Source code for pysurfex.netcdf

import logging
import os
import re
from enum import Enum

import netCDF4
import numpy as np

    import cfunits
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    cfunits = None
except AssertionError:
    cfunits = None
except:  # noqa
    cfunits = None

from .datetime_utils import fromtimestamp, isdatetime, offsetaware, utcfromtimestamp
from .geo import ConfProj, Geo
from .interpolation import Interpolation

[docs]class Netcdf(object): """Netcdf input."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): """Construct NetCDF. Args: filename (str): Filename """ self.filename = filename logging.debug("filename: %s", filename) self.file = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, "r")
def nc_slice( self, var_name, levels=None, members=None, times=None, xcoords=None, ycoords=None, deaccumulate=False, instantanious=0.0, units=None, lev_from_ind=False, ): """Assembles a 5D field in order lon,lat,time,height,ensemble. Arguments: var_name (str): Name of field to retrieve levels (list): Height index. If None, return all. members (list): Ensemble index. If None, return all. times (list): Time index. If None, return all. xcoords: X-axis coordinates to subset ycoords: Y-axis coordinates to subset deaccumulate (bool): Deaccumulate field instantanious (float): Scaling factor to make an accumulated value as instantanius units (str): CF unit for the variable to be read lev_from_ind (bool): level list are indices and not values Raises: NotImplementedError: Subsetting of the input dimensions not implemented yet! ValueError: Times must be a list! ValueError: Levels must be a list! ValueError: Members must be a list! RuntimeError: No ensemble members found RuntimeError: cfunits not loaded! ValueError: Axis is not defined!") Returns: np.array: 5D array with values """ var = NetCDFFileVariable(self.file, var_name) if xcoords is not None or ycoords is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Subsetting of the input dimensions not implemented yet!" ) tinfo = "" if times is not None: tinfo = "time " + str(times) + " in ""Reading %s variable %s from %s", tinfo, var.var_name, self.filename) times_to_read = [] prev_time_steps = [] if times is None: for i in range(0, var.times.shape[0]): times_to_read.append(i) if i > 0: prev_time_steps.append(i - 1) else: prev_time_steps.append(0) else: if not isinstance(times, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("Times must be a list!") if isdatetime(times[0]): logging.debug("Time provided in call as datetime objects") times_in_var = var.datetimes for i, times_in_var_val in enumerate(times_in_var): times_in_var_val = offsetaware(times_in_var_val) logging.debug( "i %s times_in_var %s times %s", i, times_in_var_val, times ) for tval in times: # Time steps requested logging.debug( "i=%s, times_in_var_val=%s tval=%s", i, times_in_var_val, tval ) if times_in_var_val == tval: times_to_read.append(i) if i > 0: prev_time_steps.append(i - 1) else: prev_time_steps.append(0) else: times_in_var = var.times for i in range(0, times_in_var.shape[0]): for times_val in times: # Time steps requested if i == times_val: times_to_read.append(times_val) if i > 0: prev_time_steps.append(i - 1) else: prev_time_steps.append(0) logging.debug("times to read %s", times_to_read) levels_to_read = [] if levels is None: for i in range(0, var.levels.shape[0]): levels_to_read.append(i) else: logging.debug("Level provided in call. lev_from_ind=%s", str(lev_from_ind)) if not isinstance(levels, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("Levels must be a list!") levels_in_var = var.levels for i in range(0, levels_in_var.shape[0]): for level_ind in levels: if lev_from_ind: if i == level_ind: levels_to_read.append(i) else: # NB! Round number to avoid round off when matching if round(float(levels_in_var[i]), 