reg"]["xlonmin"] self.xlonmax = domain_dict["nam_lonlat_reg"]["xlonmax"] self.xlatmin = domain_dict["nam_lonlat_reg"]["xlatmin"] self.xlatmax = domain_dict["nam_lonlat_reg"]["xlatmax"] self.nlon = domain_dict["nam_lonlat_reg"]["nlon"] self.nlat = domain_dict["nam_lonlat_reg"]["nlat"] else: raise KeyError("Missing keys") else: raise KeyError("Missing key") proj_string = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84" proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj_string) lons = [] lats = [] if self.nlon == 0 or self.nlat == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("nlon and/or nlat is 0") dlon = (self.xlonmax - self.xlonmin) / (self.nlon - 1) dlat = (self.xlatmax - self.xlatmin) / (self.nlat - 1) logging.debug("nlon=%s nlat=%s dlon=%s dlat=%s", self.nlon, self.nlat, dlon, dlat) for i in range(0, self.nlon): lons.append(self.xlonmin + i * dlon) for j in range(0, self.nlat): lats.append(self.xlatmin + j * dlat) # proj, npoints, nlons, nlats, lons, lats latitudes, longitudes = np.meshgrid(lats, lons) logging.debug("longitudes=%s latitudes=%s", longitudes.shape, latitudes.shape) SurfexGeo.__init__(self, proj, longitudes, latitudes)
[docs] def update_namelist(self, nml): """Update namelist. Args: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. Returns: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. """ nml.update( { "nam_pgd_grid": {"cgrid": self.cgrid}, "nam_lonlat_reg": { "xlonmin": self.xlonmin, "xlonmax": self.xlonmax, "xlatmin": self.xlatmin, "xlatmax": self.xlatmax, "nlon": self.nlon, "nlat": self.nlat, }, } ) return nml
[docs] def subset(self, geo): """Find subset of geo. Args: geo (surfex.Geo): Geometry to check. Returns: tuple: lons, lats """"Subset not implemented") lons = [] lats = [] return lons, lats
[docs]class IGN(SurfexGeo): """IGN."""
[docs] def __init__(self, from_json, recreate=False): """Construct a IGN geometry. Args: from_json (dict): Domain definition. recreate (bool, optional): Recreate the cached mask. Defaults to False. Raises: NotImplementedError: Projection not implemented KeyError: Missing key KeyError: Missing keys """ self.cgrid = "IGN" self.json = from_json domain_dict = BaseNamelist.lower_case_namelist_dict(from_json) if "nam_ign" in domain_dict: if ( "clambert" and "npoints" and "xx" and "xy" and "xdx" and "xdy" and "xx_llcorner" and "xy_llcorner" and "xcellsize" and "ncols" and "nrows" in domain_dict["nam_ign"] ): self.clambert = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["clambert"] npoints = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["npoints"] self.x_x = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["xx"] self.x_y = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["xy"] self.xdx = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["xdx"] self.xdy = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["xdy"] self.xx_llcorner = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["xx_llcorner"] self.xy_llcorner = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["xy_llcorner"] self.xcellsize = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["xcellsize"] self.ncols = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["ncols"] self.nrows = domain_dict["nam_ign"]["nrows"] else: raise KeyError("Missing keys") else: raise KeyError("Missing key") if self.clambert == 7: proj4 = ( "+proj=lcc +lat_0=63.5 +lon_0=15.0 +lat_1=63.5 +lat_2=63.5 " "+no_defs +R=6.37122e+6" ) self.xloncen = 17 self.xlatcen = 63.0 self.xlon0 = 15 self.xlat0 = 63.5 else: raise NotImplementedError proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj4) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS.from_string("EPSG:4326") pxall = self.get_coord(self.x_x, self.xdx, "x", recreate) pyall = self.get_coord(self.x_y, self.xdy, "y", recreate) self.mask = self.ign_mask(pxall, pyall, self.x_x, self.x_y, recreate) # proj, npoints, nlons, nlats, lons, lats lons = [] lats = [] for i in range(0, npoints): lon, lat = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(proj, wgs84, always_xy=True).transform( self.x_x[i], self.x_y[i] ) lons.append(lon) lats.append(lat) SurfexGeo.