Source code for pysurfex.obsmon

import logging

import numpy as np

    import sqlite3
except ImportWarning:
    sqlite3 = None
    logging.warning("Could not import sqlite3 modules")

from .datetime_utils import as_datetime
from .netcdf import read_first_guess_netcdf_file
from .obs import Observation
from .titan import Departure, dataset_from_file

[docs]def open_db(dbname): """Open database. Args: dbname (str): File name. Raises: RuntimeError: Need SQLite Returns: sqlite3.connect: A connection """ if sqlite3 is None: raise RuntimeError("You need SQLITE for obsmon") conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname) return conn
[docs]def close_db(conn): """Close data base connection. Args: conn (sqlite3.connect): Data base connection. """ conn.close()
[docs]def create_db(conn, modes, stat_cols): """Create data base. Args: conn (sqlite3.connect): Data base connection. modes (_type_): _description_ stat_cols (_type_): _description_ """ cursor = conn.cursor() # Create usage table cmd = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS usage (DTG INT, obnumber INT, obname CHAR(20), " "satname CHAR(20), varname CHAR(20), level INT, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT, " "statid CHAR(20), obsvalue FLOAT, fg_dep FLOAT, an_dep FLOAT, biascrl FLOAT, " "active INT, rejected INT, passive INT, blacklisted INT, anflag INT)" ) cursor.execute(cmd) # Create obsmon table cmd = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS obsmon (DTG INT, obnumber INT, obname CHAR(20), " "satname CHAR(20), varname CHAR(20), level INT, passive INT" ) for mode in modes: for col in stat_cols: cmd = cmd + "," + col + "_" + mode + " FLOAT" cmd = cmd + ")" cursor.execute(cmd) cursor.execute( """CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS obsmon_index on usage(DTG,obnumber,obname)""" ) # Save (commit) the changes conn.commit()
[docs]def populate_usage_db(conn, dtg, varname, observations): """Populate usage. Args: conn (_type_): _description_ dtg (_type_): _description_ varname (_type_): _description_ observations (_type_): _description_ """"Update usage") obnumber = "1" obname = "synop" satname = "undef" level = "0" cursor = conn.cursor() # Insert a row of data def obs2vectors(my_obs): return ( my_obs.lons, my_obs.lats, my_obs.stids, my_obs.elevs, my_obs.values, my_obs.flags, my_obs.fg_dep, my_obs.an_dep, ) vectors = np.vectorize(obs2vectors) lons, lats, stids, __, values, flags, fg_deps, an_deps = vectors(observations) for i, lon_val in enumerate(lons): lon = Observation.format_lon(lon_val) lat = Observation.format_lat(lats[i]) stid = str(stids[i]) if stid == "NA": stid = "NULL" value = str(values[i]) if value == "nan": value = "NULL" if value == "NULL": fg_dep = "NULL" an_dep = "NULL" else: if np.isnan(fg_deps[i]): fg_dep = "NULL" else: fg_dep = str(fg_deps[i]) if np.isnan(an_deps[i]): an_dep = "NULL" else: an_dep = str(an_deps[i]) status = str(int(flags[i])) if status == "0": status = "1" cmd = ( "INSERT INTO usage VALUES(" + str(dtg) + "," + obnumber + ',"' + obname + '","' + satname + '","' + varname + '",' + level + "," + lat + "," + lon + "," + stid + "," + value + "," + fg_dep + "," + an_dep + ",0,0,0,0,0," + status + ")" ) cursor.execute(cmd) # Save (commit) the changes conn.commit()"Updated usage")
[docs]def rmse(predictions, targets): """Root mean square error. Args: predictions (_type_): _description_ targets (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if len(predictions) > 0: return np.sqrt(np.nanmean(((predictions - targets) ** 2))) else: return "NULL"
[docs]def absbias(predictions): """Absolute bias. Args: predictions (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if len(predictions) > 0: return np.nanmean(abs(predictions)) else: return "NULL"
[docs]def mean(predictions): """Mean. Args: predictions (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if len(predictions) > 0: return np.nanmean(predictions) else: return "NULL"