5) == round( float(level_ind), 5 ): levels_to_read.append(i) if len(levels_to_read) == 0: levels_to_read = [0] members_to_read = [] if members is None: for i in range(0, var.members.shape[0]): members_to_read.append(i) else: if not isinstance(members, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("Members must be a list!") logging.debug("Ensemble members provided in call") members_in_var = var.members for i in range(0, members_in_var.shape[0]): for member_val in members: if members_in_var[i] == member_val: members_to_read.append(i) if len(members_to_read) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No ensemble members found for " + var.var_name) lons = var.lons lats = var.lats # Dimensions of the "problem" dim_x = lons.shape[0] dim_y = lats.shape[1] logging.debug("lons.shape=%s lats.shape=%s", lons.shape, lats.shape) geo = Geo(lons, lats) dim_t = max(len(times_to_read), 1) dim_levels = max(len(levels_to_read), 1) dim_members = max(len(members_to_read), 1) logging.debug("Dimensions in output") logging.debug( "%s %s %s %s %s", str(dim_x), str(dim_y), str(dim_t), str(dim_levels), str(dim_members), ) lon_ind = slice(0, dim_x, 1) lat_ind = slice(0, dim_y, 1) dims = [] prev_dims = [] types = var.axis_types mapping = {} # Map axis to output axis for i, type_val in enumerate(types): if type_val == Axis.GEOX or type_val == Axis.LON: dims.append(lon_ind) prev_dims.append(lon_ind) mapping[0] = i elif type_val == Axis.GEOY or type_val == Axis.LAT: dims.append(lat_ind) prev_dims.append(lat_ind) mapping[1] = i elif type_val == Axis.TIME: dims.append(times_to_read) prev_dims.append(prev_time_steps) mapping[2] = i elif var.is_level(type_val): dims.append(levels_to_read) prev_dims.append(levels_to_read) mapping[3] = i elif type_val == Axis.REALIZATION: dims.append(members_to_read) prev_dims.append(members_to_read) mapping[4] = i else: raise ValueError(str(types[i]) + " is not defined!") logging.debug("Read %s with dimensions: %s", var.var_name, str(dims)) if deaccumulate: logging.debug("Deaccumulate previous dimensions: %s", str(prev_dims)) logging.debug("var.var_name: %s", var.var_name) logging.debug("dims %s", dims) logging.debug("self.file[var.var_name] %s", self.file[var.var_name]) field = self.file[var.var_name][dims] if units is not None: if cfunits is None: raise RuntimeError("cfunits not loaded!") field = cfunits.Units.conform( field, cfunits.Units(var.units), cfunits.Units(units) ) # Deaccumulation if deaccumulate: original_field = field previous_field = self.file[var.var_name][prev_dims] if units is not None: if cfunits is None: raise RuntimeError("cfunits not loaded!") previous_field = cfunits.Units.conform( previous_field, cfunits.Units(var.units), cfunits.Units(units) ) field = np.subtract(original_field, previous_field) # Create instantanious values if instantanious > 0: field = np.divide(field, instantanious) # Add extra dimensions i = 0 reverse_mapping = [] for dim in range(0, 5): if dim not in mapping: logging.debug("Adding dimension %s", str(dim)) field = np.expand_dims(field, len(dims) + i) reverse_mapping.append(len(dims) + i) i = i + 1 else: reverse_mapping.append(mapping[dim]) # Transpose to 5D array logging.debug("Transpose to 5D array") field = np.transpose(field, reverse_mapping) logging.debug("Read netcdf from %s times %s", self.filename, times) logging.debug("Shape of output: %s", str(field.shape)) return field, geo
[docs] def field(self, var_name, level=None, member=None, validtime=None, units=None): """Read field. Args: var_name (str): Variable name level (int, optional): Level. Defaults to None. member (int, optional): Realization. Defaults to None. validtime (surfex.datetime_utils.as_datetime, optional): Validtime. Defaults to None. units (str, optional): Units. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: Field, Geo """ if validtime is None: validtime = [] else: validtime = [validtime] logging.debug("level %s member %s validtime %s", level, member, validtime) field, geo_in = self.nc_slice( var_name, levels=level, members=member, times=validtime, units=units ) # Reshape to fortran 2D style field = np.reshape(field, [geo_in.nlons, geo_in.nlats], order="F") return field, geo_in
