Source code for pysurfex.interpolation

"""Interpolation. All interfaces to gridpp."""
import logging

    import gridpp
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    gridpp = None
import numpy as np

class Grid:
    """A gridpp Grid wrapper.

    Gridpp expects lat, lon, but pysurfex uses lon, lat.
    This class handles the conversion for the grid


    def __init__(self, grid_lons, grid_lats, elevs=None):
        """Construct a gridpp Grid wrapper.

            grid_lons (np.ndarray): grid longitudes
            grid_lats (np.ndarray): grid latitudes
            elevs (np.ndarray, optional): elevations

            RuntimeError: You need gridpp for interpolation

        if gridpp is None:
            raise RuntimeError("You need gridpp for interpolation")
        logging.debug("gridpp.__file__ = %s", gridpp.__file__)
        logging.debug("grid_lons_shape in 0 %s", grid_lons.shape)
        logging.debug("grid_lats_shape in 0 %s", grid_lats.shape)
        grid_lons = np.transpose(grid_lons)
        grid_lats = np.transpose(grid_lats)
        logging.debug("grid_lons_shape in 1 %s", grid_lons.shape)
        logging.debug("grid_lats_shape in 1 %s", grid_lats.shape)
        if elevs is None:
            self.grid = gridpp.Grid(grid_lats, grid_lons)
            elevs = np.transpose(elevs)
            self.grid = gridpp.Grid(grid_lats, grid_lons, elevs)

class Points:
    """A gridpp Points wrapper.

    Gridpp expects lat, lon, but pysurfex uses lon, lat.
    This class handles the conversion for the grid


    def __init__(self, p_lons, p_lats, p_elevs=None):
        """Construct a gridpp Points wrapper.

            p_lons(np.array): Point longitudes
            p_lats(np.array): Point latitudes
            p_elevs(np.array, optional): Point elevations. Defaults to None.

            RuntimeError: You need gridpp for interpolation

        if gridpp is None:
            raise RuntimeError("You need gridpp for interpolation")
        if isinstance(p_lons, list):
            p_lons = np.asarray(p_lons)
        if isinstance(p_lats, list):
            p_lats = np.asarray(p_lats)
        logging.debug("p_lons_shape in %s", p_lons.shape)
        logging.debug("p_lats_shape in %s", p_lats.shape)
        self.lons = np.transpose(p_lons)
        self.lats = np.transpose(p_lats)
        self.elevs = p_elevs
        logging.debug("self.lons_shape in %s", self.lons.shape)
        logging.debug("self.lats_shape in %s", self.lats.shape)
        if p_elevs is None:
            self.points = gridpp.Points(self.lats, self.lons)
            p_elevs = np.transpose(p_elevs)
            self.points = gridpp.Points(self.lats, self.lons, p_elevs)

    def inside_grid(self, grid, distance=2500.0):
        """Check if inside grid.

            grid(Grid): Grid object
            distance(float, optional): Max distance from grid. Defaults to 2500.0.

            inside_grid(list): Logical mask if inside grid.
        inside_grid = []
        # Check if they are in grid
        for i in range(0, self.lons.shape[0]):
            lon = self.lons[i]
            lat = self.lats[i]
            neighbours = grid.grid.get_num_neighbours(lat, lon, distance)
            if neighbours == 0:
        return inside_grid