[docs]def calculate_statistics(observations, modes, stat_cols): """Statistics. Args: observations (_type_): _description_ modes (_type_): _description_ stat_cols (_type_): _description_ Raises: NotImplementedError: _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ values = [] for i in range(0, len(observations.flags)): values.append(observations.values[i]) statistics = {} for mode in modes: fg_dep = [] an_dep = [] obs = [] for i, value in enumerate(values): land = observations.lafs[i] use = False if observations.flags[i] == 0: use = True if mode == "total": use = True if mode == "land" and land == 1: use = True if mode == "sea" and land == 0: use = True if use: obs.append(value) if not np.isnan(observations.fg_dep[i]): fg_dep.append(observations.fg_dep[i]) else: fg_dep.append(np.nan) if not np.isnan(observations.an_dep[i]): an_dep.append(observations.an_dep[i]) else: an_dep.append(np.nan) fg_dep = np.asarray(fg_dep) an_dep = np.asarray(an_dep) obs = np.asarray(obs) for col in stat_cols: tab = col + "_" + mode if col == "nobs": statistics.update({tab: len(obs)}) elif col == "fg_bias": statistics.update({tab: mean(fg_dep)}) elif col == "fg_abs_bias": statistics.update({tab: absbias(fg_dep)}) elif col == "fg_rms": statistics.update({tab: rmse(np.add(fg_dep, obs), obs)}) elif col == "fg_dep": statistics.update({tab: mean(fg_dep)}) elif col == "fg_uncorr": statistics.update({tab: mean(fg_dep)}) elif col == "bc": statistics.update({tab: 0}) elif col == "an_bias": statistics.update({tab: mean(an_dep)}) elif col == "an_abs_bias": statistics.update({tab: absbias(an_dep)}) elif col == "an_rms": statistics.update({tab: rmse(np.add(an_dep, obs), obs)}) elif col == "an_dep": statistics.update({tab: mean(an_dep)}) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not defined " + col) return statistics
[docs]def populate_obsmon_db(conn, dtg, statistics, modes, stat_cols, varname): """Populate obsmon. Args: conn (_type_): _description_ dtg (_type_): _description_ statistics (_type_): _description_ modes (_type_): _description_ stat_cols (_type_): _description_ varname (_type_): _description_ Raises: Exception: _description_ """"Update obsmon table") obnumber = "1" obname = "synop" satname = "undef" level = "0" cursor = conn.cursor() cmd = ( "SELECT * FROM obsmon WHERE DTG==" # noqa + dtg + " AND obnumber==" + obnumber + ' AND obname =="' + obname + '" AND varname=="' + varname + '" AND LEVEL == ' + level ) # noqa cursor.execute(cmd) records = len(cursor.fetchall()) if records > 1: raise Exception("You should not have ", records, " in your database") if records == 0: cmd = ( "INSERT INTO obsmon VALUES(" + dtg + "," + obnumber + ',"' + obname + '","' + satname + '","' + varname + '",' + level + ",0" ) else: cmd = "UPDATE obsmon SET " first = True for mode in modes: for col in stat_cols: tab = col + "_" + mode if records == 0: cmd = cmd + "," + str(statistics[tab]) + "" else: if first: cmd = cmd + "" + tab + "=" + str(statistics[tab]) else: cmd = cmd + "," + tab + "=" + str(statistics[tab]) first = False if records == 0: cmd = cmd + ")" else: cmd = ( cmd + " WHERE DTG==" + dtg + " AND obnumber==" + obnumber + ' AND obname=="' + obname + '" AND varname=="' + varname + '" AND LEVEL == ' + level ) cursor.execute(cmd) # Save (commit) the changes conn.commit()
[docs]def write_obsmon_sqlite_file(**kwargs): """Write obsmon sqlite file.""" modes = ["total", "land", "sea"] stat_cols = [ "nobs", "fg_bias", "fg_abs_bias", "fg_rms", "fg_dep", "fg_uncorr", "bc", "an_bias", "an_abs_bias", "an_rms", "an_dep", ] an_time = kwargs["dtg"] if isinstance(an_time, str): an_time = as_datetime(an_time) dtg = an_time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") varname = kwargs["varname"] dbname = kwargs["output"] operator = "bilinear" if "operator" in kwargs: operator = kwargs["operator"] q_c = kwargs["qc"] obs_titan = dataset_from_file(an_time, q_c, skip_flags=[150]) conn = open_db(dbname) create_db(conn, modes, stat_cols) fg_file = kwargs["fg_file"] fg_var = kwargs["file_var"] an_file = kwargs["an_file"] an_var = kwargs["file_var"] # Only first guess file implemented at the moment geo_in, __, an_field, __, __ = read_first_guess_netcdf_file(an_file, an_var) geo_in, __, fg_field, __, __ = read_first_guess_netcdf_file(fg_file, fg_var) fg_dep = Departure( operator, geo_in, obs_titan, fg_field, "first_guess" ).get_departure() an_dep = Departure(operator, geo_in, obs_titan, an_field, "analysis").get_departure() obs_titan = dataset_from_file( an_time, q_c, skip_flags=[150, 199], fg_dep=fg_dep, an_dep=an_dep ) populate_usage_db(conn, dtg, varname, obs_titan) populate_obsmon_db( conn, dtg, calculate_statistics(obs_titan, modes, stat_cols), modes, stat_cols, varname, ) close_db(conn)