Source code for pysurfex.platform_deps

"""Platform dependent settings."""
import json
import logging
import os

from .datetime_utils import as_datetime

[docs]class SystemFilePaths(object): """Matches files and paths depending on possibly system specific settings. User can provide a default system dir to nest dependencies. """
[docs] def __init__(self, system_file_paths): """Construct SystemFilePaths. Args: system_file_paths (_type_): _description_ """ self.system_file_paths = system_file_paths
def get_system_path( self, dtype, default_dir=None, check_existence=False, check_parsing=False, validtime=None, basedtg=None, mbr=None, tstep=None, pert=None, var=None, ): """Get the system path for a given data type. Args: dtype (str): The data type you want to get the path for (clim_dir/bin_dir etc) default_dir (str): A fallback if the desired dtype is not found check_existence (bool): Check if the path found also exists check_parsing (bool): Check if parsing was successful (all @@ pairs substituted) validtime (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as valid time basedtg (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as base time mbr (int): Parse setting with this as ensemble member tstep (int): Parse setting with this as time step pert (int): Parse setting with this as pertubation number var (str): Parse setting with this as variable Returns: data_dir (str): Raises: RuntimeError: If path not found and check_existence is True See Also: self.parse_setting """ logging.debug("Search for: %s Default: %s", dtype, str(default_dir)) data_dir = self.find_matching_data_dir( dtype, default_dir=default_dir, check_existence=check_existence, check_parsing=check_parsing, validtime=validtime, basedtg=basedtg, mbr=mbr, tstep=tstep, pert=pert, var=var, ) if data_dir is None: if default_dir is None: raise RuntimeError("No system path found for " + dtype) logging.debug("Find default path") data_dir = self.find_matching_data_dir( default_dir, default_dir=default_dir, check_existence=check_existence, check_parsing=check_parsing, validtime=validtime, basedtg=basedtg, mbr=mbr, tstep=tstep, pert=pert, var=var, ) if data_dir is None: logging.debug("No default path found for %s", default_dir) logging.debug("data_dir %s", data_dir) return data_dir def find_matching_data_dir( self, dtype, default_dir=None, check_existence=False, check_parsing=False, validtime=None, basedtg=None, mbr=None, tstep=None, pert=None, var=None, ): """Find a matching path from the system path for a given data type. Args: dtype (str): The data type you want to get the path for (clim_dir/bin_dir etc) default_dir (str): A fallback if the desired dtype is not found check_existence (bool): Check if the path found also exists check_parsing (bool): Check if parsing was successful (all @@ pairs substituted) validtime (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as valid time basedtg (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as base time mbr (int): Parse setting with this as ensemble member tstep (int): Parse setting with this as time step pert (int): Parse setting with this as pertubation number var (str): Parse setting with this as variable Returns: data_dir (str): Raises: ValueError: data dir is not a string! NotADirectoryError: Not a directory See Also: self.parse_setting """ command = None for sfp in self.system_file_paths: if sfp == dtype: logging.debug("Found %s %s %s", sfp, type(sfp), self.system_file_paths) data_dir = self.system_file_paths[sfp] # If dict, also a command is attached if isinstance(data_dir, dict): for key in data_dir: logging.debug(key, data_dir[key]) command = str(data_dir[key]) data_dir = str(key) logging.debug("Data directory before parsing is: %s", data_dir) if not isinstance(data_dir, str): raise ValueError("data dir is not a string!") data_dir = self.parse_setting( self.substitute_string(data_dir), check_parsing=check_parsing, validtime=validtime, basedtg=basedtg, mbr=mbr, tstep=tstep, pert=pert, var=var, ) # Add command to data_dir again if command is not None: data_dir = {data_dir: command} logging.debug("Data directory after parsing is is: %s", data_dir) if check_existence: if not os.path.exists(data_dir) and default_dir is None: raise NotADirectoryError(data_dir) return data_dir return None def get_system_file( self, dtype, fname, default_dir=None, check_existence=False, check_parsing=False, validtime=None, basedtg=None, mbr=None, tstep=None, pert=None, var=None, system_variables=None, ): """Get the system path for a given data type and add a file name to the path. Args: dtype (str): The data type you want to get the path for (clim_dir/bin_dir etc) fname (str): Name of the file you want to join to the system path default_dir (str): A fallback if the desired dtype is not found check_existence (bool): Check if the path found also exists check_parsing (bool): Check if parsing was successful (all @@ pairs substituted) validtime (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as valid time basedtg (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as base time mbr (int): Parse setting with this as ensemble member tstep (int): Parse setting with this as time step pert (int): Parse setting with this as pertubation number var (str): Parse setting with this as variable system_variables (dict): Arbitrary settings to substitute @NAME@ = system_variables={"NAME": "Value"} Raises: FileNotFoundError: If file not found Returns: data_dir (str): See Also: self.parse_setting self.substitute_string """ command = None path = self.get_system_path( dtype, default_dir=default_dir, check_existence=check_existence, check_parsing=check_parsing, validtime=validtime, basedtg=basedtg, mbr=mbr, tstep=tstep, pert=pert, var=var, ) # If dict, also a command is attached if isinstance(path, dict): for key in path: command = str(path[key]) path = str(key) fname = self.parse_setting( fname, check_parsing=check_parsing, validtime=validtime, basedtg=basedtg, mbr=mbr, tstep=tstep, pert=pert, var=var, ) fname = self.substitute_string(fname, system_variables=system_variables) if path is None:"No path found for: %s", dtype) else: fname = path + "/" + fname if check_existence: if not os.path.exists(fname): raise FileNotFoundError(fname) if command is not None: fname = {fname: command} return fname @staticmethod def parse_setting( setting, check_parsing=False, validtime=None, basedtg=None, mbr=None, tstep=None, pert=None, var=None, micro="@", ): """Parse setting with date/time/experiment specific values. Args: setting (str): The value of dictionary key which should be processes. Parser if type is str. check_parsing (bool): Check if all @@ pairs were parsed validtime (datetime.daetime): Parse setting with this as validtime basedtg (datetime.datetime): Parse setting with this as base time mbr (int): Parse setting with this as ensemble member number (@E@/@EE@/@EEE@) tstep (int): Parse setting with this as timestep to get step number (@TTT@/@TTTT@) pert (int): Parse setting with this as perturbation number @PERT@ var (str): Parse setting with this as the variable (@VAR@) micro (str, optional): Micro character. Defaults to "@" Raises: RuntimeError: Setting was not substituted properly? Returns: setting: Possibly parsed setting is type is str See Also: self.parse_setting self.substitute_string """ # Check on arguments if isinstance(setting, str): if basedtg is not None: if isinstance(basedtg, str): basedtg = as_datetime(basedtg) if validtime is not None: if isinstance(validtime, str): validtime = as_datetime(validtime) else: validtime = basedtg if basedtg is not None and validtime is not None: lead_time = validtime - basedtg setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}YYYY_LL{micro}", validtime.strftime("%Y") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}YY_LL{micro}", validtime.strftime("%y") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}MM_LL{micro}", validtime.strftime("%m") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}DD_LL{micro}", validtime.strftime("%d") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}HH_LL{micro}", validtime.strftime("%H") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}mm_LL{micro}", validtime.strftime("%M") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}FG_YYYY{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%Y") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}FG_YY{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%y") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}FG_MM{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%m") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}FG_DD{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%d") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}FG_HH{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%H") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}FG_mm{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%M") ) lead_seconds = int(lead_time.total_seconds()) lead_hours = int(lead_seconds / 3600) setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}LL{micro}", f"{lead_hours:02d}") setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}LLL{micro}", f"{lead_hours:03d}") setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}LLLL{micro}", f"{lead_hours:04d}") if tstep is not None: lead_step = int(lead_seconds / tstep) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}TTT{micro}", f"{lead_step:03d}" ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}TTTT{micro}", f"{lead_step:04d}" ) if basedtg is not None: setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}YMD{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%Y%m%d") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}YYYY{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%Y") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}YY{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%y") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}MM{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%m") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}DD{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%d") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}HH{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%H") ) setting = str(setting).replace( f"{micro}mm{micro}", basedtg.strftime("%M") ) if mbr is not None: setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}E{micro}", f"mbr{int(mbr):d}") setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}EE{micro}", f"mbr{int(mbr):02d}") setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}EEE{micro}", f"mbr{int(mbr):03d}") else: setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}E{micro}", "") setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}EE{micro}", "") setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}EEE{micro}", "") if pert is not None: logging.debug("replace %s in %s", pert, setting) setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}PERT{micro}", str(pert)) logging.debug("replaced %s in %s", pert, setting) if var is not None: setting = str(setting).replace(f"{micro}VAR{micro}", var) if check_parsing: if isinstance(setting, str) and setting.count(f"{micro}") > 1: raise RuntimeError("Setting was not substituted properly? " + setting) return setting
[docs] @staticmethod def substitute_string(setting, system_variables=None, micro="@"): """Substitute setting if string with OS values of values from system_variables. Args: setting (str): if setting is string it can be subst system_variables (dict): Arbitrary settings to substitute @NAME@ = system_variables={"NAME": "Value"} micro (str, optional): Micro character. Default to "@" Returns: setting: A setting possibly substituted if type is str """ if isinstance(setting, str): env_vals = ["USER", "HOME", "PWD"] for env_val in env_vals: if env_val in os.environ: setting = setting.replace( f"{micro}" + env_val + f"{micro}", os.environ[env_val] ) else: logging.debug("%s not found in environment", env_val) if system_variables is not None: logging.debug(system_variables) for var in system_variables: logging.debug(var, system_variables) setting = setting.replace( f"{micro}" + str(var) + f"{micro}", str(system_variables[var]) ) return setting
def add_system_file_path( self, name, path, system_variables=None, check_parsing=True, validtime=None, basedtg=None, mbr=None, tstep=None, pert=None, var=None, ): """Add a system file path to be used. Args: name (str): The data type you want to get the path for (clim_dir/bin_dir etc) path (str): Name of the file you want to join to the system path system_variables (dict): Arbitrary settings to substitute @NAME@ = system_variables= {"NAME": "Value"} check_parsing (bool): Check if parsing was successful (all @@ pairs substituted) validtime (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as valid time basedtg (as_datetime): Parse setting with this as base time mbr (int): Parse setting with this as ensemble member tstep (int): Parse setting with this as time step pert (int): Parse setting with this as pertubation number var (str): Parse setting with this as variable See Also: self.parse_setting self.substitute_string """ path = self.substitute_string(path, system_variables=system_variables) path = self.parse_setting( path, check_parsing=check_parsing, validtime=validtime, basedtg=basedtg, mbr=mbr, tstep=tstep, pert=pert, var=var, ) self.system_file_paths.update({name: path})
[docs]class SystemFilePathsFromFile(SystemFilePaths): """System file paths."""
[docs] def __init__(self, system_file_paths): """System file path from a file. Args: system_file_paths (_type_): _description_ """ system_file_paths = json.load(open(system_file_paths, "r", encoding="utf-8")) SystemFilePaths.__init__(self, system_file_paths)