[docs]class Interpolation(object): """Interpolation."""
[docs] def __init__(self, operator, geo_in, geo_out): """Construct an intrpolation object. Args: operator (str): Operator geo_in (surfex.geo.Geo): Input geometry geo_out (surfex.geo.Geo): Output geometry Raises: RuntimeError: You can not interpolate without specifying an output geometry """ self.operator = operator self.geo_in = geo_in self.geo_out = geo_out if self.geo_out is None: raise RuntimeError( "You can not interpolate without specifying an output geometry" ) # Input if self.geo_in is not None: logging.debug("grid_lons.shape in %s", geo_in.lons.shape) logging.debug("grid_lats.shape in %s", geo_in.lats.shape) self.var_lons = geo_in.lons self.var_lats = geo_in.lats self.identical = self.geo_out.is_identical(self.geo_in) else: self.var_lons = None self.var_lats = None self.identical = False # Output self.lons = self.geo_out.lonlist self.lats = self.geo_out.latlist self.npoints = self.geo_out.npoints
[docs] def interpolate(self, field2d, undefined=None): """Do interpolation. Args: field2d (np.ndarray): Two dimensional field to interpolate undefined (float, optional): Undefined value if field2d is None. Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: Input domain and ouput domain differ. RuntimeError: You try to interpolate a missing field! NotImplementedError: Interpolation method not implemented Returns: np.array: interpolated_field """ if field2d is None and undefined is not None: return np.full((self.geo_out.nlons * self.geo_out.nlats), undefined) elif field2d is None: raise RuntimeError("You try to interpolate a missing field!") else: logging.debug("field2d.shape %s", field2d.shape) if self.identical or self.operator == "none": if self.operator == "none": if not self.identical: raise RuntimeError( "Input domain and ouput domain differ. " "You must interpolate!" )"No interpolation chosen") else: "Input and output domain are identical. " "No interpolation is needed" ) interpolated_field = field2d.reshape(self.npoints) else: sub_lons, sub_lats = self.geo_out.subset(self.geo_in) if len(sub_lons) == 0 and len(sub_lats) == 0: "Doing '%s' interpolation for %s points", self.operator, str(self.npoints), ) if self.operator == "nearest" or self.operator == "bilinear": grid = Grid(self.var_lons, self.var_lats) points = Points(self.lons, self.lats) interpolated_field = grid2points( grid, points, field2d, operator=self.operator ) elif self.operator == "none": interpolated_field = field2d.reshape(self.npoints) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.operator) else:"Output domain is a subset of input domain") new_field = np.ndarray([len(sub_lons), len(sub_lats)]) for i, sub_lon in enumerate(sub_lons): for j, sub_lat in enumerate(sub_lats): new_field[i, j] = field2d[sub_lon, sub_lat] interpolated_field = new_field.reshape(self.npoints) return interpolated_field
[docs] def rotate_wind_to_geographic(self): """Not implemented."""
[docs] @staticmethod def distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): """Compute distance. Computes the great circle distance between two points using the haversine formula. Values can be vectors. Args: lon1(float): lon1 lat1(float): lat1 lon2(float): lon2 lat2(float): lat2 Returns: cval(float): Circle distance """ # Convert from degrees to radians pi_constant = 3.14159265 lon1 = lon1 * 2 * pi_constant / 360.0 lat1 = lat1 * 2 * pi_constant / 360.0 lon2 = lon2 * 2 * pi_constant / 360.0 lat2 = lat2 * 2 * pi_constant / 360.0 dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 aval = ( np.sin(dlat / 2.0) ** 2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon / 2.0) ** 2 ) cval = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(aval)) * 6.367e6 return cval
[docs] def alpha_grid_rot(self): """Calculate alpha.""" lon = self.var_lons lat = self.var_lats n_x = lat.shape[0] dlon = np.zeros(lat.shape) dlat = np.zeros(lat.shape) i_1 = np.arange(n_x - 1) dlon[0:-1, :] = np.sign(lon[i_1 + 1, :] - lon[i_1, :]) * self.distance( lon[i_1, :], lat[i_1, :], lon[i_1 + 1, :], lat[i_1, :] ) dlat[0:-1, :] = -np.sign(lat[i_1 + 1, :] - lat[i_1, :]) * self.distance( lon[i_1, :], lat[i_1, :], lon[i_1, :], lat[i_1 + 1, :] ) dlon[-1, :] = np.sign(lon[-1, :] - lon[-2, :]) * self.distance( lon[-2, :], lat[-2, :], lon[-1, :], lat[-2, :] ) dlat[-1, :] = -np.sign(lat[-1, :] - lat[-2, :]) * self.distance( lon[-2, :], lat[-2, :], lon[-2, :], lat[-1, :] ) alpha = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dlon, dlat)) return alpha