__init__(self, proj, np.asarray(lons), np.asarray(lats))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_coord(pin, pdin, coord, recreate=False): """Get the IGN coordinates. Args: pin (list): _description_ pdin (list): _description_ coord (list): _description_ recreate (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. Returns: list: Output coordinates """ pout = [] cache = "/tmp/." + coord + "_cached" # noqa S108 if os.path.isfile(cache) and not recreate: with open(cache, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: cached_coord = for c_coord in cached_coord: pout.append(float(c_coord)) return pout zdout = [] ksize = 0 if len(pin) > 0: zdout.append(float(pdin[0]) / 2.0) pout.append(pin[0]) ksize = 1 if len(pin) > 1: ksize = 2 pout.append(pin[0] - pdin[0]) zdout.append(0.0) if len(pin) > 2: ksize = 3 pout.append(pin[0] + pdin[0]) zdout.append(0.0) for i, pinval in enumerate(pin): for j in range(0, ksize): if pout[j] == pinval: break if j == ksize - 1: ksize = ksize + 1 pout.append(pinval) zdout.append(float(pdin[i]) / 2.0) # Mesh constrains for j in range(0, ksize): if pout[j] < pin[i] and (pout[j] + zdout[j]) >= (pin[i] - pdin[i]): break if j == ksize - 1: ksize = ksize + 1 pout.append(pin[i] - pdin[i]) zdout.append(0.0) for j in range(0, ksize): if pout[j] > pin[i] and (pout[j] - zdout[j]) <= (pin[i] + pdin[i]): break if j == ksize - 1: ksize = ksize + 1 pout.append(pin[i] + pdin[i]) zdout.append(0.0) # Sort pout pout = sorted(pout) with open(cache, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: for pout_val in pout: file_handler.write(str(pout_val) + "\n")"Cached coordinates for : %s", coord) return pout
[docs] @staticmethod def ign_mask(pxall, pyall, xxx, yyy, recreate): """Create the IGN mask. Args: pxall (_type_): _description_ pyall (_type_): _description_ xxx (_type_): _description_ yyy (_type_): _description_ recreate (_type_): _description_ Raises: Exception: _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ mask = [] cache = "/tmp/.mask" # noqa S108 if os.path.isfile(cache) and not recreate: with open(cache, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: cached_mask = for cached_mask_ind in cached_mask: mask.append(int(cached_mask_ind)) if len(mask) != len(xxx) or len(mask) != len(yyy): raise Exception("Cached mask mismatch! ", len(mask), len(xxx), len(yyy)) return mask logging.warning("Creating mask. This takes time:") count = -1 for i, pxall_val in enumerate(pxall): for pyall_val in pyall: count = count + 1 for k, xval in enumerate(xxx): if xval == pxall_val and yyy[k] == pyall_val: mask.append(count) break logging.debug("%s/%s", i, len(pxall)) # Cache mask for later use with open(cache, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: for mask_ind in mask: file_handler.write(str(mask_ind) + "\n")"Created mask: %s", mask) return mask
[docs] def update_namelist(self, nml): """Update namelist. Args: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. Returns: nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist object. """ nml.update( { "nam_pgd_grid": {"cgrid": self.cgrid}, "nam_ign": { "clambert": self.clambert, "npoints": self.npoints, "xx": self.x_x, "xy": self.x_y, "xdx": self.xdx, "xdy": self.xdy, "xx_llcorner": self.xx_llcorner, "xy_llcorner": self.xy_llcorner, "xcellsize": self.xcellsize, "ncols": self.ncols, "nrows": self.nrows, }, } ) return nml
[docs] def subset(self, geo): """Find subset of geo. Args: geo (surfex.Geo): Geometry to check. Returns: tuple: lons, lats """"Subset not implemented") lons = [] lats = [] return lons, lats
[docs]def get_geo_object(from_json): """Get a surfex geometry object from a dictionary. Args: from_json (dict): Domain definition. Raises: NotImplementedError: Grid not implemented KeyError: Missing grid information cgrid KeyError: nam_pgd_grid not set! Returns: surfex.Geo: Surfex geometry. """ domain_dict = {} for key in from_json: lower_case_dict = {} for key2 in from_json[key]: lower_case_dict.update({key2.lower(): from_json[key][key2]}) domain_dict.update({key.lower(): lower_case_dict}) if "nam_pgd_grid" in domain_dict: if "cgrid" in domain_dict["nam_pgd_grid"]: cgrid = domain_dict["nam_pgd_grid"]["cgrid"] if cgrid == "CONF PROJ": return ConfProj(from_json) if cgrid == "LONLATVAL": return LonLatVal(from_json) if cgrid == "LONLAT REG": return LonLatReg(from_json) if cgrid == "IGN": return IGN(from_json) if cgrid == "CARTESIAN": return Cartesian(from_json) raise NotImplementedError(f"CGRID={cgrid} is not implemented") raise KeyError("Missing grid information cgrid") raise KeyError("nam_pgd_grid not set!")
