Source code for pysurfex.namelist

import collections
import logging
import re

import f90nml

from .binary_input import InputDataFromNamelist

[docs]class NamelistGenerator(object): """Namelist class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, program, config, definitions, assemble=None, consistency=True): """Construct a base namelists class. Args: program (str): Which surfex binary you want to run ["pgd", "prep", "offline", "soda"] config (surfex.Configuration): A SURFEX configuration object definitions (dict): Namelist definitions assemble(dict, optional): Assembly order. Default to None. consistency (bool, optional): Check configuration consistency. Defaults to True. """ self.program = program self.config = config self.nldict = definitions nobstype = 0 if program == "soda" or program == "offline" or program == "perturbed": nnco = self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#OBS#NNCO") nobstype = 0 for __, obs_val in enumerate(nnco): if obs_val == 1: nobstype += 1 self.config.update_setting("SURFEX#SODA#NOBSTYPE", nobstype) soil_assim = self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#SCHEMES#ISBA") nncv = None if soil_assim == "EKF": nncv = self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#ISBA#EKF#NNCV") if soil_assim == "ENKF": nncv = self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#ISBA#ENKF#NNCV") nvar = 0 if nncv is not None: for __, cval in enumerate(nncv): if cval == 1: nvar += 1 self.config.update_setting("SURFEX#SODA#NVAR", nvar) if program == "soda": laesnm = False hh = self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#SODA#HH") if hh in self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#ISBA#UPDATE_SNOW_CYCLES"): laesnm = True self.config.update_setting("SURFEX#SODA#LAESNM", laesnm) macros = self.flatten_config() self.macros = macros if assemble is None: self.assemble = self.namelist_blocks() else: self.assemble = assemble logging.debug(self.assemble) nlres = self.assemble_namelist() self.nml = f90nml.Namelist(nlres) if consistency: problems = self.concistency(self.nml) if problems: logging.warning("Found problems!") for problem, info in problems.items(): for level, desc in info.items(): if level == "SEVERE": logging.error( "Problem with: %s Description=%s", problem, desc ) elif level == "WARNING": logging.warning( "Problem with: %s Description=%s", problem, desc ) else:"Problem with: %s Description=%s", problem, desc)
[docs] def flatten_config(self): """Flatten dictionary. Returns: source(dict): Flat dict with settings """ def _flatten_dict_gen(dic, parent_key, sep): for key, val in dic.items(): new_key = parent_key + sep + key if parent_key else key if isinstance(val, yield from flatten_dict(val, new_key, sep=sep).items() else: if isinstance(val, tuple): val = list(val) yield new_key, val def flatten_dict( d:, parent_key: str = "", sep: str = "#" ): return dict(_flatten_dict_gen(d, parent_key, sep)) return flatten_dict(self.config.settings)
[docs] def namelist_blocks(self): """Construct building blocks for the namelist genrator.""""Building namelist blocks for program: %s", self.program) input_blocks = ["io", "constants", "treedrag", "flake"] lisba = False if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "DIF": lisba = True elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "3-L": lisba = True elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "2-L": lisba = True # Program specific settings if self.program == "pgd": input_blocks += ["pgd", "pgd_cover", "pgd_zs"] eco_sg = self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#COVER#SG") if eco_sg: input_blocks += ["pgd_ecoclimap_sg"] else: input_blocks += ["pgd_ecoclimap"] # Set ISBA properties if lisba: input_blocks += ["pgd_isba"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "DIF": input_blocks += ["pgd_isba_dif"] elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "3-L": input_blocks += ["pgd_isba_3l"] elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "2-L": input_blocks += ["pgd_isba_2l"] # Set MEB if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#MEB"): input_blocks += ["pgd_meb"] # RSMIN if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#COVER#SG"): input_blocks += ["pgd_rsmin_sg"] else: input_blocks += ["pgd_rsmin"] # CV if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#COVER#SG"): input_blocks += ["pgd_cv_sg"] else: input_blocks += ["pgd_cv"] # Treedrag input_blocks += ["pgd_treedrag"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TOWN#LTOWN_TO_ROCK"): input_blocks += ["pgd_town_to_rock"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#INLAND_WATER") == "FLAKE": input_blocks += ["pgd_flake"] # Sea input_blocks += ["pgd_sea"] elif self.program == "prep": input_blocks += ["prep"] # SEAFLX settings if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#SEA") == "SEAFLX": input_blocks += ["prep_seaflux", "prep_seaflx"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#SEA#ICE") == "SICE": input_blocks += ["prep_sice"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#INLAND_WATER") == "FLAKE": input_blocks += ["prep_flake"] # ISBA if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "DIF": input_blocks += ["prep_isba", "prep_isba_dif"] elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "3-L": input_blocks += ["prep_isba", "prep_isba_3l"] elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "2-L": input_blocks += ["prep_isba", "prep_isba_2l"] if lisba: # ISBA CANOPY if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#CANOPY"): input_blocks += ["prep_isba_canopy"] # Snow input_blocks += ["prep_isba_snow"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SNOW") == "D95": input_blocks += ["prep_isba_snow_d95"] elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SNOW") == "3-L": input_blocks += ["prep_isba_snow_3l"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SNOW") == "CRO": input_blocks += ["prep_isba_snow_cro"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#PREP#FILE") is None: input_blocks += ["prep_from_namelist"] else: input_blocks += ["prep_from_file"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#PREP#FILEPGD") is not None: input_blocks += ["prep_from_file_with_pgd"] elif self.program == "offline" or self.program == "perturbed": input_blocks += ["offline"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#IO#LSELECT"): input_blocks += ["offline_selected_output"] # SEAFLX settings if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#SEA") == "SEAFLX": input_blocks += ["offline_seaflux", "offline_seaflx"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#SEA#ICE") == "SICE": input_blocks += ["offline_sice"] # ISBA settings if lisba: input_blocks += ["offline_isba"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "DIF": input_blocks += ["offline_isba_dif"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#PERTSURF"): input_blocks += ["offline_isba_pertsurf"] # SSO input_blocks += ["offline_sso"] sso = self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#SSO#SCHEME").lower() input_blocks += ["offline_sso_" + sso] # Perturbed offline settings if self.program == "perturbed": if lisba: input_blocks += ["offline_pert_isba_settings"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#SCHEMES#ISBA") == "EKF": input_blocks += ["offline_pert_isba_ekf"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#SCHEMES#ISBA") == "ENKF": input_blocks += ["offline_pert_isba_enkf"] input_blocks += ["offline_pert_obs"] # Climate setting if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#SEA#LVOLATILE_SIC"): input_blocks += ["offline_volatile_sic"] elif self.program == "soda": input_blocks += ["soda", "soda_obs"] if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#SEA#ICE") == "SICE": input_blocks += ["soda_sice"] # Set OI settings if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#SCHEMES#ISBA") == "OI": input_blocks += ["soda_isba_oi"] elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#SCHEMES#ISBA") == "EKF": input_blocks += ["soda_isba_ekf"] elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#SCHEMES#ISBA") == "ENKF": input_blocks += ["soda_isba_enkf"] # Town if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ASSIM#SCHEMES#TEB").lower() != "none": input_blocks += ["soda_teb"] else: raise NotImplementedError(self.program)"Generated input_blocks: %s", input_blocks) return input_blocks
[docs] def get_namelist(self): """Get namelist.""" return self.nml
[docs] @staticmethod def check_nml_setting(problems, nml, block, key, value): """Check namelist settings. Args: problems (dict): Problems nml (f90nml.Namelist): Namelist block (str): Block key (str): Key value (any): Value Returns: problems (dict): Problems """ ckey = block + "#" + key if block in nml: if key in nml[block]: if nml[block][key] != value: msg = f"Mismatch: {nml[block][key]} != {value}" problems.update({ckey: {"SEVERE": msg}}) else: problems.update({ckey: {"WARNING": "Namelist key not found"}}) else: problems.update({ckey: {"WARNING": "Namelist block not found"}}) return problems
[docs] def concistency(self, nml): """Check if namelist is consistent with config. Args: nml (f90nml.Namelist): A parsed f90nml namelist Raises: NotImplementedError: Mode is not implemented Returns: problems (dict): Problems. """"Check namelist input for program: %s", self.program) problems = {} problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_IO_OFFLINE", "CSURF_FILETYPE", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#IO#CSURF_FILETYPE"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_IO_OFFLINE", "CTIMESERIES_FILETYPE", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#IO#CTIMESERIES_FILETYPE"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_IO_OFFLINE", "CFORCING_FILETYPE", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#IO#CFORCING_FILETYPE"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_IO_OFFLINE", "XTSTEP_SURF", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#IO#XTSTEP"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_IO_OFFLINE", "XTSTEP_OUTPUT", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#IO#XTSTEP_OUTPUT"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_WRITE_SURF_ATM", "LSPLIT_PATCH", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#IO#LSPLIT_PATCH"), ) # Constants and parameters problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_SURF_ATM", "XRIMAX", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#PARAMETERS#XRIMAX"), ) # Program specific settings if self.program == "pgd": problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_PGD_SCHEMES", "CSEA", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#SEA"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_PGD_SCHEMES", "CWATER", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#INLAND_WATER"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_PGD_SCHEMES", "CNATURE", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#NATURE"), ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_PGD_SCHEMES", "CTOWN", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#TOWN"), ) if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TOWN#LTOWN_TO_ROCK"): if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#TILES#TOWN") != "NONE": logging.warning( "WARNING: TOWN is not NONE and you want LTOWN_TO_ROCK. " "Setting it to NONE!" ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_FRAC", "LECOSG", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#COVER#SG"), ) fname = str(self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#COVER#YCOVER")) __, filetype = self.get_filetype_from_suffix(fname) if filetype is not None: problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_COVER", "YCOVERFILETYPE", filetype ) # ZS fname = str(self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ZS#YZS")) __, filetype = self.get_filetype_from_suffix(fname) if filetype is not None: problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ZS", "YZSFILETYPE", filetype ) # Set ISBA properties if self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "DIF": problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "CISBA", "DIF" ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "NGROUND_LAYER", 14 ) elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "3-L": problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "CISBA", "3-L" ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "NGROUND_LAYER", 3 ) elif self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#SCHEME") == "2-L": problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "CISBA", "2-L" ) problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "NGROUND_LAYER", 2 ) # Set patches problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "NPATCH", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#NPATCH"), ) # Set MEB problems = self.check_nml_setting( problems, nml, "NAM_ISBA", "LMEB", self.config.get_setting("SURFEX#ISBA#MEB"), ) elif self.program == "prep": pass elif self.program == "offline" or self.program == "perturbed": pass elif self.program == "soda": pass else: raise NotImplementedError(self.program) return problems
[docs] @staticmethod def get_filetype_from_suffix(fname): """Get the file type from suffix. Args: fname (str): File name Returns: tuple: fname, format """ if fname.endswith(".dir"): fname = fname.replace(".dir", "") return fname, "DIRECT" if fname.endswith(".ascllv"): fname = fname.replace(".ascllv", "") return fname, "ASCLLV" return fname, None
def input_data_from_namelist( self, input_data, platform, basetime=None, validtime=None ): """Construct a base namelists class to be implemented by namelist implementations. Args: input_data (dict): Input data definitions platform (SystemFilePaths): Platform specific settings basetime (as_datetime, optional): Base time validtime (as_datetime, optional): Valid time Returns: data_obj (InputDataFromNamelist): Input data from namelist """"Set input data from namelist for program: %s", self.program) data_obj = InputDataFromNamelist( self.nml, input_data, self.program, platform, basetime=basetime, validtime=validtime, ) return data_obj
[docs] def assemble_namelist(self): """Generate the namelists for 'target'. Raises: KeyError: Key not found Returns: nlres (dict): Assembled namelist """ # Read namelist file with all the categories # Check target is valid cndict = self.assemble nldict = self.nldict # Start with empty result dictionary nlres = {} # Assemble the target namelists based on the given category order for item in self.flatten_list(cndict): catg = item # variable substitution removed at this level (may be resurrected) # assemble namelists for this category if catg in nldict: for nl in nldict[catg]: if nl not in nlres: # create the result namelist dict nlres[nl] = {} if catg == "rm{" + nl + "}": # clear/remove the given namelist (but not used for now) nlres[nl].clear() else: for key in nldict[catg][nl]: val = nldict[catg][nl][key] finval = val # Replace ${var-def} with value from config, possibly macro-expanded # For now assumes only one subst. per line, could be generalized if needed if str(finval).find("$") >= 0: m = r"^([^\$]*)\$\{([\w\#]+)\-?([^}]*)\}(.*)", str(val) ) if m: pre = nam = defval = post = logging.debug("macros=%s", self.macros) logging.debug("look for nam=%s", nam) try: repval = self.macros[nam] except KeyError: repval = None if repval is None: if defval != "": logging.debug( "Using default value %s for '%s'", defval, nam, ) repval = self.find_num(defval) else: logging.debug("No value found for: '%s'", nam) else: logging.debug( "Replaced %s with: %s", nam, str(repval) ) if isinstance(repval, str): finval = str(pre) + str(repval) + str(post) else: finval = repval else: raise KeyError(val) nlres[nl][key] = finval else:"Category %s not found in definitions", catg) return nlres
[docs] def write(self, output_file): """Generate the namelists for 'target'. Args: output_file (str): where to write the result (OPTIONS.nam, fort.4 or EXSEG1.nam typically) """ self.nml.uppercase = True self.nml.true_repr = ".TRUE." self.nml.false_repr = ".FALSE." self.nml.write(output_file, force=True) logging.debug("Wrote: %s", output_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def flatten_list(li): """Recursively flatten a list of lists (of lists).""" if li == []: return li if isinstance(li[0], list): return NamelistGenerator.flatten_list(li[0]) + NamelistGenerator.flatten_list( li[1:] ) return li[:1] + NamelistGenerator.flatten_list(li[1:])
[docs] @staticmethod def find_num(s): """Purpose: un-quote numbers.""" try: i = int(s) return i except ValueError: pass try: f = float(s) return f except ValueError: return s