[docs] def points(self, var, geo, validtime=None, interpolation="bilinear"): """Read a field and interpolate it to requested positions. Args: var (NetCDFReadVariable): NetCDF variable geo (surfx.geo.Geo): Geometry validtime (surfex.datetime_utils.as_datetime, optional): Validtime. Defaults to None. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation. Defaults to "bilinear". Returns: tuple: Field, Interpolator """ var_name = level = var.level member = var.member units = var.units logging.debug("level %s member %s validtime %s", level, member, validtime) field, geo_in = self.field( var_name, level=level, member=member, validtime=validtime, units=units ) interpolator = Interpolation(interpolation, geo_in, geo) field = interpolator.interpolate(field) return field, interpolator
[docs]class Axis(Enum): """Axis.""" UNDEFINED = 0 GEOX = 1 GEOY = 2 GEOZ = 3 TIME = 4 LON = 5 LAT = 6 PESSURE = 7 HEIGHT = 8 REFERENCETIME = 9 REALIZATION = 10 HYBRID = 11
[docs]class NetCDFReadVariable(object): """NetCDF read variable."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, level=None, units=None, member=None): """Construct object. Args: name (_type_): _description_ level (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. units (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. member (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. """ = name self.level = level self.units = units self.member = member
[docs]class NetCDFFileVariable(object): """NetDF file variable."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file_handler, var): """Construct object. Args: file_handler (_type_): _description_ var (_type_): _description_ """ self.file = file_handler if isinstance(var, str): self.var_name = var else: self.var_name =
@property def axis_types(self): """Get axis_types.""" types = [] if self.var_name not in self.file.variables: raise RuntimeError(self.var_name + " is missing in file!") if self.file.variables[self.var_name]: for dim_name in self.file.variables[self.var_name].dimensions: if dim_name == "longitude" or dim_name == "lon": types.append(Axis.LON) elif dim_name == "x": types.append(Axis.GEOX) elif dim_name == "latitude" or dim_name == "lat": types.append(Axis.LAT) elif dim_name == "y": types.append(Axis.GEOY) elif"height[0-9]*", dim_name): types.append(Axis.HEIGHT) elif"hybrid[0-9]*", dim_name): types.append(Axis.HYBRID) elif"pressure[0-9]*", dim_name): types.append(Axis.PESSURE) # TODO: GeoZ elif dim_name == "ensemble_member": types.append(Axis.REALIZATION) elif dim_name == "time": types.append(Axis.TIME) else: types.append(Axis.UNDEFINED) return types @property def dim_names(self): """Get dim_names.""" names = [] if self.file.variables[self.var_name]: for dim_name in self.file.variables[self.var_name].dimensions: names.append(dim_name) return names @property def units(self): """Get units.""" units = None if self.file.variables[self.var_name].units: units = self.file.variables[self.var_name].units return units @property def lats(self): """Get lats. Raises: RuntimeError: No latitude found Returns: np.array: 2D array of latitudes """ latvals = np.array([]) axis_types = self.axis_types for i, axis_type in enumerate(axis_types): if axis_type == Axis.LAT: latvals = self.file.variables[self.dim_names[i]] logging.warning("Assumed to 2D in (lon,lat) order") elif axis_type == Axis.GEOY: # TODO: if lat/lon are 1D, create a 2D mesh # TODO: Assume the name for now. Must be found in attributes latvals = self.file.variables["latitude"] latvals = np.transpose(latvals, (1, 0)) if latvals.shape[0] == 0: raise RuntimeError("No latitude found for " + self.var_name) return latvals @property def lons(self): """Get lons. Raises: RuntimeError: No longitude found Returns: np.array: 2D array of longitudes """ lonvals = np.array([]) axis_types = self.axis_types for i, axis_type in enumerate(axis_types): if axis_type == Axis.LON: lonvals = self.file.variables[self.dim_names[i]] elif axis_type == Axis.GEOX: # TODO: if lat/lon are 1D, create a 2D mesh # TODO: Assume the name for now. Must be found in attributes lonvals = self.file.variables["longitude"] lonvals = np.transpose(lonvals, (1, 0)) if lonvals.shape[0] == 0: raise RuntimeError("No longitude found for " + self.var_name) return lonvals @property def datetimes(self): """Get datetimes. Raises: RuntimeError: cfunits not loaded! Returns: list() """ times = [] axis_types = self.axis_types for i, axis_type in enumerate(axis_types): if axis_type == Axis.TIME: val = self.file.variables[self.dim_names[i]] for tval in val: if cfunits is None: raise RuntimeError("cfunits not loaded!") epochtime = int( cfunits.Units.conform( tval, cfunits.Units(val.units), cfunits.Units("seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"), ) ) logging.debug("epoctime %s", epochtime) d_t = utcfromtimestamp(epochtime) logging.debug("dt %s", d_t) times.append(d_t) if len(times) == 0: logging.debug("No time found for %s", self.var_name) return times @property def times(self): """Get times. Returns: np.array: 1D array of times """ times = np.array([]) axis_types = self.axis_types for i, axis_type in enumerate(axis_types): if axis_type == Axis.TIME: times = self.file.variables[self.dim_names[i]] if times.shape[0] == 0: logging.debug("No time found for %s", self.var_name) return times @property def members(self): """Get members. Returns: np.array: 1D array of ensemble members """ members = np.array([]) axis_types = self.axis_types for i, axis_type in enumerate(axis_types): if axis_type == Axis.REALIZATION: members = self.file.variables[self.dim_names[i]] if members.shape[0] == 0: logging.debug("No ensemble members found for %s", self.var_name) return members @property def levels(self): """Get levels. Returns: np.array: 1D array of levels """ levels = np.array([]) axis_types = self.axis_types for i, axis_type in enumerate(axis_types): if self.is_level(axis_type): levels = self.file.variables[self.dim_names[i]] if levels.shape[0] == 0: logging.debug("No levels found for %s", self.var_name) return levels
[docs] @staticmethod def is_level(axis_type): """Check if is level. Args: axis_type (Axis): Acis type Returns: bool: If axis is a level type """ if ( axis_type == Axis.HEIGHT or axis_type == Axis.PESSURE or axis_type == Axis.GEOZ or axis_type == Axis.HYBRID ): return True else: return False
def create_netcdf_first_guess_template( my_variables, my_nx, my_ny, fname="", geo=None ): """Create netCDF template file for first guess. Args: my_variables (_type_): _description_ my_nx (_type_): _description_ my_ny (_type_): _description_ fname (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "". geo (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname) my_fg = netCDF4.Dataset(fname, "w") my_fg.createDimension("y", my_ny) my_fg.createDimension("x", my_nx) my_fg.createDimension("time", 1) my_fg.createVariable("time", "f8", "time") my_fg.variables["time"].long_name = "time" my_fg.variables["time"].standard_name = "time" my_fg.variables["time"].units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00" my_fg.createVariable("longitude", "f8", ("y", "x")) my_fg.variables["longitude"].units = "degree_east" my_fg.variables["longitude"].long_name = "longitude" my_fg.variables["longitude"].standard_name = "longitude" my_fg.createVariable("latitude", "f8", ("y", "x")) my_fg.variables["latitude"].units = "degree_north" my_fg.variables["latitude"].long_name = "latitude" my_fg.variables["latitude"].standard_name = "latitude" my_fg.createVariable("x", "f4", "x") my_fg.variables["x"].long_name = "x-coordinate in Cartesian system" my_fg.variables["x"].standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" my_fg.variables["x"].units = "m" my_fg.createVariable("y", "f4", "y") my_fg.variables["y"].long_name = "y-coordinate in Cartesian system" my_fg.variables["y"].standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" my_fg.variables["y"].units = "m" standard_name = { "air_temperature_2m": "air_temperature", "relative_humidity_2m": "relative_humidity", "altitude": "altitude", "surface_snow_thickness": "surface_snow_thickness", "sea_ice_thickness": "sea_ice_thickness", "surface_soil_moisture": "surface_soil_moisture", "cloud_base": "cloud_base", "land_area_fraction": "land_area_fraction", } long_name = { "air_temperature_2m": "Screen level temperature (T2M)", "relative_humidity_2m": "Screen level relative humidity (RH2M)", "altitude": "Altitude", "surface_snow_thickness": "Surface snow thickness", "sea_ice_thickness": "Sea ice thickness", "surface_soil_moisture": "Surface soil moisture", "cloud_base": "Cloud base", "land_area_fraction": "Land Area Fraction", } units = { "air_temperature_2m": "K", "relative_humidity_2m": "1", "altitude": "m", "surface_snow_thickness": "m", "sea_ice_thickness": "m", "surface_soil_moisture": "m3/m3", "cloud_base": "m", "land_area_fraction": "1", } fillvalue = { "air_temperature_2m": "9.96921e+36", "relative_humidity_2m": "9.96921e+36", "altitude": "9.96921e+36", "surface_snow_thickness": "9.96921e+36", "sea_ice_thickness": "9.96921e+36", "surface_soil_moisture": "9.96921e+36", "cloud_base": "9.96921e+36", "land_area_fraction": "9.96921e+36", } for my_var in my_variables: my_fg.createVariable(my_var, "f4", ("y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue[my_var]) my_fg.variables[my_var].long_name = long_name[my_var] my_fg.variables[my_var].standard_name = standard_name[my_var] my_fg.variables[my_var].units = units[my_var] # Global attributes if geo is not None: if isinstance(geo, ConfProj): my_fg.setncattr("gridtype", "lambert") my_fg.setncattr("dlon", float(geo.xdx)) my_fg.setncattr("dlat", float(geo.xdy)) my_fg.setncattr("projlat", float(geo.xlat0)) my_fg.setncattr("projlat2", float(geo.xlat0)) my_fg.setncattr("projlon", float(geo.xlon0)) my_fg.setncattr("lonc", float(geo.xloncen)) my_fg.setncattr("latc", float(geo.xlatcen)) return my_fg
[docs]def read_first_guess_netcdf_file(input_file, var): """Read netCDF first guess file. Args: input_file (_type_): _description_ var (_type_): _description_ Raises: NotImplementedError: Only conf proj implemented when reading geo from file RuntimeError: cfunits not loaded! Returns: tuple: geo, validtime, background, glafs, gelevs """ file_handler = netCDF4.Dataset(input_file) lons = file_handler["longitude"][:] lats = file_handler["latitude"][:] if cfunits is None: raise RuntimeError("cfunits not loaded!") validtime = int( cfunits.Units.conform( file_handler["time"][:], cfunits.Units(file_handler["time"].units), cfunits.Units("seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"), ) ) validtime = fromtimestamp(validtime) n_x = lons.shape[1] n_y = lons.shape[0] attrs = file_handler.ncattrs() if "gridtype" in attrs: if file_handler.getncattr("gridtype") == "lambert": from_json = { "nam_conf_proj_grid": { "nimax": n_x, "njmax": n_y, "xloncen": file_handler.getncattr("lonc"), "xlatcen": file_handler.getncattr("latc"), "xdx": file_handler.getncattr("dlon"), "xdy": file_handler.getncattr("dlat"), }, "nam_conf_proj": { "xlon0": file_handler.getncattr("projlon"), "xlat0": file_handler.getncattr("projlat"), }, } geo = ConfProj(from_json) else: raise NotImplementedError else: lons = np.array(np.transpose(np.reshape(lons, [n_y, n_x], order="F"))) lats = np.array(np.transpose(np.reshape(lats, [n_y, n_x], order="F"))) geo = Geo(lons, lats) background = file_handler[var][:] background = np.array(np.reshape(background, [n_x * n_y])) background = np.reshape(background, [n_y, n_x]) background = np.transpose(background) fill_value = file_handler.variables[var].getncattr("_FillValue")"Field %s got %s. Fill with nan", var, str(fill_value)) background[background == fill_value] = np.nan glafs = file_handler["land_area_fraction"][:] glafs = np.array(np.reshape(glafs, [n_x * n_y])) glafs = np.reshape(glafs, [n_y, n_x]) glafs = np.transpose(glafs) gelevs = file_handler["altitude"][:] gelevs = np.array(np.reshape(gelevs, [n_x * n_y])) gelevs = np.reshape(gelevs, [n_y, n_x]) gelevs = np.transpose(gelevs) file_handler.close() return geo, validtime, background, glafs, gelevs
def write_analysis_netcdf_file( filename, field, var, validtime, elevs, lafs, new_file=True, geo=None ): """Write analysis NetCDF file. Args: filename (_type_): _description_ field (_type_): _description_ var (_type_): _description_ validtime (_type_): _description_ elevs (_type_): _description_ lafs (_type_): _description_ new_file (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True. geo (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. Raises: Exception: _description_ """ file_handler = None if os.path.exists(filename): file_handler = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, mode="a") else: new_file = True if new_file: if geo is None: raise Exception("You need to provide geo to write a new file") file_handler = create_netcdf_first_guess_template( [var, "altitude", "land_area_fraction"], geo.nlons, geo.nlats, fname=filename, geo=geo, ) file_handler.variables["longitude"][:] = np.transpose(geo.lons) file_handler.variables["latitude"][:] = np.transpose(geo.lats) file_handler.variables["x"][:] = list(range(0, geo.nlons)) file_handler.variables["y"][:] = list(range(0, geo.nlats)) file_handler.variables["altitude"][:] = np.transpose(elevs) file_handler.variables["land_area_fraction"][:] = np.transpose(lafs) file_handler["time"][:] = float(validtime.strftime("%s")) fill_value = file_handler.variables[var].getncattr("_FillValue")"Field %s got nan. Fill with %s", var, str(fill_value)) field[np.where(np.isnan(field))] = fill_value file_handler[var][:] = np.transpose(field) file_handler.close()
[docs]def oi2soda(dtg, t2m=None, rh2m=None, s_d=None, s_m=None, output=None): """Convert analysis to ASCII obs file for SODA. Args: dtg (surfex.datetime_utils): Analysis time t2m (dict, optional): Screen level temperature var and file name. Defaults to None. rh2m (dict, optional): Screen level relative humidiy var and file name. Defaults to None. s_d (dict, optional): Snow depth var and file name. Defaults to None. s_m (dict, optional): Soil moisture var and file name. Defaults to None. output (str, optional): Output file name. Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: You must specify at least one file to read from RuntimeError: Mismatch in ?? dimension """ def check_input_to_soda_dimensions(my_nx, my_ny, nx1, ny1): if my_nx < 0: my_nx = nx1 if my_ny < 0: my_ny = ny1 if my_nx != nx1: raise RuntimeError( "Mismatch in nx dimension " + str(my_nx) + " != " + str(nx1) ) if my_ny != ny1: raise RuntimeError( "Mismatch in ny dimension " + str(my_ny) + " != " + str(ny1) ) return my_nx, my_ny cyy = dtg.strftime("%y") cmm = dtg.strftime("%m") cdd = dtg.strftime("%d") chh = dtg.strftime("%H") n_x = -1 n_y = -1 i = 0 t2m_var = None rh2m_var = None sd_var = None sm_var = None if t2m is not None: t2m_fh = netCDF4.Dataset(t2m["file"], "r") logging.debug("T2m %s %s", t2m["var"], t2m_fh.variables[t2m["var"]].shape) i = i + 1 n_x, n_y = check_input_to_soda_dimensions( n_x, n_y, t2m_fh.variables[t2m["var"]].shape[1], t2m_fh.variables[t2m["var"]].shape[0], ) t2m_var = t2m_fh.variables[t2m["var"]][:] logging.debug("%s %s", t2m_var.shape, n_x * n_y) t2m_var = t2m_var.reshape([n_y * n_x], order="C") t2m_var = t2m_var.filled(fill_value=999.0) t2m_var = t2m_var.tolist() if rh2m is not None: rh2m_fh = netCDF4.Dataset(rh2m["file"], "r") logging.debug("RH2m %s %s", rh2m["var"], rh2m_fh.variables[rh2m["var"]].shape) i = i + 1 n_x, n_y = check_input_to_soda_dimensions( n_x, n_y, rh2m_fh.variables[rh2m["var"]].shape[1], rh2m_fh.variables[rh2m["var"]].shape[0], ) rh2m_var = rh2m_fh.variables[rh2m["var"]][:] rh2m_var = rh2m_var.reshape([n_y * n_x], order="C") rh2m_var = rh2m_var.filled(fill_value=999.0) rh2m_var = rh2m_var.tolist() if s_d is not None: sd_fh = netCDF4.Dataset(s_d["file"], "r") logging.debug("SD %s %s", s_d["var"], sd_fh.variables[s_d["var"]].shape) i = i + 1 n_x, n_y = check_input_to_soda_dimensions( n_x, n_y, sd_fh.variables[s_d["var"]].shape[1], sd_fh.variables[s_d["var"]].shape[0], ) sd_var = sd_fh.variables[s_d["var"]][:] sd_var = sd_var.reshape([n_y * n_x], order="C") sd_var = sd_var.filled(fill_value=-999.0) sd_var = sd_var.tolist() if s_m is not None: sm_fh = netCDF4.Dataset(s_m["file"], "r") logging.debug("SM %s %s", s_m["var"], sm_fh.variables[s_m["var"]].shape) i = i + 1 n_x, n_y = check_input_to_soda_dimensions( n_x, n_y, sm_fh.variables[s_m["var"]].shape[1], sm_fh.variables[s_m["var"]].shape[0], ) sm_var = sm_fh.variables[s_m["var"]][:] sm_var = sm_var.reshape([n_y * n_x], order="C") sm_var = sm_var.filled(fill_value=999.0) sm_var = sm_var.tolist() if i == 0: raise RuntimeError("You must specify at least one file to read from!") if output is None: output = ( "OBSERVATIONS_" + str(cyy) + str(cmm) + str(cdd) + "H" + str(chh) + ".DAT" ) with open(output, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as out: for i in range(0, n_x * n_y): line = "" if t2m_var is not None: line = line + " " + str(t2m_var[i]) if rh2m_var is not None: line = line + " " + str(rh2m_var[i]) if sd_var is not None: line = line + " " + str(sd_var[i]) if sm_var is not None: line = line + " " + str(sm_var[i]) line = line + "\n" out.write(line) logging.debug("i %s", i)
[docs]def read_cryoclim_nc(infiles, cryo_varname="classed_value_c"): """Read crycoclim netCDF file. Args: infiles (list): Input files. cryo_varname (str, optional): Variable name in cryo file. Defaults to "classed_value_c" Raises: RuntimeError: "No files were read properly" Returns: tuple: grid_lons, grid_lats, grid_snow_class """ grid_lons = None grid_lats = None grid_snow_class = None for filename in infiles: if os.path.exists(filename):"Reading: %s", filename) ncf = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, "r") grid_lons = ncf["lon"][:] grid_lats = ncf["lat"][:] grid_snow_class_read = ncf[cryo_varname][:] if grid_snow_class is None: grid_snow_class = grid_snow_class_read ncf.close() else: logging.warning("Warning file %s does not exists", filename) if grid_lons is None or grid_lats is None or grid_snow_class is None: raise RuntimeError("No files were read properly") return grid_lons, grid_lats, grid_snow_class
[docs]def read_sentinel_nc(infiles): """Read sentinel nc files. Args: infiles (list): Input files. Raises: RuntimeError: "No files were read properly" Returns: tuple: longitudes, latitudes, soil moisture """ grid_lons = None grid_lats = None grid_sm = None for filename in infiles: if os.path.exists(filename):"Reading: %s", filename) nch = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, "r") grid_lons = nch["LON"][:] grid_lats = nch["LAT"][:] grid_sm = nch["surface_soil_moisture"][:] nch.close() else: logging.warning("Warning file %s does not exists", filename) if grid_lons is None or grid_lats is None or grid_sm is None: raise RuntimeError("No files were read properly") return grid_lons, grid_lats, grid_sm