[docs]def set_domain(settings, domain, hm_mode=False): """Set domain. Args: settings (dict): Domain definitions domain (str): Domain name hm_mode (bool, optional): Harmonie definition. Defaults to False. Raises: KeyError: Domain not found ValueError: Settings should be a dict Returns: dict: Domain dictionary """ if isinstance(settings, dict): if domain in settings: if hm_mode: ezone = 11 if "EZONE" in settings[domain]: ezone = settings[domain]["EZONE"] domain_dict = { "nam_pgd_grid": {"cgrid": "CONF PROJ"}, "nam_conf_proj": { "xlat0": settings[domain]["LAT0"], "xlon0": settings[domain]["LON0"], }, "nam_conf_proj_grid": { "ilone": ezone, "ilate": ezone, "xlatcen": settings[domain]["LATC"], "xloncen": settings[domain]["LONC"], "nimax": settings[domain]["NLON"] - ezone, "njmax": settings[domain]["NLAT"] - ezone, "xdx": settings[domain]["GSIZE"], "xdy": settings[domain]["GSIZE"], }, } else: domain_dict = settings[domain] return domain_dict logging.error("Domain not found: %s", domain) raise KeyError("Domain not found: " + domain) logging.error("Settings should be a dict") raise ValueError("Settings should be a dict")
[docs]def shape2ign(catchment, infile, output, ref_proj, indent=None): """Read a shape file and convert to IGN geo. Args: catchment (_type_): _description_ infile (_type_): _description_ output (_type_): _description_ ref_proj (_type_): _description_ indent (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. """ from_json = json.load(open(ref_proj, mode="r", encoding="utf-8")) geo = get_geo_object(from_json) earth = 6.37122e6 proj_string = ( f"+proj=lcc +lat_0={str(geo.xlat0)} +lon_0={str(geo.xlon0)} " f"+lat_1={str(geo.xlat0)} +lat_2={str(geo.xlat0)} " f"+units=m +no_defs +R={str(earth)}" ) logging.debug(proj_string) proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj_string) wgs84 = pyproj.CRS.from_string("EPSG:4326") shpfile = ogr.Open(infile) shape = shpfile.GetLayer(0) # TODO find index"TODO: find %s index", catchment) feature = shape.GetFeature(2562) feature_dict = json.loads(feature.ExportToJson()) logging.debug(feature_dict["properties"]["stNavn"]) logging.debug(feature_dict) lons = [] lats = [] values = [] for point in feature_dict["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]: lons.append(point[0]) lats.append(point[1]) values.append(point[2]) xxx, yyy = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, proj, always_xy=True).transform( lons, lats ) x_1 = min(xxx) x_2 = max(xxx) y_1 = min(yyy) y_2 = max(yyy) logging.debug("%s %s %s %s", x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2) ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for point, xval in enumerate(xxx): ring.AddPoint(xval, yyy[point]) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) ign_x = [] ign_y = [] delta_x = 1000 delta_y = 1000 n_x = int((x_2 - x_1) / delta_x) + 1 n_y = int((y_2 - y_1) / delta_y) + 1 xdx = [] xdy = [] npoints = 0 for x_p in range(0, n_x): xxx = x_1 + (x_p * delta_x) - delta_x for y_p in range(0, n_y): yyy = y_1 + (y_p * delta_y) - delta_y point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(xxx, yyy) if not poly.Intersection(point).IsEmpty(): ign_x.append(xxx) xdx.append(delta_x) ign_y.append(yyy) xdy.append(delta_y) npoints = npoints + 1 nam_json = { "nam_pgd_grid": {"cgrid": "IGN"}, "nam_ign": { "clambert": 7, "npoints": npoints, "xx": ign_x, "xy": ign_y, "xdx": xdx, "xdy": xdy, "xx_llcorner": 0, "xy_llcorner": 0, "xcellsize": "250", "ncols": 0, "nrows": 0, }, } with open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: json.dump(nam_json, file_handler, indent=indent)