subroutine LL2PROJ(lon_in, lat_in, x_out, y_out, projection_attributes_out, projection_type_out)
! Definitions only needed for the identification indexes
double precision, intent(in) :: projection_attributes_out(10)
real, intent(out) :: x_out, y_out
integer, intent(in) :: projection_type_out
real, intent(in) :: lon_in,lat_in
integer :: utm_zone_out
real :: ltm_lon0_out
if (projection_type_out .eq. RDM_projection_index) then
write(unit_logfile,'(A)') ' ERROR: Conversion from lon-lat to RDM projection is not implemented"'
else if (projection_type_out .eq. UTM_projection_index) then
utm_zone_out = floor(projection_attributes_out(1) + 0.5)
call ll2utm(1, utm_zone_out, lat_in, lon_in, y_out, x_out)
else if (projection_type_out .eq. LTM_projection_index) then
utm_zone_out = floor(projection_attributes_out(1) + 0.5)
ltm_lon0_out = projection_attributes_out(2)
call ll2ltm(1, ltm_lon0_out, lat_in, lon_in, y_out, x_out) !?????????
else if (projection_type_out .eq. LAEA_projection_index) then
call LL2LAEA(x_out, y_out, lon_in, lat_in, projection_attributes_out)
else if (projection_type_out .eq. LCC_projection_index) then
call lb2lambert2_uEMEP(x_out, y_out, lon_in, lat_in, projection_attributes_out)
else if (projection_type_out .eq. PS_projection_index) then
call LL2PS_spherical(x_out, y_out, lon_in, lat_in, projection_attributes_out)
else if (projection_type_out .eq. LL_projection_index) then
x_out = lon_in
y_out = lat_in
write(unit_logfile, '(A,I0)') 'ERROR: This projection type index is not implemented:', projection_type_out
end if
end subroutine LL2PROJ