[docs]def fill_field(field_tmp, geo, radius=1): """Fill field. Args: field_tmp (np.ndarray): Field geo (surfex.geo.Geo): Geometry radius (int, optional): Radius. Defaults to 1. Returns: tuple: field, nans Raises: RuntimeError: You need gridpp for fill_field """ if gridpp is None: raise RuntimeError("You need gridpp for fill_field") ovalues = gridpp.neighbourhood(field_tmp, radius, gridpp.Mean) nans = 0 for i in range(0, geo.nlons): for j in range(0, geo.nlats): if np.isnan(field_tmp[i][j]): nans = nans + 1 field_tmp[i][j] = ovalues[i][j] return field_tmp, nans
def gridpos2points( grid_lons, grid_lats, p_lons, p_lats, grid_values, operator="bilinear", elev_gradient=None, ): """Convert grid positions to points. Args: grid_lons (np.ndarray): Grid longitudes grid_lats (np.ndarray): Grid latitudes p_lons (np.ndaray): Point longitudes p_lats (np.ndarray): Point latitudes grid_values (np.ndarray): Grid values operator (str, optional): Interpolation operator. Defaults to "bilinear". elev_gradient (float, optional): Elevation gradient for downscaler Returns: np.ndarray: Interpolated values """ grid = Grid(grid_lons, grid_lats) points = Points(p_lons, p_lats) return grid2points( grid, points, grid_values, operator=operator, elev_gradient=elev_gradient )
[docs]def grid2points(grid, points, grid_values, operator="bilinear", elev_gradient=None): """Convert a grid to points. Args: grid (Grid): Grid object points (Points): Points object grid_values (np.ndarray): Grid values operator (str, optional): Interpolation operator. Defaults to "bilinear". elev_gradient (float, optional): Elevation gradient for downscaler Raises: NotImplementedError: Operator not implemented RuntimeError: You need gridpp for interpolation Returns: np.ndarray: Interpolated values """ if gridpp is None: raise RuntimeError("You need gridpp for interpolation") logging.debug("grid_values.shape 0: %s", grid_values.shape) grid_values = np.transpose(grid_values) logging.debug("grid_values.shape 1: %s", grid_values.shape) if operator == "bilinear": if elev_gradient is None: values = gridpp.bilinear(grid.grid, points.points, grid_values) else: values = gridpp.simple_gradient( grid.grid, points.points, grid_values, elev_gradient, gridpp.Bilinear ) elif operator == "nearest": if elev_gradient is None: values = gridpp.nearest(grid.grid, points.points, grid_values) else: values = gridpp.simple_gradient( grid.grid, points.points, grid_values, elev_gradient, gridpp.Nearest ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Operator {operator} not implemented!") return values
[docs]def inside_grid(grid_lons, grid_lats, p_lons, p_lats, distance=2500.0): """Get number of neighbours. Args: grid_lons (np.ndarray): Grid longitudes grid_lats (np.ndarray): Grid latitudes p_lons (np.array): Point longitudes p_lats (np.array): Point latitudes distance (float, optional): Max distance from points. Defaults to 2500.0. Returns: inside_grid(list): Boolean mask """ grid = Grid(grid_lons, grid_lats) points = Points(p_lons, p_lats) return points.inside_grid(grid, distance=distance)
[docs]class ObsOperator(object): """Obs operator. Class to convert a field to an observation point."""
[docs] def __init__(self, operator, geo, dataset, grid_values, max_distance=5000): """Construct the observation operator. Args: operator (str): Interpolation operator. geo (surfex.Geo): Surfex geometry. dataset (QCDataSet): QC data set. grid_values (np.darray): Values in the grid. max_distance (int, optional): Max allowed deviation in meters from grid borders. Defaults to 5000. """ lons = dataset.lons lats = dataset.lats 'Setting up "%s" observation operator for %s points', operator, str(len(lons)) ) obs_values = gridpos2points( geo.lons, geo.lats, lons, lats, grid_values, operator=operator ) self.inside_grid = inside_grid( geo.lons, geo.lats, lons, lats, distance=max_distance ) self.obs_values = obs_values
[docs] def get_obs_value(self, pos=None): """Get the observed value. Args: pos (int, optional): Position. Defaults to None. Raises: NotImplementedError: Specific position not implemented yet! Returns: float: Observation value for index. """ if pos is None: return self.obs_values else: raise NotImplementedError("Specific position not implemented yet!")
[docs] def is_in_grid(self, index): """Check if index is in grid. Args: index (int): Index to check. Returns: bool: True if inside """ return self.inside_grid[index]
def horizontal_oi( geo, background, observations, gelevs, hlength=10000.0, vlength=10000.0, wlength=0.5, elev_gradient=None, structure_function="Barnes", max_locations=50, epsilon=None, minvalue=None, maxvalue=None, interpol="bilinear", only_diff=False, allow_extrapolation=False, ): """Do horizontal OI. Args: geo (_type_): _description_ background (_type_): _description_ observations (_type_): _description_ gelevs (_type_): _description_ hlength (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to 10000.. vlength (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to 10000.. wlength (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.5. elev_gradient (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0. structure_function (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "Barnes". max_locations (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 50. epsilon (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.5. minvalue (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. maxvalue (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. interpol (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "bilinear". only_diff (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. allow_extrapolation (bool, optional): Allow extrapolations in OI. Default to False. Raises: NotImplementedError: Structure function not implemented RuntimeError: You need gridpp to perform OI Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if gridpp is None: raise RuntimeError("You need gridpp to perform OI") logging.debug(gridpp.__file__) logging.debug(gridpp.__version__) glats = geo.lats glons = geo.lons def obs2vectors(my_obs): return ( my_obs.lons, my_obs.lats, my_obs.stids, my_obs.elevs, my_obs.values, my_obs.epsilons, my_obs.lafs, ) vectors = np.vectorize(obs2vectors) lons, lats, __, elevs, values, sigmaos, __ = vectors(observations) bgrid = Grid(glons, glats, gelevs) points = Points(lons, lats, elevs) pbackground = grid2points( bgrid, points, background, operator=interpol, elev_gradient=elev_gradient ) # Remove undefined backgrounds if any(np.isnan(pbackground)): print("Found undefined backgrounds. Remove them") lons2 = [] lats2 = [] elevs2 = [] values2 = [] sigmaos2 = [] for point, lon in enumerate(lons): if np.isnan(pbackground[point]): "Undefined background in lon=%s lat=%s value=%s sigmao=%s", lon, lats[point], values[point], sigmaos[point], ) else: lons2.append(lon) lats2.append(lats[point]) elevs2.append(elevs[point]) values2.append(values[point]) sigmaos2.append(sigmaos[point]) values = values2 sigmaos = sigmaos2 points = Points(lons2, lats2, elevs2) pbackground = grid2points( bgrid, points, background, operator=interpol, elev_gradient=elev_gradient ) # Set relationship between obs/background error if epsilon is None:"Using epsilon from observation data sets") variance_ratios = sigmaos else:"Using fixed epsilon %s", epsilon) variance_ratios = np.full(points.points.size(), epsilon) if structure_function == "Barnes": structure = gridpp.BarnesStructure(hlength, vlength, wlength) else: raise NotImplementedError background = np.transpose(background) field = gridpp.optimal_interpolation( bgrid.grid, background, points.points, values, variance_ratios, pbackground, structure, max_locations, allow_extrapolation, ) field = np.asarray(field) if minvalue is not None: field[field < minvalue] = minvalue if maxvalue is not None: field[field > maxvalue] = maxvalue if only_diff: field[field == background] = np.nan return np.transpose(field)
[docs]def sum_neighbour_points(twodfield, radius): """Sum up points in neighbourhood. Args: twodfield (np.ndarray): Field to sum radius (int): Radius Returns: np.ndarray: Array with neighbourhood sums. """ return gridpp.neighbourhood(twodfield, radius, gridpp.Sum)